
13x QuestTranslator\QuestTranslator-70300.08.lua:94: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
QuestTranslator\QuestTranslator-70300.08.lua:94: in main chunk

QTR_onDebug = false
QTR_name = "Gridka"
QTR_class = "Druid"
QTR_race = "Highmountain Tauren"
QTR_waitTable = <table> {
QTR_waitFrame = nil
QuestTranslator_MessOrig = <table> {
learnspell = "Learn Spell:"
details = "Description"
rewards = "Rewards"
avaiquests = "Available Quests"
itemreceiv2 = "You receiving the reward:"
currquests = "Current Quests"
experience = "Experience:"
reqitems = "Required items:"
reqmoney = "Required Money:"
itemreceiv1 = "You will also receive:"
itemchoose2 = "Choose one of these rewards:"
itemchoose1 = "You will be able to choose one of these rewards:"
objectives = "Objectives"
QTR_quest_EN = <table> {
itemreceive = ""
progress = ""
title = ""
itemchoose = ""
id = 0
completion = ""
details = ""
objectives = ""
QTR_quest_LG = <table> {
itemreceive = ""
progress = ""
title = ""
itemchoose = ""
id = 0
completion = ""
details = ""
objectives = ""
QTR_Reklama = <table> {
OTHER1 = "tłumacz w dodatku QuestGuru "
PERIOD = "Okres czasu pomiędzy kolejnymi reklamami:"
ACTIV2 = "(nieaktywny)"
ACTIV1 = "(aktywny)"
WWW4 = "http://qtr.top.098.pl"
TEXT1 = "QuestTranslator - addon that displays the translated quests (www.qtr-addon.tk)"
WWW5 = "kliknij i wciśnij Ctrl+C aby skopiować do schowka"
TEXT2 = "QuestTranslator - dodatek wyświetlający przetłumaczone questy (www.qtr-addon.tk)"
WWW3 = "lub"
OTHER2 = "tłumacz w dodatku Immersion "
CHOICE = "Który tekst wyświetlać? (gdy zaznaczysz oba, to naprzemian):"
WWW1 = "Odwiedź stronę WWW dodatku:"
WWW2 = "http://qtr-addon.tk"
ON = "Reklamuj dodatek na czacie kanału nr:"
OTHER3 = "tłumacz w dodatku Storyline "
last_time = 551676.939
last_text = 0
curr_trans = "1"
Original_Font1 = "Fonts\MORPHEUS.ttf"
Original_Font2 = "Fonts\FRIZQT__.ttf"
p_race = <table> {
Draenei = <table> {
Worgen = <table> {
Blood Elf = <table> {
Orc = <table> {
Gnome = <table> {
Dwarf = <table> {
Tauren = <table> {
Pandaren = <table> {
Troll = <table> {
Undead = <table> {
Human = <table> {
Night Elf = <table> {
Goblin = <table> {
p_class = <table> {
Warrior = <table> {
Paladin = <table> {
Shaman = <table> {
Monk = <table> {
Rogue = <table> {
Mage = <table> {
Demon Hunter = <table> {
Druid = <table> {
Death Knight = <table> {
Hunter = <table> {
Warlock = <table> {
Priest = <table> {
(*temporary) = <table> {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)"