

Murder Rape Torture and ritual sacrifice are no Joke

#adrenochrome #adrenochromevampires




For the sake of safety, consider this all a work of fiction.

Everything you have heard about an adrenochrome conspiracy is true.

It is only my sense of duty to my fellow man that allows me to share the things I have seen, heard, and experienced. My survival instinct is begging me to stop. It begs because I’ve also seen and heard the things done to people who decide to talk. To name names. To reveal cabals of men and women. But I will not name names. If I don’t say who they are, I will have the time to reveal what they have done.


I have seen body farms in Managua. I have toured extraction facilities in Luxembourg and Dubai. I have watched holy men stream into underground catacombs of Vatican City, followed hours later by “tour groups” of children. The men came out later. No one else.


Organs are being harvested from the living, the breathing, and the screaming. The screaming.

I call this an adrenochrome conspiracy not because there is a conspiracy to hide what adrenochrome is or what it does. It is an adrenochrome conspiracy because of the depths people, governments, and corporations will go to hide the systematic violence and depravity used in its harvesting.


The elites use adrenochrome.


I will not name names, but at this point, I don’t think I have to. The adrenochrome conspiracy is in front of our faces every day on every major TV station, every major website, and in every major corporation.


See their faces to know their secrets.


To see their faces is to know the secret of what they hide in plain sight.


In 1980, I aided in the process to oxidize synthetic adrenaline to fill a growing need for a molecular compound that, at the time, I had no idea was being more vigorously sought every passing day. I had heard of adrenochrome in my studies decades before as a student. I did not know that early on an adrenochrome conspiracy would sweep the globe. How could I? How could anyone?


Those two questions are what plague me today. I am retired. I am done. But as my remaining time passes, those two questions keep me awake night after night.


If I were a better chemist, I would have seen the potential. If I were a better student of human greed and power and the depravity of elites worldwide, I could have raised alarms. I didn’t.


I’ve watched stolen closed-circuit video footage of a chain of people a mile long, their bodies punctured by tubes feeding into massive vats. I have heard tapes of powerful men discussing how they look and feel decades younger following their “sweet treatment.”


I have, in an experience I will regret until I drop dead, undergone this “sweet treatment” as an experiment. It is as powerful as its reputation suggests.


I now believe there is no God. If you are reading this and think this disqualifies me from describing the horrors of the adrenochrome conspiracy, I understand. What I cannot understand is the presence of any God -- any figure of goodness and holiness and purity -- that can exist in the face of the atrocities being committed.


Those of faith, I respect you -- but I have no doubt that as these revelations into the adrenochrome conspiracy come to light, your faith will be swayed.


There will be more than you can imagine. More than any loving God could allow on His Earth.




Warning. The information you are about to learn is not for the faint of heart. It is for Mature audiences Only!! 21yo+



Adrenochrome is Real and Adrenochrome is not a joke.
The mainstream propagandist always try and tell people that only "synthetically produced" Adrenochrome is produced for the medical sector in western society but the fact is there is such a large underground and mostly publicly unknown about demand in the Elite sector (Adrenochrome is very expensive) for Pure formed Adrenochrome form human Victims, the reason i say Victim is because the person being harvested from is killed in the process because once the adrenaline is oxidized into Adrenochrome they die. The facts will be explained in much more detail below.
Also to note, real Adrenochrome from live victims is originally primarily sourced from Occult satanist groups. Now its a whole manufacturing market.
(Credit to Netski and others for all their work <3 Thank You everyone who supported me when the majority did not. I bet they never expected us all to expose so much.


 "I have found the scientific process in which and why the O.T.O Masonic are drinking children’s blood. I have linked it to several confirmed thesis without the rituals of what the enzyme is.

I’m yet to complete my proper findings yet to be determined.

And that’s enough evidence of harvesting I still have to compile a lot more information on people marketing this they will be targeted.

We want the buyers the shops the factories informations.


This is the one extracted from child for sale







Brain stem areas containing high concentrations of dopamine and noradrenalin exhibit signifi-cant neuron loss with aging

The research in cardiology shows that adrenaline is very readily oxidized into adreno-chrome. Adrenochrome is toxic to myocar-dial tissue and may be responsible for fibril-lation and sudden death under stress. Myo-cardial tissue is very high in the enzyme which oxidizes adrenaline to adrenochrome.

Cocaine blocks two of the enzyme sys-tems the body normally uses to destroy adrenaline, thus forcing more of it into the adrenochrome pathway. Is this the expla-nation for sudden death associated with co-caine abuse?

The neurological studies suggest that dopachrome, the oxidized derivative of L-dopa, is responsible for some of (lie degen-erative changes in the brain. Jeste et al (1985) point out that the cerebral cortical areas rich in catecholamines are prone to age related neuronal loss. Brain stem areas containing high concentrations of dopamine and noradrenalin exhibit signifi-cant neuron loss with aging. These patients also risk developing psychotic symptoms since dopachrome is like adrenochrome

Vitamin B3, niacin or niacinamide, protects brain tissue against some of the toxic effects of adrenochrome such as EEG changes and schizophrenic-like symptoms (Szatmari, Hoffer and Schneider, 1955). In our opinion all patients with Parkinson-ism should be taking vitamin B3. It will not protect them from the ataxia and tremor, but will prevent psychiatric changes (or re-verse them if they have already occurred), and may prevent further loss of neurons,

schizophrenia arose in an individual when too much adrenochrome was formed, that adrenochrome then interfered with brain function as would LSD, and that cre-ated the essential stage for the formation of schizophrenia.

To test this hypothesis we needed data in a minimum of three areas: (1) was adrenochrome made in the body, where, how much, by which enzymes? (2) was adrenochrome an hallucinogen? (3) would reversing or preventing the formation of adrenochrome be therapeutic for schizo-phrenia. If these were all found to be true, it would provide strong support for the adrenochrome hypothesis. If any one were negative it would be very difficult to sus-tain. We believe our adrenochrome hypoth-esis is a good one and will now show why we think so.

Is Adrenochrome Made in the Body?

As soon as scientists discovered adrenaline turned pink in solution it ap-peared likely that what happened in vitro could also occur in the body. Adrenalin is a member of a class of catecholamines which polymerize very readily. The melanins are these polymerized, oxidized and indolized catechol-amines. All the conditions re-quired for the oxidation of adrenaline to adrenochrome in vivo are present. These are: (1) the substrate - noradrenalin, adrenalin; (2) the enzymes and metallic oxidizers which convert adrenaline to adrenochrome, or accelerate its auto-oxi-dation. Auto-oxidation does not require an enzyme. The oxidation of adrenaline to adrenochrome in water is an example. It requires oxygen and is accelerated by traces of metal such as copper ions. We have dis-cussed the theoretical argument for the formation of adrenochrome in several pre-vious reports (Hoffer, 1981, 1983, 1985; Hoffer and Osmond, 1967).

……….What exactly IS adrenochrome? In scientific terms, it is a chemical that is produced in the human body when adrenaline [also known as epinephrine] oxidizes. How is the chemical extracted? A potential victim is terrorized, thus increasing the amount of adrenaline that is flowing through their body. They are then killed and the adrenochrome is collected with a needle and syringe from the base of the back of their neck and spinal column. Once collected, the chemical can be sold on the black market at exorbitant prices.https://t.co/dID0oQpXGs

This why




Video thumb
 via @YouTube we. Coming for you peadophiles and you the leaders stop harvesting our children to feed your adrenochrome habits adrenochrome is a chemical when heightened fear in a person is released these sick@people feed off the blood of this






(For the bigger picture check comments/tweet replies here >>>) https://mobile.twitter.com/JAG_ACE/status/837681457711607808

Link to Facebook article: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10155794838783932&id=701888931

Adrenochrome harvesting of children is real... 1cad07d4f83e8e7414f0d6f60a318b38.png:'(

It's all about the #Adrenochrome Harvesting and addiction in the #Zevite #Spiritcooking #Pedogate underground and it goes right up to #Bohemiangrove and our feral governments.


 Adrenochrome research links:
Adrenochrome @The Internet Archive search engine ("full text of books" search)

Adrenochrome @The Internet Archive search engine ("metadata" search)


Adrenochrome @Google Scholar search engine


#Adrenochrome @dogpile search engine


#Adrenochrome @duckduckgo

#Adrenochrome @Google

Go here and check comments for much more information:>>> link blocked :( 
Description: 'This subject is of extreme importance. 1cad07d4f83e8e7414f0d6f60a318b38.png:'(
(Please ignore the Draco information in this video, there is no evidence to substantiate it and it is not relevant to human trafficking today or #Adrenochrome Harvesting today)

The Adrenochrome harvesting of Australian Children will be exposed and all harvesting plants around the world will be shut down!

Adrenochrome @The Internet Archive search engine ("full text of books" search)

Adrenochrome harvesting of children is real... :'(


It's all about the #Adrenochrome Harvesting and addiction in the #Zevite #Spiritcooking #Pedogate underground and it goes right up to #Bohemiangrove and our feral governments.








What They Dont Want You To Know!



The Adrenochrome Website


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Viewer discretion is advised.


Our hearts are so broken for these poor children to have suffered at the hands of these evil people. We pray to God that this stops now and these evil people are dealt with swiftly. Let there be Peace on Earth.


President Trump is trying to abolish Human Trafficking and AC all together and that is why the media is trying so hard to impeach him. He must stay president in order to finish what he has started. He is the only one who has taken such a firm stance against Child Trafficking in decades. During the time of his presidency there have been 25 attempts on his life.




Human Hormone Used in Manipulating Mind Controlled Slaves and Mind Controlled Slave Assassins (MKULtra)
Adrenochrome being slang used for Endocrine brain system chemicals. The CIA has people post all over social media about Adrenochrome in childrens’ blood when it is actually the chemicals/hormones from the Pituitary Gland that activate the Adrenal glands as well as Endocrine chemicals that activate hormones etc, 




Turkish National Television – Adrenochrome



The word is spreading globally. This is a national Turkish television broadcast – maybe one of the only media companies not controlled by the Deep State.


These globalists are the reason for ALL WARS. We don’t need to kill each other anymore, we just need to root out these horrible people and set up incredibly strict laws and punishments for child abuse, pedophilia, AC and child trafficking GLOBALLY.


This HAS TO STOP. The people are AWAKE.









Adrenochrome is Real and Adrenochrome is not a joke.
The mainstream propagandist always try and tell people that only "synthetically produced" Adrenochrome is produced for the medical sector in western society but the fact is there is such a large underground and mostly publicly unknown about demand in the Elite sector (Adrenochrome is very expensive) for Pure formed Adrenochrome form human Victims, the reason i say Victim is because the person being harvested from is killed in the process because once the adrenaline is oxidized into Adrenochrome they die. The facts will be explained in much more detail below.
Also to note, real Adrenochrome from live victims is originally primarily sourced from Occult satanist groups. Now its a whole manufacturing market.
(Credit to Netski and others for all their work <3 Thank You everyone who supported me when the majority did not. I bet they never expected us all to expose so much





Adrenochrome in Hollywood

adrenochrome withdrawals

Adrenochrome is a drug used by the rich and famous, in Hollywood and politics, to stay young. Adrenochrome is a natural compound found in the adrenal glands that spike during moments of fear or terror.

Adrenochrome is very powerful in its natural state and incredibly addictive. Just one use of adrenochrome makes the user highly addicted.

Adrenochrome is harvested by killing kids after taking their raised-adrenochrome-level blood. Most of these satanists in Hollywood and politics will then devour the children as a cannibalistic sacrifice to the Gods they worship.

Hillary Clinton is involved in more disgusting acts you can imagine.

Hollywood actors and politicians use adrenochrome to stay looking young. Adrenochrome is a satanic drug. Symbolism for Adrenochrome and Pedophilia in Hollywood hidden in plain site

Wait, what was that? Kill frightened children? If this is shocks you, then you truly have no idea what really goes on behind closed doors in Hollywood or in political circles (democrats) and the cabal.

Adrenochrome is a drug harvested from the blood of children used by satanists in Hollywood and politics

Adrenochrome is a drug used by the rich and famous in Hollywood and politics. It is harvested from the blood of children.

Adrenochrome, a chemical known by ‘modern science” since the 1930s, is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C9H9NO3. Adrenochrome is produced by the oxidation of adrenaline.

Adrenochrome concentrates in the body during times of extreme fear and terror, which is why the drug is harvested from children when they’re in a terrified state (levels of adrenochrome are elevated in the blood by terrorizing and torturing children.)

Adrenochrome is a highly addictive drug harvested from tortured people, usually children, that acts as a designer drug to improve cognition, making you feel euphoric, enhancing longevity and physical appearance.

Over the years, many testimonies of people who have survived “illuminati” sacrificial rituals, high-ranking government officials and people who have witnessed their kids being subjected to high level pedophilia and satanism, have all come forward to share their experiences.

Most have shared the same story over and over again, saying the “cabal” or “illuminati’ high-ranked politicians, bankers, businessmen, etc.… all take part in satanic rituals.

In order to harvest adrenochrome, the victim is subjected to unbelievable levels of torture and trauma.

In most cases these satanists prefer torturing children, as they consider them to be more “pure” and to produce a higher potency of adrenochrome.

Adrenochrome is only present in the the blood during very high levels of terror, which is why the victims (children) are tortured.

Terrified children produce adrenochrome, and it is at the point of terror, adrenochrome levels are the highest. It is at this point, adrenochrome is harvested by taking their blood.

Adrenochrome is the immortality drug of choice for the elite and those in Hollywood. Hollywood actors are actually just actors in real life.

Producer Of The Hunger Games Exposes Paedophiles Gates, Epstein and The Royal Family

Hollywood actors play a role in the movie we all live in called life.

Most actors and pop stars are not as rich as we’re told they are. These actors and pop stars are put in place so the people have someone to look up to, be like and FOLLOW.

These Hollywood stars and pop stars are promised fame and immortality but what happens when they disobey or aren’t needed any longer? Their lifestyles and fame are taken away, along with their adrenochrome supply.

Celine Dion adrenochrome withdrawal Celine Dion adrenochrome removed

The Pixar film, Monsters inc., starts to make sense now, doesn’t it. Scaring the hell out of little children for points. Interesting. Disney is one of the key players in the lies crafted to fool the people.

Remember, the elite have rules. The elite (illuminati) must warn us of what they are going to do before they do it.

The warnings may not make sense most of the time, but are hidden in plain site always.

Check out the 2012 Olympic Games ceremony. None of that made sense with terrified children hiding under the covers while demonic beings lurked the floor. Now covid-19 makes sense.

8 years later, it’s hospital beds with nurses and a virus terrorizing everyone with most beds being empty. It’s all fake, all planned.


Adrenochrome has become an object of fascination among COVID-19 truthers and truth seekers. The global cabal of Democratic and Hollywood pedophiles communicate with each other through cryptic and grandiose messages online.

Every hear of pizza gate? What about Tom Hanks’ odd cryptic messages given at awards ceremonies or on Saturday Night live? Look that up as well. Tom Hanks is known for cryptic messages and also for being one of the largest pedophile leaders in Hollywood.


This Ellen Degeneres video is interesting. In it, she is sending cryptic messages to Tom Hanks, more than likely letting him know of the arrests and executions that are happening in and around Hollywood in 2020. Tom Hanks can’t be found.

Maybe you’ve heard all about Tom Hanks. Everyone is wondering where he is.

Tom Hanks was filming Saturday Night live a few months ago from his kitchen, so he says. His kitchen was the size of what you would find in a 2 bedroom apartment. That wasn’t his kitchen.

Tom Hanks was in front of a green screen and a deep fake was at play (CGI manipulation) so it really wasn’t Tom hanks. Deep fakes are done all the time.

Tom Hanks is more than likely dead or at Gitmo for pedophilia. Tom Hanks was part of the arrests and executions of famous people in 2020. This list is supposedly set for release some time in 2021. The nation will be cleaned up. Hollywood is not what you think it is and neither are politics.

adrenochrome pedophiles rape children in Hollywood 2020 arrests and executions

Some famous people in the Hollywood pedophile ring

Adrenochrome is a mystical psychedelic drug favored by the global elites for drug-crazed satanic rites. A real-life staging of the Pixar movie Monsters, Inc. as I said.

Monsters, Inc. is Hollywood telling on itself. Remember, the occult has rules. THEY are required to let us know what they do in plain site. Hard to believe? This is the world we live in.

They have been brainwashing us since birth via television, movies and all media.

People in Hollywood and politics are involved in satanism, pedophilia and child sex-trafficking

What you need to realize is these “people”- the elite satanists, not only torture and kill children, but also do offerings of organs and blood, rape children and do the most unimaginable horrors you can think of!

In most cases, blood is harvested from the victim while they are still alive, and they’re tortured until dead.

adrenochrome withdrawal in hollywood What happens when your adrenochrome supply is cut off?

Adrenochrome-junkie stars and starlets are being rounded up, they’re snitchin’ like the rats they are, telling on their co-conspirators for harvesting Adrenochrome from tortured and murdered children.

It’s been happening. They are taking these famous people out one by one. They are using this COVID nonsense as a cover story while the arrests and executions are happening. Supposedly there will be a list of arrests and executions early 2021 once the mess is cleaned up.

“There’s only one source for adrenochrome, the adrenaline glands from a living human body. It’s no good from a corpse.” 

Rumor has it Hollywood celebrities are going nuts during quarantine and the coronavirus pandemic.

Some believe this is because of adrenochrome withdrawal, while others believe their adrenochrome supply was tainted by the white hats (the good guys.)

epstein pedophilia hollywood ring arrests and executions 2020bernie mac hollywood pedophilia exposed

Adrenochrome is an immortality drug and who was one of the largest suppliers? Epstein.

It was stated that Hilary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Tom Cruz, Nicolas Cage, Barack Obama, Johnny Depp, Jim Carrey, Ellen DeGeneres, and many other famous celebrities and politicians used Adrenochrome.

Over the years several Adrenochrome photos have emerged suggesting that the wearer did not age, but bruises appeared around the user’s left eye for prolonged use. However it’s not just powerful celebs and politicians using Adrenochrome. The old saying “money talks” is true even to this.

Bernie Mac was said to be killed because he was about to expose the massive adrenochrome drug market.

Secret societies have been known to indulge in this sick behavior as well. These monsters worship satan. They want to please him and are extremely addicted to the adrenochrome drug that naturally occurs in the blood of tortured human beings.

Adrenochrome withdrawal symptoms are far worse than meth or crack withdrawal. Addicts must continue to feed their sick addiction or they will become physically and mentally sick from the withdrawal.


These Hollywood and political satanists will do anything to have their sickening rituals, at the expense of our children, for their “fountain of youth” rush.

The moment Jebb Bush realizes his father gaves names, along with McCain, before they were both put to death for Treason via lethal injection. The paper shown to Jebb was supposedly a “Coming Attractions” pamphlet with what to expect. Arrests and Executions of famous people in 2020.

It’s unfathomable to think there is so much evil in this world! We have got to expose all involved to SAVE OUR CHILDREN and FREEDOM!

An estimated 3 MILLION children go missing every year! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!

It’s time for the truth and all involved to be exposed for the sick, twisted spawns of satan they are! Our innocent children are depending on us to keep them safe!


“There’s a lot of anons [QAnon adherents] that believe the white hats tainted the elite’s adrenochrome supply with the coronavirus, or a real toxin, and that’s why so many members of the elite are getting sick,” Crokin said in a YouTube video from March, reported by Right Wing Watch.

“Adrenochrome is a drug that the elites love. It comes from children. The drug is extracted from the pituitary gland of tortured children. It’s sold on the black market. It’s the drug of the elites. It is their favorite drug. It is beyond evil. It is demonic. It is so sick. There is a theory the white hats tainted the adrenochrome supply with the coronavirus.”

And who is more terrorized than a child about to be ritually killed?

The cabal (aka the deep state, aka the black hats, etc) systematically kidnaps and traffick children first for the sexual thrills, then to murder them to harvest their adrenochrome.

That supposed trafficking camp in Tucson? All about getting that sweet adrenochrome. And the child separation crisis at the border? Ginned up by the cabal to get some new adrenochrome vending machines.

For now, we’ll have to become our own citizen journalists and continue to raise awareness about these things.

Thanks for reading. I know this was a lot to take in. Get ready!







The Making of a Mind Controlled Assassin


MKUltra Programming Via Extreme Torture & Sexual Stimulation Done By Bush, Sr., Carter and Bill Day@13


MKUltra programming Via Extreme Torture and Sexual Stimulation: This is part of the actual Programming done to Randal Turner as a teenager.

This occurred in the late 70s Jimmy Carter was president at the time.

George Bush Sr. was CIA director or running for office at the time. They came into the bedroom of the house I was staying in with Marcheline Bertrand. I had went on a white house tour about a week prior and had to defend myself from Bush Jr. for telling him to get away from some kids in our tour group that he was perving out on.

Jr had grabbed two of them and rubbed their heads against his crotch.

I told him to get away from the kids and he said Randy I like you boy as he walked walking over and placed his arm around my shoulder then he sucker punched me in the gut.

I bent down from the punch to my gut then stood up hitting him with an upper cut to the chin knocking him down.

A kid named Paul Bonacci was with Jr.

Our tour was passing through the kitchen at the time where George Jr. and Paul were getting something to eat.

Bush Jr. stood up after I punched him and said oh! Randy’s a fighter! Then he came at me and I rabbit punched him about 5

times in the face before he could throw a punch and he went down.

I grabbed the kids and told Jr to stay down or he would end up in the hospital. He stayed down till I left with the kids and we caught up to the others in our tour group. Jon Voight was part of the group ahead of me and found out what happened. He was afraid Bush Sr. who was CIA at the time would be mad at him. He invited me to the billiards room and as I opened the door I was hit in the face with a beer mug cracking one of my teeth. I got up and started going towards Jr but Voight stopped me and said it was over you got Jr. and now Jr. got you back so it ends here! Voight set the whole thing up so the little punk could get a cheap revenge shot in. which ended up cracking my front tooth at the root leaving me with a dead tooth.

Randal Turner explaining the torture and how they create one or more of his mind control alternates.

Not to be confused with Multiple personality or Dissociative Identity Disorder. Though they use techniques that have been found to be the cause of DID it is not the same.

A MKUltra must be activated via drugs and Alternates called out by a handler whereas a DID or MPD will have a multiple come out due to something traumatic occurring:

(Randal is talking about being held down and tortured by Bill Day, Photojournalist, ex-President Herbert Walker Bush and ex-President Jimmy Carter) Randal replied that all these people were a bunch of sadistic psychopathic perverts.

Randy Turner’s Account of Sexual Abuse by Bill Day, Jimmy Carter and Herbert the Pervert Walker Bush when he was around the age of 13-14.

Maybe a week After I had beat Bush Jr. up during our white house tour I am laying in bed and wake up to Bill Day walking into the room.

He sat on the bed to my left and grabbed my left arm then G.H.W Bush walks in and then {Jimmy} Carter walks in and I was thinking wtf is the president doing in my bedroom?

Carter gets on the bed and grabs my right arm and I believe they shoved these long cardboard tubes on my arms which were to make sure I wasn’t able to fight back.

Bush says I heard what u did to my boy you son of a bitch! Bush reaches down and grabs my testicles and starts crushing them.

I was begging them to kill me the pain was so bad and I must have passed out from the pain.

Bill Day was saying things into my left ear as Bush was torturing me, something about not trusting cops or authority and at some point I passed out.

I recall coming to looking down and seeing poppy sucking on my penis.

Carter was saying something into my right ear as Bush was trying to stimulate me sexually; he was saying something about sex with boys, girls, young or old is all good like he was trying to convince me nothing was wrong with sex with young kids with older women and men. I don’t recall what all they programmed just the beginning of it and the rest is a blur.

This continued for what seemed like an hour or more but during one of my court trials Bush claimed I popped within 15 minutes.

When being tortured to this extreme 15 minutes can feel like and hour.

The (popping) is what happens when the brain is unable to deal with the pain it makes a physical change and when this occurs you feel and hear a popping sound in your head.

I am no expert on how it works but I do recall some medical professional explaining it during my court trial saying the brain can physically alter itself to stop pain receptors in some people.

This popping noise is that the victims hear and feel in their head.

It is at this point the Alternates are created.

These Alternates are given names and have completely different personalities from the person being programmed.

The drug they use (Adrenochrome) allows the programmer to feed information into the subconscious and when the drug wares off the victim will have no memory of what took place or a very vague memory of something but usually will relate it to a dream or nightmare they had and not reality.

Comment: Mind Control is essentially a Rothschild Zionist project and done on military bases in conjunction with the CIA primarily. The Rothschild’s consider theirselves ‘Jews’ but are the Synagogue of Satan and mind control is a Satanic project.

Fritz Springmeier has heavily researched Mind Control and his pdf books are readily available for free on the internet.

Educate yourself and be ready for the truth.



 Go here and check comments for much more information:>>> https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1937303703187250&id=100007229174888 
Description: 'This subject is of extreme importance.  :'( 
(Please ignore the Draco information in this video, there is no evidence to substantiate it and it is not relevant to human trafficking today or #Adrenochrome Harvesting today)


The Adrenochrome harvesting of Australian Children will be exposed and all harvesting plants around the world will be shut down!
(For the bigger picture check comments/tweet replies here >>>) https://mobile.twitter.com/JAG_ACE/status/837681457711607808 


#Adrenochrome #Adrenochromeharvesting #Zevite #Worldundercover #Pedocult #Bohemiangrove #Pedogate #Spiritcooking  


Research Adrenochrome Harvesting Satanism.   The most pure form of Adrenochrome is harvested from children. The younger the better, babies are prefered.  


The only way to get the body to produce the purest form of Adrenochrome is to terrorise and torture (usually sexual Abuse amongst Freemasons, Satanists occultist etc etc) the victim to the brink of death, once the victim is at peak terror they at this point drain the Adrenochrome from victim and the victim dies. 


This is the biggest crime and secret black market drug in the world...    Please do more research.
.. If you could please! research the hashtags provided.  





Australian Elite Occult child Abuse Survivor Fiona Barnett tells her story

Fiona Barnett The 'Candy Girl' Documentary FULL 

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 #Pedogate #Zevite #Elsagate #BohemianGrove Link to this article >> https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10155004699823932&id=701888931

Ritual Abuse In Australia

"The greatest ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about. – H. Jackson Brown

A tightly organised, mafia-style, hierarchically structured crime syndicate has infiltrated every aspect of Australian society including Parliament, judiciary, church denominations, law enforcement, military, child protection, hospitals, educational facilities and childcare centres. The network has numerous branches and many thousands of members who profit from various illegal activities including drugs, arms and child sex trafficking. It is a well oiled, clandestine machine fuelled by public ignorance and distraction.

Detecting members of this system and their tactics is like purchasing a new vehicle. When you first drive your new VW, for example, you suddenly notice the other beetles on the road. With time and driving experience you become accustomed to the performance of your model and what to expect from it.

Religious, cult, or ritual abuse (RA) is just one facet of this organisation. The Australian media has reported on cases of RA, although references are limited and can be difficult to locate. Reporting of these cases peaked in the mid 1990’s.

Therapy in Turmoil: the Memory Controversy, Sydney Morning Herald (1 February, 1995) by Richard Guilliatt....
In a bizarre modern phenomenon, hundreds of women are dredging up lost memories of childhood abuse involving blood, sex and devil worship. The accusations are criminal – but investigators have never proved a case of Satanic ritual abuse…

By the late 1980s, this phenomenon had spread to both Europe and Australia, most notably with the “Mr Bubbles” case in Sydney, when staff of the Seabeach Kindergarten in northern Sydney were arrested and accused of occult sexual abuse. Therapists, private investigators and police began telling the media this was a problem of great consequence, and a four-part report on Channel 10 in late 1990 prompted police to form a taskforce…

In Australia, the Mr Bubbles case collapsed from lack of evidence. Although the principal defendant in the Mr Bubbles case, Anthony Derens, later confessed to fondling adolescent girls earlier in his life, the evidence of occultism amounted to a handful of anti-Satanic books in his home and the fact that children at Seabeach chanted RamSamSam, a common children’s song…

Although Satanic abuse stories are not as common in Australia as in the US, one Sydney rape counsellor estimates from her contact with therapists that about 300 women in NSW are being treated for ritual abuse. That estimate is supported by the Herald’s own calls to “survivor” groups, therapists and sexual assault workers. Phoenix Van Dyke, the organiser of the ritual abuse support group Beyond Survivors, says she has been in contact with more than 200 women who believe they are survivors. The Sydney Rape Crisis Centre has had more than 100 cases in recent years and one major Sydney hospital about 30.

To believe these women, one would have to accept NSW has been permeated by brutal Satanic cults since at least the late `60s, a network of evil which has indulged in murder, prostitution, child pornography and other crimes without leaving evidence…

One middle-ground view of these stories is that satanic abuse “memories”, although not literally true, may be a way for incest victims to symbolically represent the evil done to them. “I believe it is a metaphor,” argues Dr Warwick Middleton, a Brisbane psychiatrist specialising in trauma. “It re-creates in the present a scenario that evokes the helplessness of the past.” But others are beginning to view Satanic ritual abuse as simply a form of mass hysteria sparked by a confluence of events in the early 1980s – growing public alarm about child abuse, the rise of support groups and alternative counselling, the influence of Christian fundamentalism in the US and the popularity of “confessional” TV chat shows such as Oprah, which have given unquestioning coverage to stories of Satanism.

Therapists are now grappling with the vexed question of whether Satanic abuse survivors are mentally ill people suffering delusions, vulnerable people influenced by their therapists or actual incest victims who have wildly distorted their abuse. If the latter is true, how many of their memories are reliable, and how can a therapist possibly determine what is fact and what is fantasy? Remarkably, however, this debate appears to be completely bypassing many of the therapists, child abuse workers and sexual assault counsellors who have banded together to combat ritual abuse. After years of exposure to abuse cases, these counsellors are adamant that there is nothing unbelievable about the vivid detail of the stories they are hearing, and many view the current debate as a “backlash” against their cause.

…Among some survivors and even therapists, the “backlash” and the failure of police investigations are now cited as examples of the diabolical cleverness of Satanic cults, whose influence reputedly extends to the top of our society. “It’s very deliberately instigated by people who have an enormous amount to lose,” says Janet. “I think it’s much more than a backlash … it’s actually orchestrated by ritual abuse perpetrators as a way of discrediting survivors.”

This view has been fuelled by allegations, currently under investigation, that NSW police have been bribed by pedophiles. One therapist claims to have seen infra-red Federal Police photographs of nocturnal forest rituals. A Child Protection Services official talks about covens meeting around Australia on certain days of the year. Even the official NSW Government booklet on ritual abuse – distributed to hundreds of health workers since 1993 – dismisses the growing body of contrary evidence as an example of society’s collective “denial.”

The ‘investigation’ referred to in the above article was the failed Wood Royal Commission. That commission was sparked by complaints from politician Diedre Grusovin regarding reports of a VIP Sydney pedophile ring which implicated politicians, Catholic churches, Child Protection Services (DOCS), the Education Department, media moguls, and entertainers. The commission was to examine allegations of systemic and entrenched corruption within the NSW Police, namely that police were protecting pedophiles, and that some police were actually involved in pedophile activities and ritual abuse."

A Legislative Council document (dated 10th October, 1990, p.8046) records Grusovin’s complaint:


The Hon. E. P. PICKERING: On 12th September Reverend the Hon. F. J. Nile asked a question regarding Satanism. The answer is as follows:

(1) Yes

(2) No. The Hon. Deirdre Grusovin alluded to a network of paedophiles and said that established networks, such as Satanists, could also be involved in these practices.

(3) I can assure the House that any allegations of child abuse or Satanism are and will continue to be thoroughly investigated by the New South Wales Police Service.

The Wood Royal Commission was to specifically examine allegations of satanic ritual abuse at Seabeach Kindergarten, otherwise known as the ‘Mr Bubbles’ case. The subsequent Royal Commission into the NSW Police Service Final Report was published on 1st May, 1997. Three volumes of this report were devoted to pedophilia inquiries. Volume Four, Chapter 5 (pages 99 -116) was solely devoted to the subject of RA. At the end of this chapter, Commissioner Wood concluded:

5.13 From a common sense perspective, while it must be recognised that apparently respectable and successful members of the community do commit child sexual abuse, a quantum leap in credibility is required to suppose that they would do so in the bizarre, ritualistic way described, which includes the infliction of serious, even fatal, injury and mutilation upon their own children."
(much more in link below)




Documentary Title: Jew Ritual BLOOD LIBEL Sacrifice is @ADRENOCHROME Harvesting

Title: Jew Ritual BLOOD LIBEL Sacrifice is @ADRENOCHROME Harvesting

"Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it." - Edmund Burke To better understand Pizzagate we first must understand history. In this video we take a look at blood libel and history that has been suppressed from us."

Original Video Credit: 

Video thumb


Video thumb

#Adrenochrome #Zevite #Bohemiangrove #Spiritcooking #Pedogate

Adrenochrome @The Internet Archive search engine ("full text of books" search)

Adrenochrome @The Internet Archive search engine ("metadata" search)


Adrenochrome @Google Scholar search engine


#Adrenochrome @dogpile search engine


#Adrenochrome @duckduckgo

#Adrenochrome @Google



For the bigger picture check comments/tweet replies here >>> https://mobile.twitter.com/JAG_ACE/status/837681457711607808



Adrenochrome: The Blood Sacrifice Exposed



Listen To This Article In AUDIO FORM:

……….Whether human or animal, the blood sacrifice has long been a part of the rituals of many civilizations, past and present, here on Earth. From the Mayans to the Egyptians, the Jews to the Muslims, the Aztecs to the Chinese, the Zulu to the Greeks, virtually ALL civilizations have taken part in this ritual. But why? WHY do human beings feel that they can BENEFIT from the taking of another living creature’s life?


……….Some blood sacrifices are supposedly performed to gain favor in the eyes of some deity, thus “ensuring” a good harvest, good luck in the coming year or some other BULLSHIT like that. Some are done as punishment to those who have committed “evil” deeds, thus “restoring” the balance of good and evil in the universe. But I have discovered ANOTHER reason for the blood sacrifice: the extraction and collection of ADRENOCHROME.

……….What exactly IS adrenochrome? In scientific terms, it is a chemical that is produced in the human body when adrenaline [also known as epinephrine] oxidizes. How is the chemical extracted? A potential victim is terrorized, thus increasing the amount of adrenaline that is flowing through their body. They are then killed and the adrenochrome is collected with a needle and syringe from the base of the back of their neck and spinalcolumn. Once collected, the chemical can be sold on the black market at exorbitant prices.


……….What makes adrenochrome so valuable? It has psychoactive properties and can be used as a mind control drug. It can also be consumed to give someone an “adrenaline high.”Who would want adrenochrome? Former U.S. Vice President AL GORE was once apprehended at an airport with a suitcase full of packets of his own adrenochrome-laden blood. According to ALEX JONESALAN WATT and FRITZ SPRINGMEIER, all high-level bureaucrats and V.I.P.’s carry around at least 2 pints of their own adrenochrome-laden blood at ALL times.

……….Aside from mind control and euphoric properties, what else can adrenochrome do? Some believe that consuming the blood of a living creature steals its “life force” and transfers it to the drinker. Aside from “vampires,” many cults [Satanic and otherwise] are known for drinking human blood [“The Illuminati”would rank high in that list].


[Originally published on June 12th, 2014


Source: https://consciousawarenessforall.wordpress.com/2014/11/10/adrenochrome/ 






Masonic Sex Magick Secrets Of The Illuminati

Understanding the complete Zevite/Freemason/Jesuit/government/police force and corporate connection. 
video: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1655753814675575&id=100007229174888
These occult practices are alive and well in Australia....
I'm exposing you for all eternity. Especially you Freemason scum hellhound filth!
If its the last thing I do... #Adrenochrome is their gold and #Pedogate #Pizzagate #pedocult #Spiritcooking #BohemianGrove are the results...
Title: Masonic Sex Magick Secrets of the illuminati.Source: http://atlanteangardens.blogspot.com/…/sacred-sex-and-semen…



Pedophile Ring Linked To Adrenochrome Drug Trafficking

I’ve been watching social media for a couple of days and noticed today the term “LOLITA EXPRESS” was trending on Twitter. I found that somewhat interesting since there’s been a lot of talk about sex scandals recently even in the main stream news.
About a year ago, I did a story on Pizzagate and some wanted to just push it to the side and say it’s ridiculous, however, since this is once again the topic of discussion, we’ve uncovered some more evidence pointing to the reality of child sex trafficking, abuse and murder which might put some of this in perspective if that term can even be used in this twisted depravity plaguing our government and the world.
Much of this story started out with the publishing of John Podesta’s emails by Wikileaks. The reason these are important is because Podesta was Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Chairman during her failed attempt at taking over our government.
Wikileaks has a track record of 100 percent accuracy in it’s documents which makes it even more important to study what’s going on between Hillary, her friends, her associates and her campaign.
Within those emails, there are hundreds of pedophile references including something called Spirit Cooking which many of us didn’t even know existed until this document dump.
Once this was uncovered, we were led to a highly unusual involvement with the Democrats and a place called Comet Ping Pong and it’s owner James Alefantis. Some speculate this guy is part of the Rothschild’s – and there’s even a Pastebin dump from a hacker pointing to Alefantis’s relationship with the Rothschild’s.
However, on the bottom of the Pastebin dump, there is a reference that Alefantis has a connection to biochemistry. Online postings say Alefantis dropped out of college. Maybe he did. He seems like an ordinary Street Thug, dealer who is hooked up in deviant activity but just slick enough to make sure he doesn’t get pinned with any more connection to pedophilia than is necessary to maintain his business which I believe involves child sex trafficking and the sale of something called Adrenochrome.
Adrenochrome is mentioned in the movie “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” starring Johnny Depp and if you watch this quick clip to the end, it talks about this drug. Take a look.
In this clip, it’s interesting to note the discussion between Depp and the Dealer he’s talking to. If you didn’t realize it, they’re talking about how it’s harvested in around about way.
Yes, I’m well aware this is supposed to be fiction, however most fiction is based on real life events. Authors do a lot of research on their subjects and this movie isn’t about Depp going down the rabbit hole or making chocolate in a make believe factory.
This is much closer to real life than people would like to admit.
Adrenochrome is a chemical produced by the human body when adrenaline (or epinephrine) oxidizes or “hits the air.” It’s produced when the body is traumatized in some way such as through torture or extreme terror.
When a stimulus which should produce extreme fear is introduced to a human, especially when someone is very young, the adrenaline produced is more potent than the average adult. Because of it’s psychoactive properties Adrenochrome has been linked to mind control drug. Think MK Ultra.
The extraction process is done by killing the person and harvesting the adrenochrome from the base of the neck and spinal column with a needle.
In it’s pure form, black market dealers can make extreme amounts of money when they sell it. This connection between the child sex trafficking, torture and murder of children around the world and the links between MS-13, high profile pedopushers like Podesta and Alefantis and all the ties between these non-profit organizations pretending to provide assistance to victims of various disasters around the world makes sense when you think about this type of drug trafficking.
What better way to collect children than from war torn or natural disaster ripped areas? Parents are gone, families are separated. It’s too easy to get these kid in and out of the country. They slap a few faces of children on their posters and then no one ever really tracks the kids after a certain point.
And there’s also a site online from Canada called Androchrome Labs dot com which says it manufactures it’s own product and sells it in vape form. Seems pretty interesting they’re using vaporizers now to cover their drug pushing. This isn’t regulated and isn’t in a “food form” so it doesn’t have to go through the FDA for approval.
Look at this company in Germany. It’s called Gute Chemie which does say it sells Adrenochrome in their catalog – pricing on request.
OK so here’s some of the side effects related to the use of Adrenochrome directly from the “addiction library dot org”
An Adrenochrome user may experience euphoria, confusion, a change in train of thought, lack of judgment, poor insight and inability to concentrate. It also says on this site, those who use it may become dependent on it and feel as if they can’t function without it.
Since it’s unregulated in the United States and isn’t approved for human consumption, distribution isn’t tough and getting caught with it, isn’t a crime.
The very existence of this drug has been debated however, it seems odd, if it didn’t exist, why is it on the Addiction Library site with it’s definition, how it’s used, what the signs and symptoms of it’s use are and how to treat those addicted, if it wasn’t real?
If you connect what we know about the pedophile rings in PizzaGate, Alefantis, the connection between Wikileaks, John Podesta, Tony Podesta, their relationship with Alefantis, the artwork in Tony’s house, the trails from the Lolita Express, the round up of MS-13 and the connects between this and the so-called Blue Bloods and all of these sealed indictments, the sex scandals and pedophilia in politics and on and on and on, it looks as if,
Alefantis is neck deep into this particular aspect of criminal activity by supplying a trafficking hub for the exchange of kidnapped children and pushing the drug Adrenochrome.
We know he’s involved – it’s too obvious – there’s just too much evidence supporting his involvement but now we know why. It makes too much sense.
So when Alefantis lawyers and Podesta’s lawyers and anyone else who wants to send a “cease and desist” letter to me decides they don’t like us talking about the connections to this deviant and evil behavior, I’ll post it as I normally do when I get letters like this.
Note to lawyers – you might just want to save the paper. It makes pretty pictures for my walls.
In the next few days, we’ve got some pretty big stories coming your way including the connection between Uranium One and Canada which I see the main stream media is starting to cover,
as well as some recent raids by the FBI on several banking facilities including one really small bank which has a portfolio of about 1.4 Billion dollars in the middle of nowhere and employs about 40 people. There assets seem to be frozen…
Then one of our big stories which is about Mandalay Bay, the FBI connection and how ISIS gun running is connected to this story.
All this and more next week. Keep watching and sending me information. We’re weeding through it as fast as we can but it’s just me and a couple of people here.
Thanks to all the people donating to our site and endeavors and I’ll try to get another video out for you who are waiting for more information on the financial side of the deception perpetrated on us by the government.
As always, keep vigilant!"
Andrenochrome Lab:
Full Name James A Rothschild
Birth Year 1974
Age 42
Associated Names
Jame Rothschild
James A Rothschied
James Rothchild
Possible Relatives
Name Age Birth Year
Katherine M Rothschild 39 1978
Henry H Rothschild 113 1903
Jennie Rothschild 40 1976
Louise M Rothschild 72 1945
Monica R Rothschild 66 1951
Tom A Rothschild 76 1940
Possible Associates
Name Age Birth Year
Anne E Silvestro 42 1975
Clark C Smith 45 1972
Frieda K Menashe 45 1972
Jodi Lynn Kabat 41 1976
Kimberly S Chessler 40 1977
Kuldeep S Malkani 41 1975
Mitchell M Hsieh 48 1968
Alexander L Macmillan 24 1992
Alexandra M Daitch 53 1963
Alexis S Macmillan 33 1984
Andrew C Macmillan 29 1987
Brian J Ebel 52 1964
C B Macmillan 90 1927
Camille E Macmillan 33 1983
Cargill I Macmillan 57 1959
Daniel H Macmillan 34 1983
Deborah G Macmillan 64 1952
Donna J Macmillan 85 1932
Duncan Macmillan 87 1930
Duncan Macmillan Whitney 87 1929
Earnestine W Haynes 68 1949
Elizabeth S Macmillan 56 1960
Glenda M Macmillan 67 1949
James C Macmillan 30 1987
John C Mac 67 1949
John C Macmillan Jr 36 1981
John H Macmillan 4th 65 1952
John C Macmillan 67 1949
John H Macmillan 89 1928
Kate M Reed 60 1957
Lucy Macmillan Stitzer 56 1960
Macmillan Cargill 57 1959
Marion W Macmillan 32 1985
Mark H Macguigan 48 1969
Martha Macmillan 65 1951
Martha B Stimpson 88 1929
Mary Ellen Sasen 76 1941
Paige E Macmillan 27 1990
Patricia Macmillan 63 1954
Pauline M Keinath 83 1934
Percy Macmillan 66 1951
Sandra M Kirkpatrick 45 1972
Sarah P Macmillan 32 1985
Sarah W Sasen 66 1950
Susan G Macmillan 68 1949
Tracy E Macmillan 57 1959
Whitney Macmillan Jr 63 1954
William B Macmillan 32 1984
William D Macmillan 68 1949


Related video article.
Title: EXPLOSIVE: Pedophile Ring Linked To Adrenochrome Drug Trafficking

Source: https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=jqmpfjnCxvw Source: http://aprillajune.com/explosive-pedophile-ring-linked-adrenochrome-drug-trafficking/





(And then I find this in research shared with me. 

#Adrenochrome Art? Disgusting and weird Indeed. 

I tried Adrenochrome.com that redirected to Adrenochrome.com/blog but got "Access Denied"

Be sure to check out the video. 

#Spirotcooking #Pedogate 


#Zevite minions have their claws in everything!) 




"Published on 15 May 2018

ADRENOCHROME (ADC) is an ERC20 token specifically designed to facilitate the high-velocity, cryptographically secure international trading of the chemical compound Adrenochrome (C9H9NO3). 


For further information visit www.adrenochrome.net 



People & Blogs

Music in this video

Song: Lucifer's Hymn

Artist: Peter Gundry

Album: The Shadow's Bride

Licensed by TuneCore (on behalf of Peter Gundry), and 1 music rights societies" 


Video source: http://youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=1LymheLeB5o 


(And the website!) 








(hidden text here" BLACK PAPER







ADRENOCHROME (ADC) is an ERC20 token specifically designed to facilitate the high-velocity, cryptographically secure international trading of the chemical compound Adrenochrome (C9H9NO3). 


The Adrenochrome (C9H9NO3) compound is synthesised by the oxidation of adrenaline, sourced from the blood of human children. ADRENOCHROME is the purest product on the market, harvested under strictly regulated conditions from our international supply chain of child donors.


In the past ADRENOCHROME could be purchased using a number of different cryptocurrencies, from a selection of suppliers on the Dark Web. This made it difficult to regulate the price of our product effectively. It also meant that profits were absorbed by a third party, instead of being reinvested in the harvesting and production of ADRENOCHROME. With the advent of the ADRENOCHROME blockchain and ADC cryptocurrency, all this has changed.


In the future ADRENOCHROME will be available exclusively from www.adrenochrome.com. In order to purchase ADRENOCHROME customers will need ADC coin, which can be purchased at a fixed price during our Initial Coin Offering (ICO) from www.adrenochrome.net or subsequently traded on select cryptocurrency exchanges.


ADRENOCHROME (ADC) is a next generation, decentralised, anonymous, blockchain cryptocurrency, which utilises smart contract technology. In creating the ADRENOCHROME blockchain and ADC coin we have effectively closed the loop on resellers and assumed total control of our product during every stage of its journey:


Sourcing > Trafficking > Harvesting > Production > Purchase > Distribution > Consumption > Revitalisation


Each transaction on the ADRENOCHROME blockchain incurs a small transaction fee (“bloodletting”), which is auto-reinvested in our operations concerning the global sourcing, production and distribution of ADRENOCHROME. As transaction volume increases, the cumulative effect of bloodletting will allow us to extend our international network, which is why now is the perfect time to join our ICO, purchase ADC and invest in the future growth of ADRENOCHROME.


The total supply of ADC coin is limited to 5687, the ChemSpider number for Adrenochrome. No more can ever be created. Demand for ADRENOCHROME is rising and projected to rise further, as the only means to purchase ADRENOCHROME, the value of ADC is set to rise alongside it.


ADRENOCHROME can be purchased exclusively at www.adrenochrome.com. Customers must use ADC to complete the transaction. For further information about our ADC ICO please visit www.adrenochrome.net."


( JAG_ACE website currently under reconstruction but running, you may need TOR browser to access for more of 

Things they don't want you to know at my website 

Worldundercover.webs.com or my Jamie Farrant  aka JAG_ACE profile.) 






Adrenochrome is Real and Adrenochrome is not a joke.

The mainstream propagandist always try and tell people that only "synthetically produced" Adrenochrome is produced for the medical sector in western society but the fact is there is such a large underground and mostly publicly unknown about demand in the Elite sector (Adrenochrome is very expensive) for Pure formed Adrenochrome form human Victims, the reason i say Victim is because the person being harvested from is killed in the process because once the adrenaline is oxidized into Adrenochrome they die. The facts will be explained in much more detail below.

Also to note, real Adrenochrome from live victims is originally primarily sourced from Occult satanist groups. Now its a whole manufacturing market.


(Credit to Netski and others for all their work <3 Thank You everyone who supported me when the majority did not. I bet they never expected us all to expose so much.



 "I have found the scientific process in which and why the O.T.O Masonic are drinking children’s blood. I have linked it to several confirmed thesis without the rituals of what the enzyme is.


I’m yet to complete my proper findings yet to be determined.


And that’s enough evidence of harvesting I still have to compile a lot more information on people marketing this they will be targeted.

We want the buyers the shops the factories informations.


This is the one extracted from child for sale








Brain stem areas containing high concentrations of dopamine and noradrenalin exhibit signifi-cant neuron loss with aging


The research in cardiology shows that adrenaline is very readily oxidized into adreno-chrome. Adrenochrome is toxic to myocar-dial tissue and may be responsible for fibril-lation and sudden death under stress. Myo-cardial tissue is very high in the enzyme which oxidizes adrenaline to adrenochrome.


Cocaine blocks two of the enzyme sys-tems the body normally uses to destroy adrenaline, thus forcing more of it into the adrenochrome pathway. Is this the expla-nation for sudden death associated with co-caine abuse?


The neurological studies suggest that dopachrome, the oxidized derivative of L-dopa, is responsible for some of (lie degen-erative changes in the brain. Jeste et al (1985) point out that the cerebral cortical areas rich in catecholamines are prone to age related neuronal loss. Brain stem areas containing high concentrations of dopamine and noradrenalin exhibit signifi-cant neuron loss with aging. These patients also risk developing psychotic symptoms since dopachrome is like adrenochrome


Vitamin B3, niacin or niacinamide, protects brain tissue against some of the toxic effects of adrenochrome such as EEG changes and schizophrenic-like symptoms (Szatmari, Hoffer and Schneider, 1955). In our opinion all patients with Parkinson-ism should be taking vitamin B3. It will not protect them from the ataxia and tremor, but will prevent psychiatric changes (or re-verse them if they have already occurred), and may prevent further loss of neurons,


schizophrenia arose in an individual when too much adrenochrome was formed, that adrenochrome then interfered with brain function as would LSD, and that cre-ated the essential stage for the formation of schizophrenia.


To test this hypothesis we needed data in a minimum of three areas: (1) was adrenochrome made in the body, where, how much, by which enzymes? (2) was adrenochrome an hallucinogen? (3) would reversing or preventing the formation of adrenochrome be therapeutic for schizo-phrenia. If these were all found to be true, it would provide strong support for the adrenochrome hypothesis. If any one were negative it would be very difficult to sus-tain. We believe our adrenochrome hypoth-esis is a good one and will now show why we think so.


Is Adrenochrome Made in the Body?


As soon as scientists discovered adrenaline turned pink in solution it ap-peared likely that what happened in vitro could also occur in the body. Adrenalin is a member of a class of catecholamines which polymerize very readily. The melanins are these polymerized, oxidized and indolized catechol-amines. All the conditions re-quired for the oxidation of adrenaline to adrenochrome in vivo are present. These are: (1) the substrate - noradrenalin, adrenalin; (2) the enzymes and metallic oxidizers which convert adrenaline to adrenochrome, or accelerate its auto-oxi-dation. Auto-oxidation does not require an enzyme. The oxidation of adrenaline to adrenochrome in water is an example. It requires oxygen and is accelerated by traces of metal such as copper ions. We have dis-cussed the theoretical argument for the formation of adrenochrome in several pre-vious reports (Hoffer, 1981, 1983, 1985; Hoffer and Osmond, 1967).


……….What exactly IS adrenochrome? In scientific terms, it is a chemical that is produced in the human body when adrenaline [also known as epinephrine] oxidizes. How is the chemical extracted? A potential victim is terrorized, thus increasing the amount of adrenaline that is flowing through their body. They are then killed and the adrenochrome is collected with a needle and syringe from the base of the back of their neck and spinal column. Once collected, the chemical can be sold on the black market at exorbitant prices.https://t.co/dID0oQpXGs


This why




OpDeathEaters http://youtu.be/Nml5a7vqa3U via @YouTube we. Coming for you peadophiles and you the leaders stop harvesting our children to feed your adrenochrome habits adrenochrome is a chemical when heightened fear in a person is released these sick@people feed off the blood of this









(For the bigger picture check comments/tweet replies here >>>)  https://mobile.twitter.com/JAG_ACE/status/837681457711607808 

Link to Facebook article: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10155794838783932&id=701888931 

Adrenochrome harvesting of children is real... :'(

It's all about the #Adrenochrome Harvesting and addiction in the #Zevite #Spiritcooking #Pedogate underground and it goes right up to #Bohemiangrove and our feral governments.

 Adrenochrome research links: 

Adrenochrome @The Internet Archive search engine ("full text of books" search) 


Adrenochrome @The Internet Archive search engine ("metadata" search)


Adrenochrome @Google Scholar search engine 


#Adrenochrome @dogpile search engine


#Adrenochrome @duckduckgo 


#Adrenochrome @Google  






