
If it was just a dream:

- Harry's weird look (and resistance of Rekall)
- The wife's weird look (and resistance of Mars)
- Why the sweating

- Why dream of Mars in the beginning if it is just a dream? (or Melina) - loose end?

- Why would the salesman in the Rekall office react so weird to Doug wanting a dream about Mars, and starting to recommend Saturn instead -- yet happily obliging with Doug's Mars-wishes and starting to really enthusiastically advertise the Mars-package? It is not consistent behaviour, and that makes it really odd.

- Why does Edgemar speak so angrily instead of with a worried and more symphatetic tone?

- If the memories before him going to Rekall were also distorted, as a part of the package, making it seem more real, it would explain the "odd looks" and all that, but he didn't sign up for Rekall manipulating and distoring his already existing memories, now did he?

Perhaps the memories are manipulated to be that way only for the duration of Doug being in the Rekall machine, but are we to assume that he then gets his 'normal memories' back after he wakes up from the machine - will he forget the distorted ones, or does he now have two sets of memories of the same time period (before going to Rekall)?

Isn't that kind of risky - wouldn't it be safer to just give the client the 2 weeks of 'extra' memories, and leave his actual memories intact? If this theory is true, then we won't ever know what really happened before him going to Rekall, which raises a lot of questions (why would they make it so complex that they would include a 'regular life memories with slight oddities' AND then him 'going to Rekall' as an additional memory?

If they distort that much, maybe they could have distorted what really happened in the Rekall office as well, and he might actually have chosen something different in the 'real memories' than being a Secret Agent and all.


If it was all real:

- Too many coincidences

- Everything played out exactly as the salesman in the Rekall office and the doctor explained it would

- Why would cohaagen hire someone to convince Doug it is just a dream and have him swallow a pill, when he really wanted his buddy back alive after infiltrating the rebel base? What was that pill, if not a 'symbol', like the doc said?

- How did they know Doug would actually go to Rekall anyway? What if he had taken Harry's advice, or never even happened to hear of Rekall (he just happened to see the commercial on the way to work - was this arranged)? (his wife certainly wouldn't have told him about it, now would she?)

- Why would cohaagen let those guys and even his own wife just shoot at him freely? He could have been killed! They definitely should have been informed about it, for his safety!

- "Cohaagen oppresses the people blaablaa... but maybe YOU can change all that!" (only one man can save the planet and all that..)

- Was the dangerous 'malfunction' in Rekall really safe for Doug to experience? Was it planned, or just an accident? I mean, look how frantic he is before they try to tranquilize him! How could that have been planned anyway?