
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


Letter to the Owner- Clarification of the deviation of the Questioner Zubair Abbassi

Asalaamu Alaikum

To clear your confusion - to name a business with a taghooti name like sindh shahbaz is by ijmaa of the ulama not permissible. This Ijmaa has been mentioned by Ibn Hazm and I sent the proof before. So therefore there is no new ijtihaad from any shaykh that is required with regards to this question. As for the lying deceiving Zubair who is narrating to you deceptively and saying the mashaykh are with him then let this liar bring forth the proofs if indeed he is truthful . We cannot take his narration seriously as you know the context he wrote his deceptive question which was full of lies and compound ignorance showing lack of sincerity. His false claim that the mashaykh are with him will be exposed if he is unable to bring a fatwa that legalises this taghooti name Sindh Shahbaz to be used for business purposes.

قال ابن حزم :اتفقوا على تحريم كل اسم معبد لغيرالله كعبد عمرو و عبد الكعبةو ما أشبه ذلك حاشى عبد المطلب

And the following I wrote to indicate the deceptive nature of this individual known as Zubair Abbassi so you don't take him as a link or depend on him for your deen.If this person is untrustworthy with respect to such an important matter which relates to ones Tawheed and shirk then how about anything less!

قال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية :

"من خالف الكتاب والسنة أو ما أجمع عليه السلف خلافاً لا يعذر فيه فهذا يعامل بما يعامل به أهل البدع"



Shaykh ul Islaam Ibn Taymiyah said

Whoever opposes the Book and the Sunnah or that which there is consensus upon between the salafi(Ijmaa) in a way then he is not excused and he is to be dealt with how the people of innovation are dealt with.

قال ابن عون رحمه الله :

" إذا غلب الهوى على القلب استحسن الرجل ما كان يستقبحه ".

الإبانة الصغرى (٢٣١)

Ibn Awn said :

If ones heart is overcome by desire it will approve that which it used to disapprove.


It's important to mention a very significant point is that the initial fitnah which occurred (shaykh Abdul qadir Junaid alleged fatwa making this name permissible ) was precisely due to the fact that the question was misunderstood and hence the answer based on that was incorrect and later rejected by the shaykh himself.

So therefore one would need to be very precise in his question , check it again and again in order to avoid further fitnah happening and to be truthful as is commanded by Allaah . It is here that the true picture emerges the deception , the lies and insincerity of the questioner , whom on purpose tried to score victory for the shirk-based taghooti name sindh shahbaz . The questioner was trying his best to obtain a fatwa that would invalidate the original fatwa I had obtained and spread . Why would any individual try so hard by using deceit and lies to justify this shirk based name - it's beyond my imagination perhaps only he can shed the principles that he acts upon.

What is more ironic is that this individual is very close to the owner hence can verify and confirm everything so therefore he does not have an excuse of ignorance in this issue . Rather it was predetermined effort based on his desires to seek to justify this name by any means necessary - and this trait is the trait of the ahlul bidaah and desires.

If anyone has any kind of doubt of what happened then he is free to approach shaykh Abdullah al dhafeeri and confirm just like they confirmed the first time his fatwa .

The questioner Zubair asks is there ijmaa on this ? Why , is it that if anyone said there is no ijmaa then the door is open for you to make your ijtihaad and therefore justify the shirk-based name ? Or is it because I personally had quoted from Ibn hazm that there is ijmaa and he wanted to discredit that claim which is found in fath ul majeed.

What's more pathetic is that when I asked shaykh Arafat he was astonished I was asking this question i.e. that any salafi would try to hunt for a fatwa to justify this shirk-based name and secondly he said these things are known issues that you do not advertise the name of a shrine .

If knowingly advertising the name of a hizbee shaykh a person is aligned alongside the hizbiyoon then how about if one was to advertise the name of a filthy Sufi shrine. How can that be permissible ? And the name is a trademark (not in the context of the business but it's become a well known name referring to the shrine. Just like when he say Shaykh ul islaam we mean Ibn Taymiyah although there are many Shaykh ul islaam not just one - when we say Imaam Ahlus Sunnah we refer to Imaam Ahmad - when we say Imaam Dar ul hijrah we mean Imaam Malik or when we say Albani - referring to a person from Albania but we mean the Muhaddith Albani ..so these names become "trademark" status....like with the kuffar they say Lawrence of Arabia ....and likewise the Shahbaz of Sindh)

All this is evident of the fact that the foolish minded questioner has personal agendas which range from trying to please the restaurant owner at any cost even if that cost is to ruin his Hereafter and at the same time trying to discredit me even if that means resorting to lies .

As is the sunnah of Allaah that through every fitnah a group is exposed so that the believers become aware of them and safeguard themselves from their fitnah and harms - here by the permission of Allaah - the shameless questioner was exposed .

I urge him to make a true repentance acknowledging his deceit , his lies and not to resort to further lies and play politics. Despite knowing your deceptive question was unauthorised you went ahead and asked the mashaykh and this actions of yours is not befitting for a salafi. Why is that you were unable to present the question that the owner intended to ask - because you knew that the answer to that will not conform to your desires! The owner had written his sincere truthful question on the 11th December while you wrote your deceptive, dishonest, treacherous question on the 15th(sent out)- the question was completely changed and blatantly contradicting the question of the owner .Is this sincerity ? Is this being truthful ?Or is it betrayal ?Or is it deception ?Despite his repentance you were still casting doubts on him that its permissible and actively calling brothers to boycott us. Whereas the reader will come to know you were the only criminal creating chaos and fitnah between brothers.

Zubair Abbassi highly deficient , deceptive question

Zubairs Message sent to Shaykh Abdullah Al-Dhafeeri sent to the shaykh after the owner of the restaurant had already wrote the official question many days earlier- and the 2 questions contradict each other. The owner Irfan was truthful and the deceiver Zubair Abbassi was lying .

Dated 15th December 2014

اسلام عليكم ورحمة الله،

احسن الله اليكم،

يوجد أحد الإخوة السلفيين من أصل باكستاني و اشترى مطعما في مدينة الشارقة من صاحبي المطعم الأسبقين احدهما كان هندوسيا اسمه سِنَد والثانى مسلم اسمه شاه باز فسميا المطعم 'سِنَد شاه باز' على اسميهما ولكن تغير الاسم الى سِنْد شاه باز في الكتابة خاصة في انكليزية:

Sinad Shahbaz and Sindh Shahbaz

و في باكستان منطقة باسم سِنْد. وفيه مزار يتخذونه القبوريون وثنا و هذه الضريحة على اسم وليهم' لَعل شَاه باز قَلَنْدَر'.

مع علم بأن الاسم شاه باز (معنى مَلِك باز) اسم عَلَم عام متداول عند الباكستانيين و الهنود و ليس خاصا بذلك الشخص كأسماء حسين أو أحمد أو علي

وقد يتبادر إلى ذهن بعض من يمارس الشركيات أن هذا المطعم سُمي على هذا الوثن لكنهم قلة و خاصة أن المطعم في بلاد الامارات و أن اسم المطعم مجرد لا يقتضي ذلك و الأغلبية الذين يزورون هذا المطعم لا يتصورون أن المطعم سُمي على اسم صاحب تلك الضريحة خصوصا و أن الناس إذا قصدوا الضريحة يذكرونها باسمه المعروف وهو 'مزار لعل شاه باز قلندر'.

لأن الاسم شاه باز كما ذكرت اسم علم عام للذكور في باكستان وما حولها.

أيضا شيخنا زوار المطعم ليس كلهم من قارة الهندية فقط بل يزوره العرب والعجم والفرنج ودونهم

و المطعم له ١٥ عام منذ إنشائه ثم اشتراه هذا الاخ المذكور وما جاء هذا الاشكال بان هذا الاسم قد يفهم منه هذه الأضرحة الا قبل ٣/٤ سنوات من قبل البعض الذين يدعون بان إذا قيل سند شاه باز لا يتصور الا ذاك الوثن. وطول هذا الوقت و لم يأت أحد وسأل أو هنأ اصحاب المطعم على ارتباطه بالوثن أبدا. فما حكم اسم هذا المطعم؟ وهل هذا يعتبر تعظيما للقبور؟ وهل فيه غش للمسلمين؟ وهل هناك اجماع العلماء على تحريم بتسمية الاسماء هي في الأصل جايزة لكنها اتخذت أسماء الأوثان؟ واذا كذلك فما بال الاسماء مثل عيسى ومريم وعلي وحسن وحسين وفاطمة وما بال اسماء العائلة كبدوي وجيلاني وجنيد وتسمية شركات عليها؟ اجيبونا ماجورين.

( Answer by Shaykh Abdullah Al-Dhafeeri mentioning that I had said to you (in his original fatwa ) that this is not permissible and in it there is honouring of that which is worshipped besides Allaah , and the owner of the restaurant knows this and he himself acknowledged that people asked him is this name named after the Mazaar Shahbaz Qalander Sindh.( the vast majority of the people who would assume the link would not ask the owner )

ياأخي قلت لكم هذا لايجوز ففيه تعظيم لما عُبد من دون الله،وصاحب المطعم نفسه يعلم هذا وأقر بنفسه أن الناس يسألونه هل اسم المطعم هذا هو على مزار شباز قلندر سند.

وأرسل لك إقراره بهذا الذي كتبه بيده

We had purchased a Restaurant several years back in Sharjah. By the name of Sindh Shahbaz. It had been brought to our notice for a period of over three years that the name due to it being linked to a shrine in Pakistan could entail us honouring the graves/tombs. The fact that people link this name to the tomb in Pakistan is not hidden from us as we have been approached by general people and Salafis where they have asked is this restaurant named after the Shahbaz Qalandar from Sindh.

End of Answer of the Shaykh

Furthermore he tries to employ more deceptive means by saying it is in the emirates and so what ?Look at the demographics of the emirates the biggest 2 expat nationals are most likely from Pakistan and India and within them most are from a Sufi background - whereas the owner clearly mentions that this is the case that a large community of Sindhis live in the uae. Zubair says indeed the restaurant name on its own does not refer to that shrine -- again employing deception ask anyone who is the shahbaz of sindh?? Even Google will take you to this shrine so this person lies after lies - shamelessly . People on some UAE food forums whom rate restaurants have been making posts by the name Qalander etc directly referring to the mushrik shrine of shahbaz qalander of sindh. Type in YouTube just the name sindh shahbaz and look at the results and the owner is aware of this and has never denied it. Then he ignorantly asks names like Isa Alayhi salaam and Hassan Radia Allaah anhu and others are worshipped so do they fall under this category. Is he unable to differ between the name of the righteous who are free from those whom worship them and name of these taghooti shia rafidah/sufi mushriks? These names like Isaa Alayhi salaam are not names of taghoot but names of righteous people and the Prophets who never asked the people to worship them - here he tried to cite his doubts based on ignorance to sway a ruling ! Had he bothered to read usool ul thalatha the chapter on taghoot he would not try to use this doubt but due to his sheer determination to achieve a victory for himself and the name sindh shahbaz he was willing to do anything ? What is he trying to do ? Be a western styled lawyer for the restaurant ?? And who told you to interfere and present your question which was entirely based on deception, lies ,trickery and most importantly not approved by the owner of the restaurant ? Is it an action you deem would help you to get close to Allaah - an action which using all your might you tried to legitimize a name hated by Allaah - the name of the biggest shrine where the filthy mushriks come for "Hajj". Did you even consider the consequences of your actions ? Did you even consider the brother would have fallen into facilitating shirk ; would be honouring the graves had you obtained a fatwa in your ( and not his ) favour ? And what would be the ruling on you as the facilitator for this evil ?? You would still consider yourself to be an upright trustworthy salafi but NO - Allaah the most wise exposed you !!

Then foolish people like you carry out campaigns for aiding themselves and calling to boycott the truthful salafis who refuted this batil. The reader should have no doubt whatsoever that this individual only desired corruption -and not any type of corruption but corruption of the aqeedah - he intentionally wrote a question which was totally different to what the owner had wrote and sent to some brothers .               Know that every fitnah is a test of truthfulness - the people of truth are raised for aiding the haqq and people of falsehood are humiliated.                               And you say كلمة الحق و يريد بها الباطل .                                         You say all these names are worshipped which is true but are they in the same category as the person known as shahbaz qalander who was a Sufi/Shia deviant of the shurwasadi tareeqa.           As this conversation indicates that this fool was clearly not happy with the fatwa which was anti-shirk ;anti -shrine ; pro-tawheed and was based on clear knowledge from the Quran and sunnah upon the manhaj of the salaf-us-salih . He accused us of pulling strings which is exactly what he did after manufacturing this question.       قل هاتوا برهانكم ان كُنتُم صادقين

So he accuses us of doing things behind the scenes ! I say to him bring forth your proof if you indeed are truthful !

The reader can easily see there is no discrepancy between my question and the question of the owner ! It's your question based on deception and lies ! Due to the severity of the mistake and the consequences of it , I felt it was absolutely necessary to write a clarification especially considering the fact that some brothers had boycotted us and unjustly accused us of being the fitnah makers all allegations based on this questioner distortions , lies and deception. We ask Allaah the All-knowing that he gives those brothers whom opposed the haqq the tawfeeq to return back to the haqq !                                           It is not befitting for a salafi to sway towards an entity in opposition to the haqq purely for the sake of the dunya ! Zubair insisted his question should be the one that should be asked rather than the correct truthful sincere question written by the owner but the owner fearing Allaah refused to go along with Zubair's deception. I ask was this some sort of business transaction that if you accept my false ,fake ,deceptive question I can guarantee you a fatwa?

     : قال حذيفة رضي الله عنه: "اعلم أن الضلالة حق الضلالة أن تعرف ما كنت تنكر، وأن تنكر ما كنت تعرف، وإياك والتلون، فإن دين الله واحد"

الإبانة: 25

Of which the meaning is

Hudaifah said

Know that the misguidance which has the true right to be called misguidance (pure misguidance which has no excuse) - is to know that which you used to deny and deny that which you used to know, do not change (changing colours -play around as per ones desires) as Indeed the Religion of Allaah is One( it does not change according to one's desires)

The Question was asked by the Restaurant Owner - which is a truthful question.

Dated 11th December 2014



We had purchased a Restuarant several years back in Sharjah. By the name of Sindh Shahbaz. It had been brought to our notice for a period of over three years that the name due to it being linked to a shrine in Pakistan could entail us honouring the graves/tombs.  The fact that people link this name to the tomb in Pakistan is not hidden from us as we have been approached by general people and Salafis where they have asked is this restaurant named after the Shahbaz  Qalandar from Sindh. 


The Saint in Sindh was called Shahbaz Qalandar. And our restaurant is called Sindh Shahbaz. 


Sindh means province 


And Shahbaz is a common name in Pakistan.


But when put together (Sindh Shahbaz) it gives indication towards the tomb of Shahbaz Qalandar. 


The name when mentioned makes most Paksitanis feel that it's linked to the Tomb in Pakistan. 


It was not originally kept for honouring the grave but was a coincidence for which we have documented proof. And for us naming it the same was only purely for business purpose only.  Sharjah and UAE in general has a large population of Pakistanis and mostly from the province of the Saint Sindh. 


What is upon us please advice. Can we keep the name or is it upon us to change it and what sin is upon us while we are using this name. 


We had earlier asked you this question and people have doubted that the full picture was not presented to you hence you gave the Ijaazah to keep the name in a foreign land to the tomb.  We have tried putting the full picture in front of you so if there is any more information required please ask. So you can give us the correct answer and guide us to what is better for our Duniya and Akhira.  

END of Question.

Verified Answer given by Shaykh Abdullah Al-Dhafeeri-posted on Wednesday 10th Dec 2014 and sent earlier to the owner( December 4th 2014)

Question answered by shaykh Abdullah al dhafeeri

There is a restaurant in the city of Sharjah named sindh shahbaz - sindh is the name of a province in Pakistan and shahbaz is a name

There is a mazaar of the mushriks grave worshippers popularly known as shahbaz qalander (of) sindh

Is it permissible to name the restaurant with this name ?

He may Allaah protect him replied

This is honouring the graves and it is talbees upon the Muslims and iqraar( compliance) upon the worshipping of the graves

And it is a name that Allaah is not pleased with and is hated

Then I mentioned to him the brother has previously asked shaykh Abdul qadir junaid he said I am certain the question was not presented in the correct context and subsequently shaykh Abdul qadir denied having said this i.e. make it permissible




The question posed by the lying Zubair Abbassi, in it he states many contradictions and tries to deceive the shaykh for which he has been exposed. After the Shaykh sent me his question and the answer to his question I told the shaykh look at their deception trying to aid the greatest of falsehood which is justifying shirk with deception.

In the question he acknowledges that a small minority might come to the restaurant have this thought that this restaurant is linked to the shrine Shahbaz Qalander of Sindh.

Then he tries to come with the deception that the so called trademark name of the shrine is Laal Shahbaz Qalander and Sindh Shahbaz has is not connected to that. Which is total nonsense if you ask any honest Pakistani / Indian who is the Shahbaz of Sindh and he will reply that no doubt it's the sufi of Laal Shahbaz of Sindh.

He also lied in such a serious question that if the mashaykh would make this name permissible due to Zubair deception then consequently the owner after falling into the grave matter of facilitating shirk, the only unforgivable crime would not repent from it. As permissibility of naming it Sindh Shahbaz would not necessitate repentance.

The lying ,deceiving Zubair wrote after saying that some came with the claim that if it's said sindh shahbaz it does not refer except to this shrine. During this period not a single person came and asked/informed the owner of the restaurant about the connection( of the 2 names Sindh Shahbaz and Shahbaz Qalander of Sindh) ever. --THIS IS A GREAT LIE SINCE THE OWNER IN HIS QUESTION STATES :-it is not hidden from us that.....refer to above

He also states that it has been 15 years since the existence of the restaurant and no one during that period made the connection of the restaurant name to the shrine name except in the last 3-4 years. Firstly the questioner does not know the history of the restaurant- it was originally painted in the Sufi-preferred Green colours with the majority of the staff wearing "taweez" تمائم around the necks. At that time even the physical resemblance was much stronger to a modern day green-coloured "darbar" where they shroud the graves in the sufi-preferred green cloth.


Here the lying ,the fitnah maker ,deceiver Zubair Abbassi has been exposed in order to aid the height of falsehood he was trying to seek any fatwa to discredit the previous fatwa that I narrated of the shaykh which is above.


With such a serious issue which entails a person falling into Shirk and his Akhirah depending on it - brothers should be aware that this person is not reliable and merely wanted to settle a personal score with me. It has been more than 2 months although the owner has sincerely repented however this foolish liar has till now not repented but rather has been active in calling to boycott us in line with his desires.


As the Shaykh rightly said that Allaah intended to expose him with this fitnah.


The reader should understand that there is nothing more serious than a question pertaining to shirk so if a person is not sincere in these types of questions then how about anything less. Also this is a clear indication that the questioner is a fitnah maker and entered into this arena without any right to do so. As the owner of the restaurant again wrote the same time this fitnah maker was replied to around 8:05 am he wrote the following:


On Dec 15, 2014, at 8:03 AM, IrfanAhmedButt <irfan*********@live.com> wrote:


   Tell the sheikh I have accepted his advice and whatever is being pursued and asked is not from me. And I have asked brothers to leave the issue as I have repented from it all and don't wish to enter into debate about it wasting the time of the ulema.


Anyone who just googled the name "shahbaz" and came to the public Wikipedia would come to the following :-

Shahbaz (Persian: شَهباز) is the name of a fabled bird. It is like an eagle, bigger than a hawk or falcon. The shahbaz lived in the Zagros, Alborz, and Ghafghaz mountains of Iran. In old Persian mythology, Shahbaz was a god who helped the Iranians and guided Farvahar to Iran zamin. During the Achaemenid era, especially at the time of Cyrus the Great, the Persian imperial flag was rectangular in shape, divided kite-like into four equal triangles alternating between two colors. In the excavations at Persepolis archaeologists found a standard depicting a Shahbaz or golden eagle (Derafsh-e Shahbaz-e-Talayi) with open wings. The current belief is that this was the official symbol of Iran under Cyrus the Great and his heirs.

Shahbaz literally means or "royal falcon".[1][2] Burton considered it to refer to the Goshawk, Accipiter gentilis.[1]



REF :- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shahbaz_%28bird%29

Lastly let me re-affirm its obligatory to change the name and that should be your intention that you do this purely for the sake of Allaah to remove a taghooti name and not advertise for them and the intention is not that although its permissible but it's better to change it.


Doing things behind the scenes -- which basically means lying to the mashaykh and not describing the real scenario !
The reader can decide for himself who was guilty of this crime - lying ,deception, ignorance !
This fool still doesn't know where to stop and believes he is upon the haqq hence propagating this corrupted belief that this shirk-based name is permissible. If a person such as this fool doesn't understand issues relating to shirk then it's a concern for his supporters !: He continues to warn against us and the coward can't present any evidence so has to play politics to take positions against the haqq !
Let looks at the seerah of the messenger of Allaah regarding how just doubts of the people would be clarified  and fear that people would believe something due to a mere resemblance or thought !
Furthermore doing things behind the scenes is degrading the ulama that they give fatawa without comprehension
Perhaps the culprit has done something along the lines "behind the scenes" when he told brothers in Pakistan benefit from dr fadhl elahi after attaining an answer from shaykh Ibn ramzaan based on a highly deficient question. And you may ask who is Dr Fadhl Elahi then let me tell you he is the one who established the Lashkar Taiba Kharijee dawah in Islamabad. He used to hold daily dars for them in their tents after the magrib prayer; he is the one who endorsed the new Jamaat Ahle hadith tablighi (which is based on the manhaj of Jamaat At-tabligh) and who asks his congregation to vote in the elections. He doesn't not call to salafiyya nor warn against shirk or bidaah rather all his lessons are on the topic of virtues of actions and the jumuah khutbahs delivered on the fiqh of the funeral prayer and the fiqh of sleeping.
So this guy comes along after 14 centuries and Allaah knows best in which capacity ( mujtahid , alim , jaahil ) and wants to challenge the ijmaa in this affair ! All of the salaf and the imaams that came afterwards didn't understand this issue and he understands it better !
That's why it's behind the scenes !! Your ijtihaad !!!
What's more ironic it's hidden !! If you are a man come out in the open refute the fatwa that I obtained from shaykh Abdullah Al dhafeeri : verily only an innovator will oppose the Ijmaa !!!
In the question he asks is this defrauding the Muslims ? The answer is yes indeed your question based on lies is defrauding the Muslims - there is no doubt on this .
If you had any jealousy for Al-tawheed and sheer hatred for shirk then even if there is a very slight resemblance you would agree with me ! But here lies the problem - where is that hatred for all that which is hated by Allaah and where is the love for the haqq !
The question you asked has bad intent combined with incorrect understanding and lies - a very lethal combination which should inform the reader never to put you forward for any transmission from the mashaykh !
Just like a person who advertises for a salafi conference and this advert becomes a means (وسيلة ) for his guidance likewise an advertisement for shirk mazaar is a waseela to shirk Al Akbar !
When shirk appeared in mankind the initial stage was a combination of remembrance of names (of righteous people ) and making pictures -- this was the means that led to shirk of worshipping the graves !!
This is a clear proof that shirk-based names of taghoot  lead to and are a means to shirk of grave worshipping !
Another point to reflect that many people from the sufiyya hold the belief that eating at a place named after a wali is virtuous and the food is blessed because of that . So here we many encounter another problem relating to shirk that is to seek blessings with other then Allaah !
Also this is showing love to that which is worshipped besides Allaah - although in this case we knows the brothers do not intend this but this is not as it is perceived by the General public !
What is obligatory is to fight against all means that lead to shirk and to hate the manifestation of these names in the public places !
So this issue is also connected to one Al walaa wal Baraa - we hate these names because they are hated by Allaah -
Also look at the concern of the messenger of Allaah صلى الله عليه وسلم whom was sent to fight until there is no shirk when he asked the companions whom wanted to slaughter for the sake of Allaah in a particular place that was there before you people slaughtering here for other then Allaah ; if it is a place where the mushriks slaughtered then to slaughter there is a sin. Islaam came to eradicate all paths leading to shirk - all the avenues including advertising their taghooti names.

Refer to باب -لا يذبح لله بمكان يذبح فيه لغير الله تعالى- كتاب فتح المجيد
So here is an action which by itself is permissible and loved by Allaah i.e. slaughtering for the sake of Allaah yet due to resemblance and its link to the mushriks it's made impermissible.
Likewise the name in this case if it bears any resemblance to that which is worshipped besides Allaah is made impermissible and one should refrain from it !
This resemblance of the mushriks and sharing with them their symbols is from the means of shirk القريبة
This apparent action i.e. naming after a Sufi conforms to that which these Sufi mushriks venerate
They venerate these names it's bring them joy and happiness ; it's a source of pride for them !
He says he is only referred to as laal shahbaz qalander sindh rather than the shahbaz of sindh ; this is a futile baseless claim which is rejected by any objective rational person . To illustrate this point let's take the example of shaykh Abdul azeez bin Abdullah bin Baz رحمه الله --if I deleted all his name and left bin baz it would be sufficient that this reference is only to shaykh Abdul azeez bin Abdullah bin baz !!
Likewise deleting laal and qalander does not invalidate the reference to this shrine !!
As everyone knows the shahbaz of sindh is shahbaz qalander !!!
So do not be deceived by this deceiving lying man !!
He argues that the real name i.e. origin of Sindh shahbaz is 2 names combined this is just like saying the name of the taghoot uzza - the idol worshipped by the pagan Arabs was actually from the name of Allaah - Al izza . So would this justify using uzza as a name when its origin is from the names of Allaah.

He says the restaurant is in the uae and the uae has a very big population from the Indian subcontinent and especially sindh as correctly mentioned by the owner in his question
The ruling is based on the apparent name as it appears in public view - sign boards and web sites and other advertisement material and this name when together is a implication towards the shrine . So don't try to use talbees and say let's return to the asl of the name ! Which is hidden in documents that no one has ever seen nor will see - pathetic attempts !
It is possible for one to believe the food is blessed as it is "in the name of the wali" this is also shirk
Likewise a salafi would hate the appearance of these names in the public view knowing that these names are of deviant Sufi personalities and more importantly from the means that lead to shirk ! So the salafi is free from shirk and its people and this includes the Shahbaz of sindh. As Allaah the most High mentions

قُلْ هَٰذِهِ سَبِيلِي أَدْعُو إِلَى اللَّهِ ۚ عَلَىٰ بَصِيرَةٍ أَنَا وَمَنِ اتَّبَعَنِي ۖ وَسُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَمَا أَنَا مِنَ الْمُشْرِكِينَ

and وما انا من المشركين the tafseer is that I am free from shirk and its people . And this no doubt includes the shirk of Shahbaz Qalander of Sindh where they worship the graves and carry out all the rites of Hajj in the name this false deity.

This so called saint was not even pious ; rather a Sufi deviant of the Suhrawardiyya order/ tareeqa and some even say he was of a Shia extraction. Which is quite possible as the Iranian ruler Reza_Shah_Pahlavi donated a gold-plated door to the shrine !
It's such a famous landmark the shrine which was established in 1356 and in its annual urs gathering attracts 500,000 from across Pakistan . People come from all over to make "hajj" carry out all the rites of hajj in the name of shahbaz qalander ; dancing women and men behind devilish music !
: كان مالك يقول: من أجاب في مسألة فينبغي من قبل أن يجيب فيها أن يعرض نفسه على الجنة أو النار، وكيف يكون خلاصه في الآخرة؟!

بدائع الفوائد 3/275

Imaam Malik used to say : Whoever answers in an issue then he should before answering it place himself before the Jannah or the Hellfire , and where he shall end up in the hereafter(meaning have ikhlaas, truthfulness )

Had you reflected upon this great advise you would not have pursued this path of deliberate misguidance and feared for yourself due to aiding pure apparent falsehood and confusing innocent brothers .

Ruling from Shaikh Ferkous regarding a similar case whom declared it impermissible for products to be named after these shrines.

الفتوى رقم: ٩٩٣

الصنـف: فتاوى متنوِّعة - ألفاظٌ في الميزان

في حكم تسمية المنتوجات بأسماء مزارات الأضرحة


ما حكمُ تسمية المنتوجات التجارية بأسماءٍ لأهل القبور والأضرحة؟ وما حكم بيعها واستهلاكها؟ وجزاكم الله خيرًا.


الحمدُ لله ربِّ العالمين، والصلاةُ والسلامُ على مَنْ أرسله اللهُ رحمةً للعالمين، وعلى آله وصَحْبِهِ وإخوانِه إلى يوم الدِّين، أمَّا بعد:

فلا يجوز تسميةُ المنتوجات التجارية بأسماء أماكن مَزَارات الأضرحة والقبور التي تُقصَد للتبرُّك وتفريج الكروب وشفاء المرضى وتهوين الصِّعاب، ولا وضعُ شعارات أهل الهوى والبدع عليها ومعتقداتهم الفاسدة، ولا ترويجُ صور الأضرحة والقِباب لِما فيها من تعظيمٍ للشِّرك في الأماكن والأشخاص، وتقديسِ قبور الصالحين والسلوك بها مسلك الأصنام في أهل الأوثان، وإغراءِ العوامِّ بِبَرَكَةِ المنتوجات والسِّلع بمثل هذه الصور والتسميات، وقتلِ واجب الإنكار لمظاهر الشِّرك والحوادث بإحلال المنكر محلَّ المعروف ونحو ذلك من المفاسد.

لذلك فإنَّ عقيدةَ المسلم تأبى المشاركة في الترويج والاستهلاك ولو من أجل التسمية إلاَّ ما احتاج المسلم إليه واضطرَّ مع قيام الإنكار وعدم الرضى بذلك.

والعلمُ عند اللهِ تعالى، وآخرُ دعوانا أنِ الحمدُ للهِ ربِّ العالمين، وصَلَّى اللهُ على نبيِّنا محمَّدٍ وعلى آله وصحبه وإخوانِه إلى يوم الدِّين، وسَلَّم تسليمًا.

الجزائر في: ٢٠ ربيع الأول ١٤٣٠ﻫ
الموافق ﻟ: ١٧ مارس ٢٠٠٩م


Obviously here we could not pull the so called alleged strings as it was issued in Algeria dated 2009. Will you still persist with your batil and insist you are correct or are you going to humble yourself and repent and apologise to everyone you deceived and lied to - including the Owner of the restaurant.


✨قال العلامة ابن باز رحمه الله✨
[لا ينبغي للمسلمين أن يسموا محلاً بأسماء "ابن سينا - الفارابي" قبحهم الله]..
الفوائد الجلية للزهراني صـ ٣٧

Al-allaamah Ibn Baz said

It is not befitting for the Muslims to name their businesses with the name Ibn Seena-Al Faraabi ....

Islaam is free from Ibn Seena the Kafir, likewise salafiyya is free from the mushrik sufi saint Shahbaz of Sindh.

And what did Shaykh Ubayd say regarding the one who could not differentiate between the tawagheet that are worshipped besides Allaah and the Prophets of Allaah whom are also worshipped by some. The questioner(asking Shaykh Ubayd and not Zubair) said with respect to the worshippers of the Prophets ,they(the Prophets) are tawagheet and with regards to themselves are not.

So the Shaykh gave a lengthy reply in it he said this one is not just an innovator but the donkey of the innovator...a criminal..the Prophets are infallible. ..a Jaahil..misguided ..misguiding others....verily the Prophets are free from those that worship them.

Audio file : https://www.dropbox.com/s/g6s1xdt6039v0ak/920acf941fc4443780a0749f9e762afd.mp3?dl=0

The following is the review posted by Zubair giving his exaggerated tazkiyah to the Restaurant proving there is more at stake - his defence is not for the sake of Allaah but its due to the relationship with the restaurant that is the primary motive. How else can I explain this type of foolishness from a salafi brother.

Ref : https://www.zomato.com/sharjah/sindh-shahbaz-restaurant-al-mujarrah



13 Reviews, 55 Followers


one month ago via Zomato for iOS



I was at this branch of their's a couple of days back with friends and a guest from Russia.

The atmosphere of this restaurant is much different to its Al Khan branch, it's relaxingly "desi" perhaps the given location it is at. The staff is welcoming.

The food: what can a sane person with functional taste buds say to food which is a benchmark in its category? Par excellence! Chicken Handi was as authentic as they say: Most Authentic Handi in Town. Grills were just right, their fish tikka are winning me over from other meats, which doesn't mean they are bad, not at all. They served tamarind chutney also, exceptional combination with kabli kebabs.

Only if they served amazing roghni naan at this branch also (please).

O yes! And our Russian guest was much pleased with this restaurant also.

This branch since I dined here first about 4 years ago, or more, has only improved in standard, quality, service, variety and excellence.

Great work team Sindh Shahbaz! بَارَكَ اللهُ فِيكُم

Truly most authentic Pakistani cuisine in town.

PS: Their menu, literally the physical booklet, is a piece of art. The colour combination, the well thought spacing, user friendly I would say. A lot of people forget restaurant food experience begins with this bit; menu.

End of Post --

My final advise to the questioner is:-

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَكُونُوا مَعَ الصَّادِقِينَ (Oh you who have believed, fear Allaah and be with the truthful ones)

and to fear Allaah and speak the truth and do not become a vehicle for confusion for the brothers in the UAE.


Yaser Abu Ammar


7/5/1436 corresponding to 25/02/2015.