
R G - AKA: Student B



Preston Brooks August 5, 1819- January 27,1857

Historical events (less than 60 words):

Preston Brooks a member of the House of Representatives from South Carolina is known as the man who beat Charles Sumner another House Representative with his cane to the point of unconsciousness. Preston did so because he did not like a speech that Sumner gave in regards to Brooks uncle who was pro-slavery.

Where does this individual appear in the textbook (chapter and page #)?

Preston Brooks appears in the text in chapter 13 page 328

What historical events were going on in the time and place of this individual?

Preston Brooks was in the House of Representatives during the crises of 1850 which included; The Fugitive slave act, building of the transcontinental railroad, The Kansas-Nebraska controversy, Bleeding Kansas, formation of the Republican Party and the free soil party.

Childhood/family Background (less than 60 words):

Preston Brooks was born in South Carolina, he attended South Carolina College where he was expelled after threatening police with firearms. In 1840, he fought a duel with another gentleman and was shot in the hip, resulting in him using a cane for the rest of his life.


Preston Brooks was a Lawyer who served in the Mexican American War as a Captain. In 1844 was elected to the House of Representative for the State of Souther Carolina as a democrat who was Pro Slavery and state rights. During 1856 white settlers began moving into Kansas from Missouri and overtook Kansas population. Due to this they voted to be pro-slavery. Others in Kansas revolted and started to form their own leader parties. John Brown who was Anti-slavery, began killing pro slavery settlers, while pro slavery settlers began kidnapping new leaders. This was known as “Bloody Kansas.” Due to this a Senator named Charles Sumner gave a speech in the House against slavery and insulting pro slavery activists including Brooks Uncle. Brooks took offense to this and approached Sumner in his office. He beat Sumner with his cane until he was unconscious. Sumner was unable to return to Senate for 3 years. In the House, Brooks was tried to be released from his position in the House but it failed. He instead resigned himself. Those is South Carolina rallied behind him and reelected him for the next term. Before the House opened though in 1857 he passed away from Croup.

Brooks was a strong headed, pro slavery activist. He has a history of breaking the law and getting into gun fights with friends. He appeared to have a violent streak,.

From what you have read, what do you think are their character strengths? Why, or what evidence supports this?

His strengths are his support from other people at the time. During the attack on Sumner he had friends with him who rallied behind him and after the attack South Carolina stood behind him too.

From what you have read, what do you think are their weaknesses? Why, or what evidence supports this?

His weaknesses are his hot temper, his flair to get in trouble with people and the law and his pro slavery agenda.

Contribution to history:

I do not see any significant contribution to history. He is known as the man who got away with it in my books, but he did not leave a significant impact.

Why is this person remembered?

He is remembered for his abuse of power against others in the House. He asleep has cities named after him.

Why is this individual one deserving of a spot in United States history?

I personally don't feel he is deserving of a spot in history. He should have made history by being ousted for his violence and new laws put into place that you can not be reelected after being kicked out or resigning your position.


preston Brooks died of Croup in January 1857.


