
All Commands

NOTE: Sub commands are only enabled during the lobby scene. Feel free to experiment with commands if you're not sure what they do!



!clock(3s cooldown)

!wrench(3s cooldown)

!boop(will appear on screen)


!c1(Confetti Cheer)
!c2(Confetti Laugh)




!socials -
Link to all socials.
!discord - Shows Discord link.
!youtube -
Shows YouTube link.
!twitter -
Shows Twitter link.
!tiktok - Shows TikTok link.
!tag - Show Zody's in game name.
!steam - Link to Steam username.

!epic -
Shows Epic username.

-----FUN STUFF-----
!rank - To see your TOTAL gold, total catches and current rank in the leaderboard for fishing.
!deathcount - You can use this to count how many times mommy has died in DBD.
!streamavatar - Shows link to all stream avatars. 
!subcommands - Shows all subscriber commands.
!gamble 50
- To gamble points or instead of 50, you can gamble number of your choice or all.
!gold - To check your gold.
!give @UserName 100 - To give gold.
!duel @UsernameHere 100 - Duel a person in chat for 100 gold.
!sus @UsernameHere - Gives a percentage value of how sussy a person is.
!love @UsernameHere - Shows % chance of love between user to user.
!kiss @UsernameHere - You will kiss X person on the lips.
!snog @UsernameHere - You will snog X person very passionately on the lips.
!hug @UsernameHere - You will hug X person, wrapping your arms around them.
!cute @UsernameHer - Shows % of how cute an individual is.
!stinky @UsernameHere - Gives a percentage value of how stinky a person is.
!pp - Displays your PP size in inches(random between 1-13 inches)
!bomb -
Use bomb attack in stream avatars.
!attack @UsernameHere
- Attack another user in stream avatars. 

!play - To join the queue.
!leave - To leave the queue.
!list - Show queue list.

-----OTHER STUFF-----
!chaosfaq -
Shows information about what "Chaos Mode" is.
!rules - Show rules for stream.
!goldfaq - Shows frequently asked questions about what is gold and how to earn it.
!customrules - Show rules for custom matches.
!customs - Shows information how customs work.
!swf - Shows information how SWF's work.
!leaderboard - To check leaderboards for gold currency.
!ads - Gives understanding about ads and why manually playing them in lobby is the best method.
!commands - Displays all commands(Link to this page).
!lurk - Announce you're lurking.
!unlurk - Announce you've returned back to the stream.
!schedule - Show Zody's schedule.
!wishlist - Show wishlist link.
!uptime - Display how long stream has been going for.
!followage - Displays how long you've been following for.
!watchtime - How long you've been watching for total in the history of the channel.
!sub - Shows link to the subscribe page.
!specs - Shows computer hardware.
!giveaway - Shows information of giveaway for gold currency every month.

!streampairs - To get information about stream pairs.