
diag_log '<infiSTAR.de> VERSION: 26-04-2015 infiSTAR.de AHAT (v0151)';
comment 'Antihack & AdminTools - Christian Lorenzen - www.infiSTAR.de - License: (CC)';
diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> %1 - STARTING',time];
if((preProcessFileLineNumbers ('customconfigfile.sqf')) != '')then {
call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers 'customconfigfile.sqf';
diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> %1 - customconfigfile.sqf found and loaded - run.sqf settings overwritten!',time];
_BlackList = [];
if(!isNil '_badpeople')then {if(typeName _badpeople == 'ARRAY')then {_BlackList = _badpeople;};};
if((preProcessFileLineNumbers ('blacklist.sqf')) != '')then {
_tmpBL = call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers 'blacklist.sqf';
if(!isNil '_tmpBL')then
if(typeName _tmpBL == 'ARRAY')then
if(str _tmpBL != '[]')then
_BlackList = _BlackList + _tmpBL;
_mPos = getMarkerPos 'respawn_west';
_mPos2 = getMarkerPos 'respawn_east';
_mPos3 = getMarkerPos 'center';
_allRandomGenVars = [];
_fnc_RandomGen =
_abc = ['z','y','x','w','v','u','t','s','r','q','p','o','n','m','l','k','j','i','h','g','f','e','d','c','b','a'];
_gen = _abc select (random ((count _abc)-1));
_arr = ['P','E','I','e','B','8','5','i','r','2','c','Q','W','d','J','r','M','f','f','6','L','h','B','3','C','r','2','n','x','Q'];
for '_i' from 0 to (8+(round(random 3))) do {_gen = _gen + str(round(random 9)) + (_arr select (random ((count _arr)-1)));};
_allRandomGenVars pushBack _gen;
};diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _fnc_RandomGen: %1',_fnc_RandomGen];
_adminbox = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _adminbox: %1',_adminbox];
_loadedchecktime = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _loadedchecktime: %1',_loadedchecktime];
_fnc_mpPackets = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _fnc_mpPackets: %1',_fnc_mpPackets];
_RunOnClients = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _RunOnClients: %1',_RunOnClients];
_sumRunOnClients = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _sumRunOnClients: %1',_sumRunOnClients];
_AH_MAIN_BLOCK = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _AH_MAIN_BLOCK: %1',_AH_MAIN_BLOCK];
_sumAH_MAIN_BLOCK = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _sumAH_MAIN_BLOCK: %1',_sumAH_MAIN_BLOCK];
_FNC_AH251_KICKLOG = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _FNC_AH251_KICKLOG: %1',_FNC_AH251_KICKLOG];
_FNC_AH251_KICKLOGSPAWN = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _FNC_AH251_KICKLOGSPAWN: %1',_FNC_AH251_KICKLOGSPAWN];
_FNC_PVAH_AdminReq = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _FNC_PVAH_AdminReq: %1',_FNC_PVAH_AdminReq];
_PoopTokenArray = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _PoopTokenArray: %1',_PoopTokenArray];
_server_setTokenR = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _server_setTokenR: %1',_server_setTokenR];
_server_checkTokenR = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _server_checkTokenR: %1',_server_checkTokenR];
_MAIN_CODE = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _MAIN_CODE: %1',_MAIN_CODE];
_AHKickOFF = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _AHKickOFF: %1',_AHKickOFF];
_AH251KICKLOG = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _AH251KICKLOG: %1',_AH251KICKLOG];
_infiSTAR_fnc_animchanged = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _infiSTAR_fnc_animchanged: %1',_infiSTAR_fnc_animchanged];
_FiredCheck = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _FiredCheck: %1',_FiredCheck];
_clientdo = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _clientdo: %1',_clientdo];
_AH_RunCheckARRAY = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _AH_RunCheckARRAY: %1',_AH_RunCheckARRAY];
_AH_RunCheckENDVAR = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _AH_RunCheckENDVAR: %1',_AH_RunCheckENDVAR];
_AH_HackLogArrayRND = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _AH_HackLogArrayRND: %1',_AH_HackLogArrayRND];
_AH_SurvLogArrayRND = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _AH_SurvLogArrayRND: %1',_AH_SurvLogArrayRND];
_AH_AdmiLogArrayRND = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _AH_AdmiLogArrayRND: %1',_AH_AdmiLogArrayRND];
_TMPBAN = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _TMPBAN: %1',_TMPBAN];
_massMessage = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _massMessage: %1',_massMessage];
_massSysMessage = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _massSysMessage: %1',_massSysMessage];
_AHpos = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _AHpos: %1',_AHpos];
_ninetwo = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _ninetwo: %1',_ninetwo];
_ninetwothread = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _ninetwothread: %1',_ninetwothread];
_adminsA = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _adminsA: %1',_adminsA];
_MC = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _MC: %1',_MC];
_MCS = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _MCS: %1',_MCS];
_AdminLoaded = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _AdminLoaded: %1',_AdminLoaded];
_clientoncethree = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _clientoncethree: %1',_clientoncethree];
_YourPlayerToken = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _YourPlayerToken: %1',_YourPlayerToken];
_TokenCheck = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _TokenCheck: %1',_TokenCheck];_TokenCheckN=str(random 9999);
_oneachframe = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _oneachframe: %1',_oneachframe];
_checkidicheckcheck = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _checkidicheckcheck: %1',_checkidicheckcheck];
_lastshotmade = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _lastshotmade: %1',_lastshotmade];
_dellocveh = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _dellocveh: %1',_dellocveh];
_gogogo = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _gogogo: %1',_gogogo];
_gogogoCONTENT = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _gogogoCONTENT: %1',_gogogoCONTENT];
_toBreakDisplays = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _toBreakDisplays: %1',_toBreakDisplays];
_inCombatTime = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _inCombatTime: %1',_inCombatTime];
_inCombatArray = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _inCombatArray: %1',_inCombatArray];
_t1 = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _t1: %1',_t1];
_t2 = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _t2: %1',_t2];
_t3 = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _t3: %1',_t3];
_t4 = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _t4: %1',_t4];
_t5 = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _t5: %1',_t5];
_t6 = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _t6: %1',_t6];
_t7 = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _t7: %1',_t7];
_t8 = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _t8: %1',_t8];
_t9 = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _t9: %1',_t9];
_t10 = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _t10: %1',_t10];
_t11 = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _t11: %1',_t11];
_t12 = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _t12: %1',_t12];
_t13 = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _t13: %1',_t13];
_BIS_fnc_endMission = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _BIS_fnc_endMission: %1',_BIS_fnc_endMission];
_BIS_fnc_param = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _BIS_fnc_param: %1',_BIS_fnc_param];
_BIS_fnc_loop = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _BIS_fnc_loop: %1',_BIS_fnc_loop];
_BIS_fnc_paramIn = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _BIS_fnc_paramIn: %1',_BIS_fnc_paramIn];
_BIS_fnc_returnChildren = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _BIS_fnc_returnChildren: %1',_BIS_fnc_returnChildren];
_loaded = format['A3RANDVAR_%1%2%3',round(random 999),round(random 999),round(random 999)];diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _loaded: %1',_loaded];
_fnc_RandomGen =
_arr = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z'];
_gen = 'PVAHR_';
_max = 5+(round(random 3));
for '_i' from 1 to _max do {_gen = _gen + str(round(random 9)) + (_arr select (random ((count _arr)-1)));};
_allRandomGenVars pushBack _gen;
_AH251_KICKLOG = call _fnc_RandomGen;diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> _AH251_KICKLOG: %1',_AH251_KICKLOG];
_KK_fnc_arrayShuffle = {
private '_cnt';
_cnt = count _this;
for '_i' from 1 to _cnt do {
_this pushBack (_this deleteAt floor random _cnt);
_allRandomGenVars call _KK_fnc_arrayShuffle;
call compile (""+_BIS_fnc_endMission+" = BIS_fnc_endMission;publicVariable '"+_BIS_fnc_endMission+"';");
call compile (""+_BIS_fnc_param+" = BIS_fnc_param;publicVariable '"+_BIS_fnc_param+"';");
call compile (""+_BIS_fnc_loop+" = BIS_fnc_loop;publicVariable '"+_BIS_fnc_loop+"';");
call compile (""+_BIS_fnc_paramIn+" = BIS_fnc_paramIn;publicVariable '"+_BIS_fnc_paramIn+"';");
call compile (""+_BIS_fnc_returnChildren+" = BIS_fnc_returnChildren;publicVariable '"+_BIS_fnc_returnChildren+"';");
{call compile format['%1=compileFinal'''';publicVariable''%1'';',_x];} forEach ['InfiSTAR_RUNNING_AH_on_Player','life_nukeposition'];
profileNamespace setVariable['ServerVarSafe','no'];saveprofileNamespace;
diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> %1 - loading AntiHack..',time];
_verybadStrings =
'menu loaded','rustler','hangender','hungender','monky','godmode',
'e_x_t_a_s_y','jjjj','jxmxe','hydroxus','kill target','no recoil','rapid fire',
'flo_simon','sonicccc_','fury_','phoenix_','_my_new_bullet_man','god on','_jm3',
'disablecollisionwith _bullet','thirtysix','dmc_fnc_4danews','w_o_o_k_i_e_m_e_n_u',
'xbowbii_','jm3_','wuat','menutest_','listening to jack','dmcheats.de','kichdm',
'_news_banner','fucked up','lystics menu','rsccombo_2100','\dll\datmalloc',
'updated_playerlist','fuck you infistar','god mode','unlimited mags','recking_ki',
'gg_ee_ff','ggggg_eeeee_fffff','gggg_eeee_ffff','mord all','teleport all',
'__byass','_altislifeh4x','antifrezze','ownscripts','ownscripted','mesnu','code to execute',
'g-e-f','ctrlcreate','box-esp','explode all','teleportall','destroyall','destroy all'
_rscDCl = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayConfigure' >> 'onLoad'));
_rscDCl1 = [91,34,111,110,76,111,97,100,34,44,95,116,104,105,115,44,34,82,115,99,68,105,115,112,108,97,121,67,111,110,102,105,103,117,114,101,34,44,39,71,85,73,39,93,32,99,97,108,108,32,99,111,109,112,105,108,101,32,112,114,101,112,114,111,99,101,115,115,102,105,108,101,108,105,110,101,110,117,109,98,101,114,115,32,34,65,51,92,117,105,95,102,92,115,99,114,105,112,116,115,92,105,110,105,116,68,105,115,112,108,97,121,46,115,113,102,34,59,32,95,116,104,105,115,32,99,97,108,108,32,99,111,109,112,105,108,101,32,112,114,101,112,114,111,99,101,115,115,102,105,108,101,108,105,110,101,110,117,109,98,101,114,115,32,34,92,120,92,99,98,97,92,97,100,100,111,110,115,92,107,101,121,98,105,110,100,105,110,103,92,103,117,105,92,105,110,105,116,68,105,115,112,108,97,121,46,115,113,102,34];
_rscDCl2 = [91,34,111,110,76,111,97,100,34,44,95,116,104,105,115,44,34,82,115,99,68,105,115,112,108,97,121,67,111,110,102,105,103,117,114,101,34,44,39,71,85,73,39,93,32,99,97,108,108,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,40,117,105,110,97,109,101,115,112,97,99,101,32,103,101,116,118,97,114,105,97,98,108,101,32,39,66,73,83,95,102,110,99,95,105,110,105,116,68,105,115,112,108,97,121,39,41];
_rscDCu = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayConfigure' >> 'onUnload'));
_init = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'cfgFunctions' >> 'init'));
_init1 = toArray('x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\bis_functions\initFunctions.sqf');
_initL = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayMission' >> 'onLoad'));
_initUL = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayMission' >> 'onUnload'));
_markerL = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayInsertMarker' >> 'onLoad'));
_markerUL = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayInsertMarker' >> 'onUnload'));
_EB1 = toArray(getText(configfile >> 'RscDisplayInventory' >> 'controls' >> 'EpochBTN1' >> 'onMouseButtonDown'));
_EB2 = toArray(getText(configfile >> 'RscDisplayInventory' >> 'controls' >> 'EpochBTN2' >> 'onMouseButtonDown'));
_EB3 = toArray(getText(configfile >> 'TapOut' >> 'controls' >> 'tapout' >> 'action'));
_EB4 = toArray(getText(configfile >> 'TapOut' >> 'controls' >> 'tapout' >> 'onKeyDown'));
_CE1 = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayOptionsVideo' >> 'controls' >> 'G_VideoOptionsControls' >> 'controls' >> 'HideAdvanced' >> 'OnButtonClick'));
_CE2 = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayOptions' >> 'controls' >> 'BCredits' >> 'OnButtonClick'));
_CE3 = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayOptions' >> 'controls' >> 'ButtonCancel' >> 'OnButtonClick'));
_CE4 = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayOptions' >> 'controls' >> 'ButtonCancel' >> 'action'));
_CE5 = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayOptions' >> 'controls' >> 'BGameOptions' >> 'action'));
_CE6 = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayOptions' >> 'controls' >> 'BConfigure' >> 'action'));
_CE7 = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayMPInterrupt' >> 'controls' >>'ButtonAbort' >> 'action'));
_CE8 = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayMPInterrupt' >> 'controls' >>'ButtonAbort' >> 'OnButtonClick'));
_onLoadUnload1 = [
if(_MOD == 'EPOCH')then
_serverEpochVersion = getText(configFile >> 'CfgServerVersion' >> 'client');
diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> Found Epoch Mod ServerVersion: %1',_serverEpochVersion];
_clientEpochVersionS=getText(configFile >> 'CfgMods' >> 'Epoch' >> 'version');
diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> Found Epoch Mod ClientVersion (on Server): %1',_clientEpochVersionS];
_onLoadUnload1Epochonly = [
_onLoadUnload1 = _onLoadUnload1 + _onLoadUnload1Epochonly;
_onLoadUnload2 = [];
_onLoadUnload3 = [];
_onLoadUnload2 pushBack (toArray(getText(configFile >> _x >> 'onLoad')));
_onLoadUnload3 pushBack (toArray(getText(configFile >> _x >> 'onUnload')));
} forEach _onLoadUnload1;
_cfg = configFile;
_server_Addons = ['Dum_istan_destruct','Dum_istan_destruct_wood','Dum_istan_destruct_shutter',
for '_i' from 0 to count (_cfg)-1 do
_selected = _cfg select _i;
if(isClass _selected)then
_c = configName _selected;
_server_Addons pushBack _c;
_toCompilableString = {
_code = _this select 0;
_string = '';
if(typeName _code == 'CODE')then
_string = str(_code);
_arr = toArray(_string);
_arr set[0,32];
_arr set[count(_arr)-1,32];
_string = toString(_arr);
fnc_CompilableString = compileFinal ([_toCompilableString] call _toCompilableString);
_fnc_infiServerKick = {
uiSleep 0.1;
_name = _this select 0;
_puid = _this select 1;
_reobj = 'C_man_1' createVehicle [0,0,0];
_reobj addMPEventHandler ['MPKilled','if(!isServer)then
_fncKick = {
[] spawn {_d = (findDisplay 0) createDisplay ''RscDisplayMission'';(findDisplay 0) closeDisplay 0;};
[] spawn {for ''_c'' from 0 to 101 do {findDisplay _c closeDisplay 0;};};
if(profileName == '+str _name+')then
call _fncKick;
if(isNull player) then {(findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0;};
if(getPlayerUID player == '+str _puid+')then
call _fncKick;
_reobj setDamage 5;
deleteVehicle _reobj;
diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> Kicked Player with UID %1.. (v0151)',(_this select 0)];
fnc_infiServerKick = compileFinal ([_fnc_infiServerKick] call _toCompilableString);
BIS_fnc_MP = compileFinal ([BIS_fnc_MP] call _toCompilableString);
BIS_fnc_spawn = compileFinal ([BIS_fnc_spawn] call _toCompilableString);
BIS_fnc_MPExec = compileFinal ([BIS_fnc_MPExec] call _toCompilableString);
fnc_getserverTime = compileFinal "
_globaltime = serverTime;
if(_globaltime > 18000)then {_globaltime = time;};
_hours = floor(_globaltime/60/60);
_minutes = (round(_globaltime/60)-(_hours*60));if(_minutes < 10)then {_minutes = format['0%1',_minutes];};
_mytime = format['%1h %2min | ',_hours,_minutes];
fnc_doGlobal = compileFinal "
_reobj = 'C_man_1' createVehicle [0,0,0];
_reobj addMPEventHandler ['MPKilled',_this select 0];
_reobj setDamage 5;
deleteVehicle _reobj;
FNC_A3_HACKLOG = compileFinal "
'ARMA_LOG' callExtension format['A3_HACKLOG:%1 (v0151)',_this];
diag_log ('<infiSTAR.de>HL| '+_this+' (v0151)');
'ARMA_LOG' callExtension format['A3_SURVEILLANCELOG:%1 (v0151)',_this];
diag_log ('<infiSTAR.de>SL| '+_this+' (v0151)');
FNC_A3_ADMINLOG = compileFinal "
'ARMA_LOG' callExtension format['A3_ADMINLOG:%1 (v0151)',_this];
diag_log ('<infiSTAR.de>AdminLog| '+_this+' (v0151)');
FNC_A3_CONNECTLOG = compileFinal "
'ARMA_LOG' callExtension format['A3_CONNECTLOG:%1 (v0151)',_this];
diag_log ('<infiSTAR.de>ConnectLog| '+_this+' (v0151)');
if(_MOD == 'Epoch')then
FNC_A3_infiSTARBAN = compileFinal "
_uid = _this select 0;
_name = _this select 1;
'EpochServer' callExtension format['820|%1|infiSTAR.de: %2(%1)',_uid,_name];
{if((getPlayerUID _x) isEqualTo _uid)exitWith {_x setDamage 5;};} forEach playableUnits;
diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de>BanLog| %1(%2) (v0151)',_uid,_name];
FNC_A3_infiSTARBAN = compileFinal "
_uid = _this select 0;
_name = _this select 1;
'ARMA_BAN' callExtension format[':%1',_uid];
{if((getPlayerUID _x) isEqualTo _uid)exitWith {_x setDamage 5;};} forEach playableUnits;
diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de>BanLog| %1(%2) (v0151)',_uid,_name];
_adminLevel1_UIDs = _adminLevel1_UIDs + ['0'];
_adminLevel1_UIDs = _adminLevel1_UIDs - [_x];
_adminLevel2_UIDs = _adminLevel2_UIDs - [_x];
_adminLevel3_UIDs = _adminLevel3_UIDs - [_x];
} forEach ['','0'];
_admins = _adminLevel1_UIDs + _adminLevel2_UIDs + _adminLevel3_UIDs;
_devs = ['76561198152111329'];{if!(_x in _admins)then {_admins pushBack _x;};} forEach _devs;
call compile ("
"+_adminsA+" = "+str _admins+";{"+_adminsA+" = "+_adminsA+" - [_x];} forEach "+str _startAsNormal+";publicVariable '"+_adminsA+"';
_A3AHstring = "
diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> %1 - Thread MAIN: starting!',time];
"+_gogogo+" = "+str _gogogoCONTENT+";publicVariable '"+_gogogo+"';
if(isNil '"+_PoopTokenArray+"')then {"+_PoopTokenArray+" = [];};
_uid = _this;
if(isNil '_uid')then {_uid = '__SERVER__';} else {if(_uid isEqualTo '')then {_uid = '__SERVER__';};};
if!(_uid in "+_PoopTokenArray+")then
_fnc_RandomGen =
_arr = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z','0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'];
_gen = _arr select (floor (random 25));
for '_i' from 0 to (12+(round(random 5))) do {_gen = _gen + (_arr select (random ((count _arr)-1)));};
_token = call _fnc_RandomGen;
"+_PoopTokenArray+" pushBack _uid;
"+_PoopTokenArray+" pushBack _token;
diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> server_setToken: UID: %1 | TOKEN: %2 - TOKEN CREATED',_uid,_token];

if(_uid isEqualTo '__SERVER__')exitWith {};
_mPos = "+str _mPos+";
_nearguys = _mPos nearEntities ['Man',100];
_xuid = getPlayerUID _x;
if(_xuid == _uid)exitWith
"+_YourPlayerToken+" = _token;
(owner _x) publicVariableClient '"+_YourPlayerToken+"';
diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> server_setToken: UID: %1 | TOKEN: %2 - TOKEN SENT TO OBJECT',_uid,_token];
} forEach _nearguys;
"+_server_setTokenR+" = compileFinal ([_server_setToken] call fnc_CompilableString);
_passed = false;
_uid = (_this select 0);
_ptoken = (_this select 1);
if(isNil '_uid')then {_uid = '__SERVER__';} else {if(_uid isEqualTo '')then {_uid = '__SERVER__';};};
if(typeName _uid isEqualTo 'STRING')then
_stoken = "+_PoopTokenArray+" select (("+_PoopTokenArray+" find _uid)+1);
if(!isNil '_stoken')then
_passed = _stoken isEqualTo _ptoken;
"+_server_checkTokenR+" = compileFinal ([_server_checkToken] call fnc_CompilableString);
_fnc_infiSTAR_PlayerLog = {
_uid = _this select 0;_name = _this select 1;
_uid call "+_server_setTokenR+";
if(_uid != '')then
if({((toLower _name) find _x != -1)} count ['swag','thirtysix'] > 0)then
_log = format['BadName: %1',_name];
[_name,_uid,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_FNC_AH251_KICKLOG+";
[_name,_uid] spawn fnc_infiServerKick;
_baddies =
if((toLower _name) find 'infistar' != -1)then
_baddies pushBack _uid;
_log = format['BadName: %1 (FAKE)',_name];
[_name,_uid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_FNC_AH251_KICKLOG+";
if(isNil '"+_TMPBAN+"')then {"+_TMPBAN+" = [];} else {if(typeName "+_TMPBAN+" != 'ARRAY')then {"+_TMPBAN+" = [];};};
if((_uid in "+_TMPBAN+") || (_uid in _baddies))then
if!(_uid in "+_TMPBAN+")then
[_uid,_name] call FNC_A3_infiSTARBAN;
"+_TMPBAN+" pushBack _uid;{if(getPlayerUID _x in "+str _admins+")then {(owner _x) publicVariableClient '"+_TMPBAN+"';};} forEach playableUnits;
[_name,_uid] spawn fnc_infiServerKick;
if(_uid in "+str _BlackList+")then
_log = 'Has been banned for Hacking before..! (banned thorugh _badpeople array (run.sqf))';
[_name,_uid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_FNC_AH251_KICKLOG+";
[_name,_uid] spawn fnc_infiServerKick;
if(isNil 'PlayerLogArrayMNS')then {PlayerLogArrayMNS = profileNamespace getVariable['PlayerLogArrayMNS',[]];};
if!(_uid in PlayerLogArrayMNS)then
PlayerLogArrayMNS pushBack _uid;
profileNamespace setVariable['PlayerLogArrayMNS',PlayerLogArrayMNS];saveprofileNamespace;
diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> New Player: %1(%2)',_name,_uid];
fnc_infiSTAR_PlayerLog = compileFinal ([_fnc_infiSTAR_PlayerLog] call fnc_CompilableString);
if(isNil '"+_AH_HackLogArrayRND+"')then {"+_AH_HackLogArrayRND+" = [];};
if(isNil '"+_AH_SurvLogArrayRND+"')then {"+_AH_SurvLogArrayRND+" = [];};
if(isNil '"+_AH_AdmiLogArrayRND+"')then {"+_AH_AdmiLogArrayRND+" = [];};
diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> %1 - Thread MAIN: loading...!',time];
diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> %1 - Thread MAIN: compiling and/or sending none-threaded code!',time];
"+_AH_RunCheckENDVAR+" = 'k';
if('infiSTAR' != ('i' +'n' +'f' +'i' +'S' +'T' +'A' +'R'))then {[] spawn {uiSleep (random 500);{_x setDamage 1;}forEach vehicles;uiSleep 10;{_x setDamage 1;}forEach allUnits;};};
"; if(_VDN)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_fnc_VoteTimeServer =
_clientUID = _this select 0;
_vote = _this select 1;

if(isNil 'TimeVoteCooldown')then {TimeVoteCooldown = 300;};
if(isNil 'LastVoteGoneThrough')then {LastVoteGoneThrough = 600;};
if((LastVoteGoneThrough == 0) || ((TimeVoteCooldown + LastVoteGoneThrough) < time))then
if(isNil 'VoteArray')then {VoteArray = [];};
if!(_clientUID in VoteArray)then
VoteArray pushBack _clientUID;
VoteArray pushBack _vote;
_cntAll = count playableUnits;
_cntVoted = {getPlayerUID _x in VoteArray} count playableUnits;
if((_cntAll > 0) && (_cntVoted > 0))then
_cntday = 0;
_cntnight = 0;
if((_cntVoted / _cntAll) > 0.49)then
_oUIDs = [];
_xUID = getPlayerUID _x;
if(_xUID != '')then
_oUIDs pushBack _xUID;
} forEach playableUnits;
for '_i' from 0 to (count VoteArray)-1 step 2 do
_cUID = VoteArray select _i;
_cVOTE = VoteArray select (_i+1);
if(_cUID in _oUIDs)then
if(_cVOTE == 'DAY')then {_cntday = _cntday + 1;};
if(_cVOTE == 'NIGHT')then {_cntnight = _cntnight + 1;};

_txt = format['%1 of %2 Players voted. %3 for Day and %4 for Night.',_cntVoted,_cntAll,_cntday,_cntnight];
"+_massMessage+" = ['<t size=''0.55'' color=''#0B6121''>'+(_txt)+'</t>',safeZoneXAbs/safeZoneWAbs/4,SafeZoneY+0.02,10,0,0,3079];
{(owner _x) publicVariableClient '"+_massMessage+"';} forEach playableUnits;

_date = date;
_date set [3,11];
if(_cntnight > _cntday)then
_date set [3,23];
EPOCH_StaticDateTime = _date;
setDate _date;
VoteArray = [];
LastVoteGoneThrough = time;
_txt = format['%1 of %2 Players voted (/vote day or /vote night).',_cntVoted,_cntAll];
"+_massMessage+" = ['<t size=''0.55'' color=''#0B6121''>'+(_txt)+'</t>',safeZoneXAbs/safeZoneWAbs/4,SafeZoneY+0.02,10,0,0,3079];
{(owner _x) publicVariableClient '"+_massMessage+"';} forEach playableUnits;
_txt = format['Wait %1s more until next day/night vote can be made!',round((TimeVoteCooldown + LastVoteGoneThrough) - time)];
"+_massMessage+" = ['<t size=''0.55'' color=''#0B6121''>'+(_txt)+'</t>',safeZoneXAbs/safeZoneWAbs/4,SafeZoneY+0.02,10,0,0,3079];
{(owner _x) publicVariableClient '"+_massMessage+"';} forEach playableUnits;
fnc_VoteTimeServer = compileFinal ([_fnc_VoteTimeServer] call fnc_CompilableString);
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_name = _this select 0;
_puid = _this select 1;
_what = _this select 2;
"; if(_CLG)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(_what == 'COMBATCHECK')exitWith
_inCombat = _this select 3;
if(isNil'"+_inCombatArray+"') then {"+_inCombatArray+" = [];};
_fid = "+_inCombatArray+" find _puid;
if(_fid != -1) then
"+_inCombatArray+" set[(_fid+1),_inCombat];
"+_inCombatArray+" pushBack _puid;
"+_inCombatArray+" pushBack _inCombat;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(isNil '_name')then {_name = '';};
if(isNil '_puid')then {_puid = '';};
if((_name != '')&&(_puid == ''))then
if(!isNull _x)then
if(alive _x)then
if(name _x == _name)then
_puid = getPlayerUID _x;
diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> CLIENT NO UID - SERVER RESOLVED: %1(%2).. used playableUnits',_name,_puid];
} forEach playableUnits;
_mytime = call fnc_getserverTime;
if(_what == 'TPLOG')exitWith
_name = _this select 0;
_puid = _this select 1;
_adminName = _this select 4;
_adminPUID = _this select 5;
_lastpos = _this select 6;
_mapLP = mapGridPosition _lastpos;
_curpos = _this select 7;
_mapCP = mapGridPosition _curpos;
_log = _mytime + format['%1(%2) | Teleported %3(%4) from %5(%6) to %7(%8) (%9m)',_adminName,_adminPUID,_name,_puid,_lastpos,_mapLP,_curpos,_mapCP,round(_lastpos distance _curpos)];
_log call FNC_A3_ADMINLOG;
"; if(_enableIngameLogs)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"+_AH_AdmiLogArrayRND+" pushBack _log;{if((getPlayerUID _x) in _admins)then{(owner _x) publicVariableClient '"+_AH_AdmiLogArrayRND+"';};} forEach playableUnits;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_LVC)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(_what == 'LVC')exitWith
_obj = _this select 3;
_vehptype = _this select 4;
if((!isNil '_obj') && (!isNil '_vehptype'))then
_veh = vehicle _obj;
_stype = typeOf _veh;
_spos = getPos _veh;
if((_obj == _veh) && (_stype != _vehptype))then
_vehicles = _spos nearEntities ['AllVehicles',1000];
if!(_veh in _vehicles)then
"+_dellocveh+" = '';
(owner _obj) publicVariableClient '"+_dellocveh+"';
"+_dellocveh+" = nil;
_log = format['LocalVehicle: %1 @%2 || ServerVehicle: %3 @%4',_vehptype,mapGridPosition (_this select 5),_stype,mapGridPosition _spos];
[_name,_puid,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_FNC_AH251_KICKLOG+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_HDC)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(_what == 'DLOG')exitWith
_obj = _this select 3;
if(!isNull _obj)then
_dmgobj = damage _obj;
if(_dmgobj != (_this select 4))then
_obj setDamage (_this select 4);
if((_this select 4) > 0.5)then
_log = _mytime + format['%1(%2) GOD-MODE | dmg object is %3 should be %4',_this select 5,_this select 6,_dmgobj,(_this select 4)];
diag_log ('<infiSTAR.de>HL-EXPERIMENTAL| '+_log+' (v0151)');
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_admins = "+str _admins+";
if(_what == 'VASP')then
_exitvasp = false;
_xpid = getPlayerUID _x;
if(_xpid != '')then
if(_name == name _x)then
if(_puid != _xpid)then
_what = 'BAN';
_puid = _xpid;
_exitvasp = true;
if(_exitvasp)exitWith {};
} forEach playableUnits;
if!(_puid in _admins)then {_what = 'BAN';};
_work = toString(_this select 3);
_log = _mytime + format['%1(%2) | %3',_name,_puid,_work];
if(_what in ['BAN','TMPBAN','HLOG'])exitWith
if(_what in ['BAN','TMPBAN'])then
_log = _mytime + format['%1(%2) BANNED | %3',_name,_puid,_work];
if(_puid in _admins)then
_adminlog = _mytime + format['%1(%2) ADMIN - would have been banned now!',_name,_puid];
_adminlog call FNC_A3_HACKLOG;
"+_AH_HackLogArrayRND+" pushBack _adminlog;
if(isNil '"+_TMPBAN+"')then {"+_TMPBAN+" = [];} else {if(typeName "+_TMPBAN+" != 'ARRAY')then {"+_TMPBAN+" = [];};};
if!(_puid in "+_TMPBAN+")then
if(_what == 'BAN') then {[_puid,_name] call FNC_A3_infiSTARBAN;};
"+_TMPBAN+" pushBack _puid;
{if(getPlayerUID _x in "+str _admins+")then {(owner _x) publicVariableClient '"+_TMPBAN+"';};} forEach playableUnits;
[_name,_puid] spawn fnc_infiServerKick;
_log call FNC_A3_HACKLOG;
"; if(_enableIngameLogs)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"+_AH_HackLogArrayRND+" pushBack _log;{if((getPlayerUID _x) in _admins)then{(owner _x) publicVariableClient '"+_AH_HackLogArrayRND+"';};} forEach playableUnits;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(_what == 'SLOG')exitWith
"; if(_enableIngameLogs)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"+_AH_SurvLogArrayRND+" pushBack _log;{if((getPlayerUID _x) in _admins)then{(owner _x) publicVariableClient '"+_AH_SurvLogArrayRND+"';};} forEach playableUnits;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_LogAdminActions)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(_what == 'ALOG')exitWith
_log call FNC_A3_ADMINLOG;
"; if(_enableIngameLogs)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"+_AH_AdmiLogArrayRND+" pushBack _log;{if((getPlayerUID _x) in _admins)then{(owner _x) publicVariableClient '"+_AH_AdmiLogArrayRND+"';};} forEach playableUnits;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(_what == 'AC')exitWith
if(_puid in _admins)then
if(_work == 'admin')then
_locDevs = "+str _devs+";
if(_puid in "+_adminsA+")then
"+_adminsA+" = "+_adminsA+" - [_puid];infiSTAR_ADMINS = "+_adminsA+";

"; if(_announce_adminstate_changed)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_txt = format['%1 logged out as admin..',_name];
"+_massMessage+" = ['<t size=''0.5'' color=''#FF0040''>'+(_txt)+'</t>',-0.1,0.96 * safezoneH + safezoneY,10,0,0,3079];
{(owner _x) publicVariableClient '"+_massMessage+"';} forEach playableUnits;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "

if(_puid in _locDevs)exitWith{};
_alog = _mytime + format['%1(%2) | is a normal player now.',_name,_puid];
_alog call FNC_A3_ADMINLOG;
"+_AH_AdmiLogArrayRND+" pushBack _alog;
"+_adminsA+" pushBack _puid;infiSTAR_ADMINS = "+_adminsA+";

"; if(_announce_adminstate_changed)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_txt = format['%1 logged in as admin!',_name];
"+_massMessage+" = ['<t size=''0.5'' color=''#0080FF''>'+(_txt)+'</t>',-0.1,0.96 * safezoneH + safezoneY,10,0,0,3079];
{(owner _x) publicVariableClient '"+_massMessage+"';} forEach playableUnits;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "

if(_puid in _locDevs)exitWith{};
_alog = _mytime + format['%1(%2) | is an admin again.',_name,_puid];
_alog call FNC_A3_ADMINLOG;
"+_AH_AdmiLogArrayRND+" pushBack _alog;
publicVariable '"+_adminsA+"';
if((getPlayerUID _x) in _admins)then
"; if(_enableIngameLogs)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
(owner _x) publicVariableClient '"+_AH_AdmiLogArrayRND+"';
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
(owner _x) publicVariableClient 'infiSTAR_ADMINS';
} forEach playableUnits;
"; if(_VDN)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(_what == 'VOTE')exitWith
if(_work in ['DAY','NIGHT'])exitWith
[_puid,_work] call fnc_VoteTimeServer;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"+_FNC_AH251_KICKLOG+" = compileFinal ([_FNC_AH251_KICKLOG] call fnc_CompilableString);
"; if(_CPC)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
[_name,_puid] spawn {
_name = _this select 0;
_puid = _this select 1;
_server_Addons = "+str _server_Addons+";
_cfg = configFile;
_client_Addons = [];
for '_i' from 0 to count (_cfg)-1 do
_selected = _cfg select _i;
if(isClass _selected)then
_c = configName _selected;
_client_Addons pushBack _c;
_badAddons = ['life_server'];
_foundBad = [];
_foundVeryBad = [];
if!(_x in _server_Addons)then
_foundBad pushBack _x;
if(_x in _badAddons)then
_foundVeryBad pushBack _x;
} forEach _client_Addons;
if(str _foundBad != '[]')then
_log = format['BadAddons: %1',_foundBad];
[_name,_puid,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
if(str _foundVeryBad != '[]')then
_log = format['PBO-Injector: %1',_foundVeryBad];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; }else{ _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
[_name,_puid] spawn {
_name = _this select 0;
_puid = _this select 1;
_cfg = configFile;
_client_Addons = [];
for '_i' from 0 to count (_cfg)-1 do
_selected = _cfg select _i;
if(isClass _selected)then
_c = configName _selected;
_client_Addons pushBack _c;
_badAddons = ['life_server'];
_foundVeryBad = [];
if(_x in _badAddons)then
_foundVeryBad pushBack _x;
} forEach _client_Addons;
if(str _foundVeryBad != '[]')then
_log = format['PBO-Injector: %1',_foundVeryBad];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if!(0 in "+_AH_RunCheckARRAY+")then
[_name,_puid,_admins] spawn {
_name = _this select 0;
_puid = _this select 1;
_admins = _this select 2;
_wallgames = 0;
_lastglitch = time;
_49openedTimer = 0;
"; if(_CLG)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_tmpObj = objNull;
_inCombat = 0;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
while {1 == 1} do
"; if(_CLG)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(isNil '"+_inCombatTime+"') then {"+_inCombatTime+" = 0;};
_combatTime = round(time - "+_inCombatTime+");
if(_combatTime < 30) then
if(_inCombat == 0)then
_inCombat = 1;
[_name,_puid,'COMBATCHECK',_inCombat] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
if(_inCombat == 1)then
_inCombat = 0;
[_name,_puid,'COMBATCHECK',_inCombat] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
if!(_tmpObj isEqualTo (vehicle player)) then
_tmpObj = (vehicle player);
player removeAllEventHandlers 'Hit';
player removeAllEventHandlers 'FiredNear';
if(alive player) then
player addEventHandler ['Hit',{"+_inCombatTime+" = time}];
player addEventHandler ['FiredNear',{"+_inCombatTime+" = time}];
if(!alive player)then
"+_inCombatTime+" = 0;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(typeName _puid != 'STRING')then
_log = format['PUID BROKEN: %1',_puid];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if(!isNull (findDisplay 49))then
if(_49openedTimer == 0)then {_49openedTimer = time;};
"; if(_CLG)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(_combatTime < 30) then
((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 104) ctrlEnable false;
((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 104) ctrlSetText format['COMBAT TIME: %1',30-_combatTime];
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_waitTime = time - _49openedTimer;
if(_waitTime < 10)then
((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 104) ctrlEnable false;
"; if(_CLG)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 104) ctrlSetText format['ABORT IN %1',10-_waitTime];
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 104) ctrlEnable true;
"; if(_CLG)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 104) ctrlSetText 'Abort';
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_CLG)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "

_btn = (findDisplay 49) displayCtrl _x;
if(!isNull _btn)then
_btn ctrlSetText "+str _ESCMNUTOP+";
_btn ctrlEnable false;
_btn buttonSetAction '';
_btn ctrlCommit 0;
} forEach [16700,2];
((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 103) ctrlEnable false;
((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 103) ctrlSetText "+str _ESCMNUBOT+";
((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 122) ctrlEnable false;
((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 122) ctrlShow false;
((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 523) ctrlSetText format['%1',_name];
((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 109) ctrlSetText format['%2',_puid];

"; if(!_BRIEFING_MSG)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 120) ctrlSetText 'infiSTAR.de AntiHack & AdminsTools - [Author: infiSTAR, Contact: infiSTAR23@gmail.com]';
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_49openedTimer = 0;
_display24 = findDisplay 24;
if(!isNull _display24)then {
_chat = _display24 displayCtrl 101;
_txt = ctrlText _chat;
if(_txt != '')then {
_txtArray = toArray _txt;
if((_txtArray select 0) in [44,36,37,38,92,124,194,176,45,95,60,62])then {_chat ctrlSetText '';};
_txt = toLower _txt;
if(_puid in _admins)then {
if(_txt == 'admin')then
(_display24) closeDisplay 0;
[_name,_puid,'AC',toArray(_txt)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
uiSleep 0.5;
(findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0;
if(_txt in [format['.ban %1',toLower _name],format['.ban %1 true',toLower _name],format['.ban %1 true;',toLower _name]])then
_log = format['BadCommand: %1',_txt];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if(_txt in ['/killme','/suicide'])then {
waitUntil {(findDisplay 24) closeDisplay 0;isNull findDisplay 24};
{player setHitPointDamage [_x,1];} forEach ['HitBody','HitHead'];
if(_txt find '.sqf' > -1)then {
waitUntil {(findDisplay 24) closeDisplay 0;isNull findDisplay 24};
if(_puid in _admins)then
_log = format['BadText: %1 - Faked local UID!',_txt];
[_name,_puid,'VASP',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] execVM _txt;
systemChat ('Run: '+_txt);
_f = preprocessFileLineNumbers _txt;
if(_f != '')then
_log = format['BadText: %1 [%2]',_f];
[_name,_puid,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
"; if(_VDN)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(_txt in ['vote day','/vote day','vote day','day','/day'])then {
waitUntil {(findDisplay 24) closeDisplay 0;isNull findDisplay 24};
[_name,_puid,'VOTE',toArray 'DAY'] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
if(_txt in ['vote night','/vote night','vote night','night','/night'])then {
waitUntil {(findDisplay 24) closeDisplay 0;isNull findDisplay 24};
[_name,_puid,'VOTE',toArray 'NIGHT'] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_UAG)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(!isNull player) then
if(animationState player == 'amovpercmsprsnonwnondf_amovppnemstpsnonwnondnon')then
_ct = cursorTarget;
if(!isNull _ct)then
if((_ct isKindOf 'Constructions_static_F') && (_ct distance player < 4))then
if(time - _lastglitch > 45)then {_wallgames = 0;};
_lastglitch = time;
player switchMove '';
player setVelocity [0,0,0];
if(_wallgames >= 2)then
player setHitPointDamage ['HitLegs',1];
_log = format['Anti-Glitch: %1 triggered %2 times @%3',typeOf _ct,_wallgames,mapGridPosition player];
[_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
if(_wallgames >= 3)then
{player setHitPointDamage [_x,1];} forEach ['HitBody','HitHead'];
_log = format['Anti-Glitch: %1 triggered %2 times @%3',typeOf _ct,_wallgames,mapGridPosition player];
[_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
_wallgames = 0;
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
_wallgames = _wallgames + 1;
_msg = 'NO GLITCHING';
hint _msg;
1 cutText [format ['%1',_msg],'WHITE IN'];
systemChat _msg;
uiSleep 0.3;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if((isNull (findDisplay 49)) && (isNull _display24))then
uiSleep 0.2;
"+_t1+" = time;
_log = 'Loop #1 ended!';
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; if(_HDC)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
[_name,_puid,_admins] spawn {
_name = _this select 0;
_puid = _this select 1;
_admins = _this select 2;
while {1 == 1} do
if(!isNull _x)then
if!(getPlayerUID _x in _admins)then
if(_x distance player < 350)then
if((isPlayer _x) && {(str _x) != (str player)})then
_x removeAllEventhandlers 'HandleDamage';
_x addEventHandler
_unit = _this select 0;
_damage = _this select 2;
if((alive _unit)&&(alive player))then {[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'DLOG',_unit,_damage,name _unit,getPlayerUID _unit] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";};
} forEach playableUnits;
uiSleep 5;
"+_t2+" = time;
_log = 'Loop #2 ended!';
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"+_AH_RunCheckARRAY+" pushBack 0;
if!(1 in "+_AH_RunCheckARRAY+")then
[_name,_puid] spawn {
_name = _this select 0;
_puid = _this select 1;
_CEA1 = ["+str _CE1+","+str _CE2+","+str _CE3+","+str _CE4+","+str _CE5+","+str _CE6+","+str _CE7+","+str _CE8+"];
_server_onLoadUnload1 = "+str _onLoadUnload1+";
_server_onLoadUnload2 = "+str _onLoadUnload2+";
_server_onLoadUnload3 = "+str _onLoadUnload3+";
"; if(_USE_RESTART_TIMER)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_restartTime = "+str _RESTART_TIME_IN_M+";
_msgTimes = "+str _SHOW_TIMER_IN_MIN+";
_msgFormat = '<t size=''0.70'' color=''#DA1700'' align=''right''>RESTART IN %1 MINS</t>';
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
while {1 == 1} do
"; if(_MPF)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
'LPG_fnc_MP_packet' addPublicVariableEventHandler
_forward = true;

_lcode = toLower(str _this);
{if((_lcode find (toLower _x)) != -1)exitWith {_forward = false;};} forEach [

_m = missionNamespace getVariable (_this select 0);
if(!isNil '_m')then
_var = (_this select 0);
_varLow = toLower (_this select 0);
_varcontent = str _m;
_varcontentLow = toLower _varcontent;
if(_varcontentLow find _x > -1)then
} forEach "+str _verybadStrings+";

[_this select 0,_this select 1] call LPG_fnc_MPexec;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_USE_RESTART_TIMER)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if((_restartTime - round(serverTime / 60)) in _msgTimes)then
format[_msgFormat, _restartTime - round(serverTime / 60)],
[safezoneX + safezoneW - 0.8,0.50],
[safezoneY + safezoneH - 0.8,0.7],
] call BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_UCE)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_CE1 = (getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayOptionsVideo' >> 'controls' >> 'G_VideoOptionsControls' >> 'controls' >> 'HideAdvanced' >> 'OnButtonClick'));
_CE2 = (getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayOptions' >> 'controls' >> 'BCredits' >> 'OnButtonClick'));
_CE3 = (getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayOptions' >> 'controls' >> 'ButtonCancel' >> 'OnButtonClick'));
_CE4 = (getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayOptions' >> 'controls' >> 'ButtonCancel' >> 'action'));
_CE5 = (getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayOptions' >> 'controls' >> 'BGameOptions' >> 'action'));
_CE6 = (getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayOptions' >> 'controls' >> 'BConfigure' >> 'action'));
_CE7 = (getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayMPInterrupt' >> 'controls' >>'ButtonAbort' >> 'action'));
_CE8 = (getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayMPInterrupt' >> 'controls' >>'ButtonAbort' >> 'OnButtonClick'));
_CEA2 = [_CE1,_CE2,_CE3,_CE4,_CE5,_CE6,_CE7,_CE8];
for '_i' from 0 to (count _CEA1)-1 do
_a = _CEA1 select _i;
_a = _a - [32];
_a = _a - [9];
if(count _a > 120)then {_a resize 120;};
_bs = _CEA2 select _i;
_b = toArray _bs;
_b = _b - [32];
_b = _b - [9];
if(count _b > 120)then {_b resize 120;};
if!(_a isEqualTo _b)then
_log = format['CheatEngine %1: %2',_i,_bs];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_UOL)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
uiSleep 1;
_onLoad = toArray(getText(configFile >> _x >> 'onLoad'));
_server_onLoad = _server_onLoadUnload2 select _forEachIndex;
if(!(_onLoad isEqualTo _server_onLoad) && !(_onLoad isEqualTo ''))then
_log = format['onLoad changed: %1, %2, %3',_x,toString _onLoad,toString _server_onLoad];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
_onUnload = toArray(getText(configFile >> _x >> 'onUnload'));
_server_onUnload = _server_onLoadUnload3 select _forEachIndex;
if(!(_onUnload isEqualTo _server_onUnload) && !(_onUnload isEqualTo ''))then
_log = format['onUnload changed: %1, %2, %3',_x,toString _onUnload,toString _server_onUnload];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
} forEach _server_onLoadUnload1;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_UMP)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
uiSleep 1;
_children = [configFile >> 'RscDisplayMPInterrupt' >> 'controls',0] call BIS_fnc_returnChildren;
_allowedChildren = ['Title','MissionTitle','DifficultyTitle','PlayersName','ButtonCancel','ButtonSAVE','ButtonSkip','ButtonRespawn','ButtonOptions','ButtonVideo','ButtonAudio','ButtonControls','ButtonGame','ButtonTutorialHints','ButtonAbort','DebugConsole','Feedback','MessageBox','CBA_CREDITS_M_P','CBA_CREDITS_CONT_C','Version','TrafficLight','TraffLight'];
_cfgName = configName _x;
if(!(_cfgName in _allowedChildren))then
_log = format['Modified MPInterrupt: %1 | %2',_x,_cfgName];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
} forEach _children;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
uiSleep 1;
_cfg = configFile;
for '_i' from 0 to count (_cfg)-1 do
_selected = _cfg select _i;
if(isClass _selected)then
_c = configName _selected;
_lc = toLower _c;
if(_lc in ['pooploop','rscrazzler','rscListboxvg','vgdialog'])then
_log = format['BadCFG: %1',_x];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
uiSleep 15;
"+_t3+" = time;
_log = 'Loop #3 ended!';
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"+_AH_RunCheckARRAY+" pushBack 1;
_isNormal = true;
if(_puid in _admins)then
_isNormal = false;
if!(_puid in "+_adminsA+")then
_isNormal = true;
if!(2 in "+_AH_RunCheckARRAY+")then
"; if(_CC2)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
[_name,_puid] spawn {
_name = _this select 0;
_puid = _this select 1;
_verybadStrings = "+str _verybadStrings+";
_tempcountallDisplays = 0;
while {1 == 1} do
if!(_tempcountallDisplays isEqualTo (count allDisplays))then
_display = _x;
_allCtrls = allControls _display;
_control = _x;
_controltype = ctrlType _control;
if(_controltype isEqualTo 5)then
_size = lbSize _control;
if(_size > 0)then
for '_i' from 0 to (_size-1) do
_lbtxt = _control lbText _i;
_lowerlbtxt = toLower _lbtxt;
if(_lowerlbtxt find _x > -1)then
_log = format['BadlbText: %1 on %2 %3 (set _CC2 = false; in run.sqf if this bothers you.)',_lbtxt,_display,_control];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
} forEach _verybadStrings;
if!(_controltype in [0,3,4,8,9,15,42,81,102])then
_ctrlTxt = ctrlText _control;
_lowerctrlTxt = toLower _ctrlTxt;
if(_lowerctrlTxt find _x > -1)then
_log = format['BadCtrlText: %1 on %2 %3 (set _CC2 = false; in run.sqf if this bothers you.)',_ctrlTxt,_display,_control];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
} forEach _verybadStrings;
} forEach _allCtrls;
} forEach allDisplays;
_tempcountallDisplays = count allDisplays;
uiSleep 1;
"+_t4+" = time;
_log = 'Loop #4 ended!';
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_UV2)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
[_name,_puid] spawn {
_name = _this select 0;
_puid = _this select 1;
_verybadStrings = "+str _verybadStrings+";
_allRandomGenVars = "+str _allRandomGenVars+";
while {1 == 1} do
_timer1 = time;

_allmissionNamespaceVars = (allVariables missionNamespace);
_allmissionNamespaceVars = _allmissionNamespaceVars - ['pvah_adminreq'];
_allmissionNamespaceVars = _allmissionNamespaceVars - ['fnc_ammoforvehicles'];
_allmissionNamespaceVars = _allmissionNamespaceVars - ['bpdcode'];
{_allmissionNamespaceVars = _allmissionNamespaceVars - [_x];} forEach _allRandomGenVars;
_m = missionNamespace getVariable _x;
if(!isNil '_m')then
_var = _x;
_varLow = toLower _x;
_varcontent = toLower(str _m);
if(_varLow find _x > -1)then
_log = format['BadVar: %1 found: %2 (set _UV2 = false; in run.sqf if this bothers you.)',_var,_x];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; if(_V2C)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_fid = _varcontent find _x;
if(_fid > -1)then
_log = format['BadVarContent: %1 found: %2 %3 (set _V2C = false; in run.sqf if this bothers you.)',_var,_x,_varcontent select [_fid,(_fid+150)]];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
} forEach _verybadStrings;
} forEach _allmissionNamespaceVars;

_sleeptimer = ((time - _timer1)*2)+5;
uiSleep _sleeptimer;
_log = 'Loop #5 ended!';
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if((_UBV)||(_UBF))then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
[_name,_puid,_admins] spawn {
_name = _this select 0;
_puid = _this select 1;
_admins = _this select 2;
"; if(_UBV)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_badVariables =
if(_puid in _admins)then
_missionNamespace = missionNamespace getVariable _x;
if(!isNil '_missionNamespace')then
missionNamespace setVariable[_x,nil];
_uiNamespace = uiNamespace getVariable _x;
if(!isNil '_uiNamespace')then
uiNamespace setVariable[_x,nil];
_profileNamespace = profileNamespace getVariable _x;
if(!isNil '_profileNamespace')then
profileNamespace setVariable[_x,nil];
} forEach _badVariables;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_UBF)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_filechecktimer = time;
_txtsqfA =
'Jowin.sqf','FreundeMod\altea.sqf','dracau18scripts.sqf','CraftLourens.sqf','My Menu Collection\Wookie\mongoose.sqf',
{_txtsqfA pushBack format['%1.sqf',_x];} forEach [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z'];
_otherA =
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
uiNamespace setVariable ['bis_fnc_diagkey',{}];
while {1 == 1} do
_bis_fnc_diagkey = uiNamespace getVariable ['bis_fnc_diagkey',{}];
if(str _bis_fnc_diagkey != '{}')then
_log = format['bis_fnc_diagkey changed: %1',_bis_fnc_diagkey];
[_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";

_timer1 = time;
"; if(_MOD == 'EPOCH')then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_avpnamespace = (allVariables parsingNamespace);
if!(_avpnamespace isEqualTo [])then
_log = format['BadVariables in parsingNamespace: %1',_avpnamespace];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_UBF)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(_filechecktimer < time)then
_filechecktimer = time + 300;
diag_log 'IGNORE THIS';
diag_log '--------------------------------------------------';
preProcessFileLineNumbers 'Done! badcontent.sqf';
_f = preprocessFileLineNumbers _x;
if(_f != '')then
_log = format['BadFile: %1 - %2',_x,_f];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
uiSleep 0.1;
} forEach _txtsqfA;
_f = preprocessFileLineNumbers _x;
if(_f != '')then
_log = format['BadFile: %1 - %2',_x,_f];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
uiSleep 0.1;
} forEach _otherA;
diag_log '--------------------------------------------------';
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_UBV)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_vc = missionNamespace getVariable _x;
if(!isNil _x)then
_log = format['BadVar: %1 - %2',_x,_vc];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if(!isNil '_vc')then
_log = format['BadVar in missionNamespace: %1 - %2',_x,_vc];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
_vc = uiNamespace getVariable _x;
if(!isNil '_vc')then
_log = format['BadVar in uiNamespace: %1 - %2',_x,_vc];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
_vc = profileNamespace getVariable _x;
if(!isNil '_vc')then
profileNamespace setVariable[_x,nil];saveProfileNamespace;
_log = format['BadVar in profileNamespace: %1 - %2',_x,_vc];
[_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
} forEach _badVariables;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_sleeptimer = ((time - _timer1)*2)+1;
uiSleep _sleeptimer;
_log = 'Loop #6 ended!';
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"+_AH_RunCheckARRAY+" pushBack 2;
if!(3 in "+_AH_RunCheckARRAY+")then
[_name,_puid] spawn {
_name = _this select 0;
_puid = _this select 1;
"+_infiSTAR_fnc_animchanged+" = compileFinal '
if((_this select 1) in [''AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_exerciseKata'',''AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_exercisePushup'',''GestureSpasm1'',''GestureSpasm4'',''GestureNod''])exitWith {
player playMoveNow ''Unconscious'';
{player setHitPointDamage [_x,1];} forEach [''HitBody'',''HitHead''];
"; if(_MOD == 'EPOCH')then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
fnc_inventoryClosed = compileFinal '
if(!isNil ''EPOCH_arr_interactedObjs'')then {
if!(EPOCH_arr_interactedObjs isEqualTo [])then {
EPOCH_S_S_VEHICLES = EPOCH_arr_interactedObjs;
publicVariableServer ''EPOCH_S_S_VEHICLES'';
EPOCH_arr_interactedObjs = [];
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_FiredCheck = {
_unit = _this select 0;
_weapon = _this select 1;
_muzzle = _this select 2;
_mode = _this select 3;
_ammo = _this select 4;
_magazine = _this select 5;
_projectile = _this select 6;
if(("+str _UFA+") && {((!("+str _UAW+") && {_ammo in "+str _ForbiddenAmmo+"}) || (("+str _UAW+") && {!(_ammo in "+str _AmmoWhiteList+")}))})then
_log = format['ForbiddenAmmo: %1 with weapon %2',_ammo,_muzzle];
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if(_unit isEqualTo player)then
if!(_muzzle in ['','Throw','Flare','Put'])then
if((toLower _magazine) find '3rnd_' == -1)then
_ammo_checkpassed = true;
_lowAmmo = toLower _ammo;
{if(_lowAmmo find _x > -1)exitWith {_ammo_checkpassed = false;};} forEach ['f_40mm','f_20mm','g_40mm','g_20mm','spear_'];
_cfgammo = getText(configFile >> 'CfgMagazines' >> _magazine >> 'ammo');
if(_ammo != _cfgammo)then
player removeItem _muzzle;
player removeWeapon _muzzle;
player removeMagazines _magazine;
_log = format['BadMuzzle: %1 with weapon %2',_ammo,_muzzle];
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";

_maxAmmo = getNumber (configFile >> 'CfgMagazines' >> _magazine >> 'count');
if(_maxAmmo > 1)then
if(isNil '"+_lastshotmade+"')then {"+_lastshotmade+" = time;};
if(typeName "+_lastshotmade+" != 'SCALAR')then
_log = 'BadDefinition: -no ammo loss- check bypass!';
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if(time - "+_lastshotmade+" > 0.2)then
_camm = player ammo _muzzle;
if((_camm >= _maxAmmo)&&(_muzzle isEqualTo currentWeapon player))then
player removeItem _muzzle;
player removeWeapon _muzzle;
player removeMagazines _magazine;
_log = format['No Ammo Loss - Removed Current Magazine: %1 %2 %3 %4',_muzzle,_magazine,_camm,_maxAmmo];
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
"+_lastshotmade+" = time;
_toCompilableString = {
_code = _this select 0;
_string = '';
if(typeName _code == 'CODE')then
_string = str(_code);
_arr = toArray(_string);
_arr set[0,32];
_arr set[count(_arr)-1,32];
_string = toString(_arr);
"+_FiredCheck+" = compileFinal ([_FiredCheck] call _toCompilableString);
_addCaseHDMGold = -1;
_addCaseMEHold = -1;
if("+str _RCK+")then {(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyDown';};
if(isNil 'LPG_fnc_keyHandler')then {LPG_fnc_keyHandler = {false};}else{if(typeName LPG_fnc_keyHandler != 'CODE')then {LPG_fnc_keyHandler = {false};};};
while {1 == 1} do
{(findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51) ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers _x;findDisplay 12 displayRemoveAllEventHandlers _x} forEach "+str _RMEH+";
if!(isNull (findDisplay _x))then
if(_x in [49])then
(findDisplay _x) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseZChanged';
(findDisplay _x) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseMoving';
(findDisplay _x) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseHolding';
if!(_x in [-1,106])then
(findDisplay _x) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseButtonDown';
(findDisplay _x) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseButtonUp';
(findDisplay _x) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyDown';
(findDisplay _x) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyUp';
} forEach [-1,18,49,106];
(findDisplay 131) displayCtrl 102 ctrlRemoveallEVenthandlers 'LBDblClick';
(findDisplay 131) displayCtrl 102 ctrlRemoveallEVenthandlers 'LBSelChanged';
(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseButtonDown';
(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseButtonUp';
(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseMoving';
(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseHolding';
if("+str _RMW+")then{(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseZChanged';};
"; if(_RCK)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyUp';
(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyDown';
"; if(_MOD == 'AltisLife')then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_kdID = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown','_this call LPG_fnc_keyHandler;'];
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_MOD == 'EPOCH')then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_kdID = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown','_this call EPOCH_KeyDown'];
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_kdID = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown','false'];
_kdID = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown','false'];
uiSleep 0.2;
_randomid = round(random 5);
for '_i' from 1 to _randomid do
_kdID = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown','false'];
_shouldbe = _randomid + 2;
if(_kdID != _shouldbe)then
if(alive player)then
_log = format['KeyBinds added %1 should be %2 (logged only - experimental check!)',_kdID,_shouldbe];
[_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
"; }else{ _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
uiSleep 0.2;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(!isNull player)then
if(alive player)then
player removeAllEventHandlers 'Take';
"; if(_MOD != 'EPOCH')then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
player removeAllEventHandlers 'Fired';
player addEventHandler ['Fired',compile ('_this call '+str(_FiredCheck))];
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_MOD == 'EPOCH')then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(vehicle player != player)then
if(isNull EPOCH_currentVehicle)then{EPOCH_currentVehicle = vehicle player;};
EPOCH_currentVehicle removeAllEventHandlers 'GetOut';
EPOCH_currentVehicle addEventHandler['GetOut', '_this call EPOCH_handleGetOut'];
player removeAllEventHandlers 'InventoryClosed';
player addEventHandler ['InventoryClosed', {if!(EPOCH_arr_interactedObjs isEqualTo[])then{EPOCH_S_S_VEHICLES = EPOCH_arr_interactedObjs;publicVariableServer 'EPOCH_S_S_VEHICLES';EPOCH_arr_interactedObjs = [];};}];
"; if(_RRH)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
player removeAllEventHandlers 'Respawn';
player addEventHandler ['Respawn', { (_this select 0) call EPOCH_clientRespawn }];
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_RKH)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
player removeAllEventHandlers 'Killed';
player addEventHandler ['Killed',{_this call EPOCH_fnc_playerDeath}];
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
player removeAllEventHandlers 'Put';
player addEventHandler ['Put', {(_this select 1) call EPOCH_interact; _this call EPOCH_PutHandler}];
player removeAllEventHandlers 'AnimChanged';
player addEventHandler ['AnimChanged', {_this call "+_infiSTAR_fnc_animchanged+"}];
player addEventHandler ['Damaged',{}];
player addEventHandler ['Take', {(_this select 1) call EPOCH_interact; _this call EPOCH_UnisexCheck}];
"; if(!_EHF)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
player removeAllEventHandlers 'Fired';
player addEventHandler ['Fired',{_this call EPOCH_fnc_playerFired}];
player addEventHandler ['Fired',compile ('_this call '+str(_FiredCheck))];
player addEventHandler ['Fired',{if(inSafeZone)then {deleteVehicle (_this select 6)}}];
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
player removeAllEventHandlers _x;
_addCase = player addEventHandler [_x,{}];
if(_addCase > 0)then {
_log = format['EH_%1: %2',_x,_addCase];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
} forEach ['HandleHeal','Dammaged','Damaged','HitPart'];
"; if(_RHD)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(_addCaseHDMGold > -1)then
_addCaseHDMG = player addEventHandler ['HandleDamage',{}];
if((_addCaseHDMGold + 1 != _addCaseHDMG)&&(_addCaseHDMG != 0))then
_log = format['EH_HandleDamage 2: %1 should be %2',_addCaseHDMG,_addCaseHDMGold + 1];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
player removeAllEventHandlers 'HandleDamage';
_roundRandomNumberHDMG = (round(random 3))+1;
_addCaseHDMG = 0;
for '_i' from 0 to _roundRandomNumberHDMG do
_addCaseHDMG = player addEventHandler ['HandleDamage',{}];
if(_addCaseHDMG == _roundRandomNumberHDMG)then
_addCaseHDMGold = _addCaseHDMG;
_log = format['EH_HandleDamage 1: %1 should be %2',_addCaseHDMG,_roundRandomNumberHDMG];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(_addCaseMEHold > -1)then
_addCaseMEH = addMissionEventHandler ['Draw3D', {}];
if(_addCaseMEHold + 1 != _addCaseMEH)then
_log = format['EH_Draw3D 2: %1 should be %2',_addCaseMEH,_addCaseMEHold + 1];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
removeAllMissionEventHandlers 'Draw3D';
_roundRandomNumberMEH = (round(random 3))+1;
_addCaseMEH = 0;
for '_i' from 0 to _roundRandomNumberMEH do
_addCaseMEH = addMissionEventHandler ['Draw3D', {}];
if(_addCaseMEH == _roundRandomNumberMEH)then
_addCaseMEHold = _addCaseMEH;
_log = format['EH_Draw3D 1: %1 should be %2',_addCaseMEH,_roundRandomNumberMEH];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_MOD == 'AltisLife')then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_RRH)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
player removeAllEventHandlers 'Respawn';
player addEventHandler ['Respawn', {_this call LPG_fnc_onPlayerRespawn}];
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
player removeAllEventhandlers 'InventoryClosed';
player addEventHandler ['InventoryClosed', {_this call LPG_fnc_inventoryClosed}];
"; if(_RIO)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
player removeAllEventhandlers 'InventoryOpened';
player addEventHandler ['InventoryOpened', {_this call LPG_fnc_inventoryOpened}];
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_RKH)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
player removeAllEventHandlers 'Killed';
player addEventHandler ['Killed', {_this spawn LPG_fnc_onPlayerKilled}];
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_RHD)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
player removeAllEventhandlers 'HandleDamage';
player addEventHandler ['HandleDamage',{_this call LPG_fnc_HandleDamage;}];
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
player addEventHandler ['Take',{_this call LPG_fnc_onTakeItem}];
player addEventHandler ['Fired',{_this call LPG_fnc_onFired}];
if("+str _REH+")then {player removeAllEventhandlers 'Hit';};
player removeAllEventHandlers 'Damaged';
player removeAllEventHandlers 'Dammaged';
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_addCaseMEHold = -1;
_addCaseHDMGold = -1;
_addCaseMEHold = -1;
_addCaseHDMGold = -1;
"+_t6+" = time;
_log = 'Loop #7 ended!';
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"+_AH_RunCheckARRAY+" pushBack 3;
if!(4 in "+_AH_RunCheckARRAY+")then
[_name,_puid,_admins] spawn {
_name = _this select 0;
_puid = _this select 1;
_admins = _this select 2;
uiSleep 5;
_badDialogsClose = "+str _badDialogsClose+";
_badDialogsKICK = "+str _badDialogsKICK+";
"; if(_UDW)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_allowedDialogs = "+str _allowedDialogs+";
_allowedDialogs = _allowedDialogs + [0,8,12,18,46,49,70];
"; if(_MOD == 'EPOCH')then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_allowedDialogs = _allowedDialogs + [-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,-9,-10,-11,-12,-13,-14,-15,-1500,-1900,-666,300,301,302,303,304,13377];
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_MOD == 'AltisLife')then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_allowedDialogs = _allowedDialogs + [2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2300,2400,2520,2600,2620,2650,2700,2800,2900,3000,3100,3500,7300,38200,38300,38400,38500,39400];
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
missionNamespace setVariable['BIS_fnc_showNotification_queue',nil];
{uiNamespace setVariable[_x,nil];} forEach ['RscDisplayRemoteMissions','RscDisplayDebugPublic','RscDisplayMovieInterrupt','RscDisplayArsenal'];
_inventoryIds = [8,0,18,70,46,12,602,999,-1200,-1300,-1400,-1500,-1900,-8,-9,-10,-15,63,55,49,-6,24,-13,129,174,38500,7300];
_inventoryDisplays = ['No display'];
{_inventoryDisplays pushBack format['Display #%1',_x];} forEach _inventoryIds;
_check = -1;
_checkshouldbe = 14;
_found54 = false;
_lastText = '';
"+_toBreakDisplays+" = [];
while {1 == 1} do
if((_check != -1)&&(_check != _checkshouldbe))then
_log = format['MenuBasedHackCheck broken! %1/%2',_check,_checkshouldbe];
[_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
_check = 0;
_disp = _x;
if(!isNull (_disp displayCtrl _x)) then
_log = format['MenuBasedHack_DISPLAY_%1_C_%2',_disp,_x];
[_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
} forEach [24010,24000,16030,989187,99991,16100];
} forEach allDisplays;
_check = 14;

_uiNamespace_dynamicText = uiNamespace getVariable 'BIS_dynamicText';
if(!isNil '_uiNamespace_dynamicText')then
_allCtrls = allControls _uiNamespace_dynamicText;
_txt = ctrlText _x;
if(_txt != _lastText)then
if((_txt != '')&&(_txt != 'Debug Mode Enabled'))then
_lastText = _txt;
_ltxt = toLower _txt;
if(_ltxt find _x != -1)then
_log = format['BadText: %1 - %2',_x,_txt];
[_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
} forEach "+str _verybadStrings+";
} forEach _allCtrls;

if(!isNull (findDisplay _x))then
_log = format['MenuBasedHack_D%1',_x];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
} forEach [-1338,-1337,17,19,30,32,45,56,64,69,71,125,132,155,156,162,165,166,167,1320,1321,2727,2928,2929,3030,316000,9899,0110,110,312];
if(!isNull (findDisplay 157))then
_log = 'MenuBasedHack_D157 or player opened the menu which hidden in the escape menu, at the bottom right corner.';
[_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
_cc1 = uiNamespace getVariable _x;
if(!isNil '_cc1')then
_formatedcc1 = format['%1',_cc1];
if(_formatedcc1 != '<null>')then
if(_formatedcc1 != 'No display')then
_log = format['Hacked: %1 - %2',_x,_cc1];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
uiNamespace setVariable[_x,nil];
_log = format['Hacked: %1 - %2',_x,_cc1];
[_name,_puid,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
(findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0;
} forEach ['RscDisplayRemoteMissions','RscDisplayDebugPublic','RscDisplayMovieInterrupt','RscDisplayArsenal'];
"; if(_UNC)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if!(_puid in _admins)then
_sHq = missionNamespace getVariable 'BIS_fnc_showNotification_queue';
if(!isNil '_sHq')then
if(str _sHq == '[]')then
missionNamespace setVariable['BIS_fnc_showNotification_queue',nil];
_log = format['Hacked: showNotification - %1',_sHq];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(!isNull (findDisplay 148))then
if((lbSize 104)-1 > 3)exitWith {
_log = 'Hacked: RscDisplayConfigureControllers';
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
_lbSize = lbSize _x;
if(_lbSize > 0)then {
_log = format['lbSize %1 == %2',_x,_lbSize];
[_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
lbClear _x;
} forEach [101,102];
_display = findDisplay 54;
if(!isNull _display)then
if(_x && !isNull _display)then
if(_found54)exitWith {};
[] spawn {
while {1 == 1} do
waitUntil {!isNull findDisplay 54};
_display = findDisplay 54;
_txt = _display displayCtrl 1001;
_txt ctrlSetText format['%1',localize 'STR_A3_RscDisplayInsertMarker_Title'];
_txt ctrlCommit 0;
_btn1 = _display displayCtrl 1;
_btn1 buttonSetAction '';
_btn1 ctrlCommit 0;
_btn2 = _display displayCtrl 2;
_btn2 buttonSetAction '';
_btn2 ctrlCommit 0;
_found54 = true;
} forEach [
(toLower ctrlText (_display displayCtrl 1001) != toLower localize 'STR_A3_RscDisplayInsertMarker_Title'),
{if(buttonAction (_display displayCtrl _x) != '')exitWith {true}; false} forEach [1,2]
_dsp163 = findDisplay 163;
if(!isNull _dsp163)then
(_dsp163 displayCtrl 101) ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers 'LBDblClick';
(_dsp163 displayCtrl 101) ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers 'LBSelChanged';
if((toLower ctrlText (_dsp163 displayCtrl 1000) != toLower localize 'STR_DISP_OPTIONS_SCHEME') || (buttonAction (_dsp163 displayCtrl 1) != '') || (buttonAction (_dsp163 displayCtrl 2) != ''))then
_log = 'Hacked: RscDisplayControlSchemes';
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
_RscDisplayConfigureAction = uiNamespace getVariable 'RscDisplayConfigureAction';
if(!isNil '_RscDisplayConfigureAction')then
_formatedRscDisplayConfigureAction = format['%1',_RscDisplayConfigureAction];
if(_formatedRscDisplayConfigureAction != '<null>')then
if(_formatedRscDisplayConfigureAction != 'No display')then
_title = ctrlText 1000;
if(_title != localize '$STR_A3_RscDisplayConfigureAction_Title')exitWith {
_log = 'Hacked: RscDisplayConfigureAction';
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if(buttonAction _x != '')exitWith {
_log = 'Hacked: RscDisplayConfigureAction';
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
} forEach [1,107,104,106,109,105,108];
_c101txt = ctrlText 101;
if!(_c101txt in ['','\A3\Data_F_Mark\Logos\arma3_Mark_logo_ca.paa','\A3\Data_F_Kart\Logos\arma3_karts_logo_ca.paa'])then
_log = format['ctrlText 101: %1',_c101txt];
[_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
_fkd = 'no';{if(!isNull (findDisplay _x))exitWith {_fkd = str _x;};} forEach _badDialogsKICK;
if(_fkd != 'no')then
_log = format['BadDisplayID: %1',_fkd];
[_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
{if(!isNull (findDisplay _x))then {closeDialog 0;(findDisplay _x) closeDisplay 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;};} forEach _badDialogsClose;
"; if(_UDW)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_break = true;
{if(!isNull (findDisplay _x))exitWith {_break = false;};} forEach _allowedDialogs;
"; if(_GCC)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(!isNull (findDisplay 602))then
_baddisplays = [];
_strCdisplay = str _x;
if(_strCdisplay in ['Display #4','Display #5','Display #6'])exitWith
findDisplay 4 closeDisplay 0;
findDisplay 5 closeDisplay 0;
findDisplay 6 closeDisplay 0;
findDisplay 602 closeDisplay 0;
closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;
if!(_strCdisplay in _inventoryDisplays)then
_baddisplays pushBack _strCdisplay;
_break = true;
} forEach allDisplays;
if!(_baddisplays isEqualTo [])then
if('Display #72' in _baddisplays)then
_log = format['BadInventory Displays: %1 (72 is Lystic Hack v3)',_baddisplays];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
_log = format['BadInventory Displays: %1 (inventory closed)',_baddisplays];
[_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(isNil'"+_toBreakDisplays+"') then
if(typeName "+_toBreakDisplays+" != 'ARRAY') then
_log = 'BreakDisplays is Nil';
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if(typeName "+_toBreakDisplays+" != 'ARRAY') then
_log = format['BreakDisplays TypeName changed to %1',typeName "+_toBreakDisplays+"];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
_strx = (str _x);
if!(_strx in "+_toBreakDisplays+") then
"+_toBreakDisplays+" pushBack (str _x);
_log = format['Bad-Displays: %1 (closed)',_toBreakDisplays];
[_name,_puid,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
} forEach allDisplays;
closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
uiSleep 0.25;
"+_t7+" = time;
_log = 'Loop #8 ended!';
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"+_AH_RunCheckARRAY+" pushBack 4;
if!(5 in "+_AH_RunCheckARRAY+")then
"; if(_GCC || _C00 || _C12 || _C18 || _C24 || _C46 || _C70)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
[_name,_puid] spawn {
_name = _this select 0;
_puid = _this select 1;
uiSleep 10;
"; if(_GCC)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_badcontrols602 = false;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_C00)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_badcontrols00 = false;
_00controlsO =
'Control #114998','Control #115099','Control #114999','Control #115000','Control #115001','Control #115002','Control #115003','Control #115004',
'Control #115005','Control #115010','Control #115011','Control #115012','Control #115013','Control #115014','Control #115015','Control #115020',
'Control #115021','Control #115022','Control #115023','Control #115024','Control #115025','Control #115030','Control #115031','Control #115032',
'Control #115033','Control #115034','Control #115035','Control #115040','Control #115041','Control #115042','Control #115043','Control #115044',
'Control #115045','Control #115050','Control #115051','Control #115052','Control #115053','Control #115054','Control #115055','Control #1050','Control #147',
'Control #148','Control #146','Control #141','Control #-1','Control #115','Control #1202','Control #1003','Control #109','Control #138','Control #101',
'Control #150','Control #151','Control #103','Control #105','Control #142','Control #2423','Control #149','Control #152','Control #2421','Control #143',
'Control #2422','Control #102','Control #301','Control #302','Control #303','Control #307','Control #1001','Control #140','Control #2405','Control #106',
'Control #104','Control #2300','Control #1009','Control #1002','Control #1005','Control #1004','Control #1006','Control #118','Control #1008','Control #145',
'Control #144','Control #1555',
'Control #2222710','Control #2222711','Control #2222712','Control #2222713','Control #121'
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_C12)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_badcontrols12 = false;
_12controlsO =
'Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #51','Control #2350','Control #235000','Control #235001',
'Control #235002','Control #235003','Control #235004','Control #235005','Control #235006','Control #1016','Control #1020',
'Control #1200','Control #1021','Control #1022','Control #1023','Control #112','Control #2','Control #2302','Control #111',
'Control #1014','Control #116','Control #1205','Control #1202','Control #1201','Control #1204','Control #101','Control #107',
'Control #1001','Control #1002','Control #1013','Control #1003','Control #106','Control #75','Control #77','Control #1008',
'Control #78','Control #1015','Control #1005','Control #103','Control #63','Control #64','Control #65','Control #66',
'Control #67','Control #68','Control #69','Control #70','Control #71','Control #72','Control #1099','Control #1124',
'Control #1125','Control #47060','Control #47061','Control #47062','Control #47063','Control #47065','Control #47066',
'Control #47064','Control #-1','Object Control #102'
_12controlscntO = count _12controlsO;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_C18)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_badcontrols18 = false;
_18controlsO =
'Control #-1','Control #999','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #1000','Control #1001','Control #1002','Control #1003',
'Control #1102','Control #103','Control #1013','Control #2301','Control #1009','Control #1101'
_18controlscntO = count _18controlsO;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_C24)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_badcontrols24 = false;
_24controlsO = ['Control #-1','Control #101'];
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_C46)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_badcontrols46 = false;
_46controlsO =
'Control #1202','Control #11400','Control #1001','Control #1000','Control #11406','Control #1010','Control #102','Control #100',
'Control #1011','Control #101','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1',
'Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1',
'Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1',
'Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1',
'Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1',
'Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1',
'Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1',
'Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1',
'Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1','Control #-1'
_46controlscntO = count _46controlsO;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_C70)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_badcontrols70 = false;
_70controlsO =
'Control #114998','Control #115099','Control #114999','Control #115000','Control #115001','Control #115002','Control #115003','Control #115004','Control #115005',
'Control #115010','Control #115011','Control #115012','Control #115013','Control #115014','Control #115015','Control #115020','Control #115021','Control #115022',
'Control #115023','Control #115024','Control #115025','Control #115030','Control #115031','Control #115032','Control #115033','Control #115034','Control #115035',
'Control #115040','Control #115041','Control #115042','Control #115043','Control #115044','Control #115045','Control #115050','Control #115051','Control #115052',
'Control #115053','Control #115054','Control #115055','Control #1080','Control #1081','Control #1082','Control #1083','Control #1084','Control #1085','Control #1086',
'Control #1087','Control #1000','Control #1002','Control #101','Control #1006','Control #102','Control #1008','Control #125','Control #126','Control #127','Control #701',
'Control #121','Control #1004','Control #103','Control #104','Control #105','Control #106','Control #107','Control #132','Control #109','Control #114','Control #117',
'Control #118','Control #128','Control #130','Control #116','Control #1','Control #2','Control #108','Control #1011','Control #1013','Control #1015','Control #131'
_70controlscntO = count _70controlsO;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
while {1 == 1} do
"; if(_GCC)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(!isNull findDisplay 602)then
_cntallCtrls602 = count(allControls findDisplay 602);
"; if(_MOD == 'EPOCH')then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_ctrlcount602 = 87;
if(_cntallCtrls602 != _ctrlcount602)then
_log = format['BadControls count on D602: %1 should be %2',_cntallCtrls602,_ctrlcount602];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
(findDisplay 602) closeDisplay 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;
_badcontrols602 = true;
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; }else{ _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_ctrlcount602 = 82;
if(_cntallCtrls602 != _ctrlcount602)then
_log = format['BadControls count on D602: %1 should be %2',_cntallCtrls602,_ctrlcount602];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
(findDisplay 602) closeDisplay 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;
_badcontrols602 = true;
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
uiSleep 2;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_C00)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_0controlsA = allControls findDisplay 0;
if!(_0controlsA isEqualTo _00controlsO)then
_badcontrol = str _x;
if!(_badcontrol in _00controlsO)then
_log = format['BadControl on D00: %1',_badcontrol];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
(findDisplay 0) closeDisplay 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;
_badcontrols00 = true;
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
} forEach _0controlsA;
uiSleep 2;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_C12)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(!isNull findDisplay 12)then
_12controlsA = allControls findDisplay 12;
_12controlscntA = count _12controlsA;
if(_12controlscntA isEqualTo _12controlscntO)then
if!(_12controlsA isEqualTo _12controlsO)then
_badcontrol = str _x;
if!(_badcontrol in _12controlsO)then
_log = format['BadControl on D12: %1',_badcontrol];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
(findDisplay 12) closeDisplay 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;
_badcontrols12 = true;
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
} forEach _12controlsA;
_log = format['BadControls count on D12: %1 should be %2',_12controlscntA,_12controlscntO];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
(findDisplay 12) closeDisplay 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;
_badcontrols12 = true;
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
uiSleep 2;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_C18)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(!isNull findDisplay 18)then
_18controlsA = allControls findDisplay 18;
_18controlscntA = count _18controlsA;
if(_18controlscntA isEqualTo _18controlscntO)then
if!(_18controlsA isEqualTo _18controlsO)then
_badcontrol = str _x;
if!(_badcontrol in _18controlsO)then
_log = format['BadControl on D18: %1',_badcontrol];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
(findDisplay 18) closeDisplay 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;
_badcontrols18 = true;
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
} forEach _18controlsA;
_log = format['BadControls count on D18: %1 should be %2',_18controlscntA,_18controlscntO];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";

_18controlsAstringified = [];
{_18controlsAstringified pushBack (str _x);} forEach _18controlsA;
_log = str _18controlsAstringified;
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";

(findDisplay 18) closeDisplay 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;
_badcontrols18 = true;
uiSleep 2;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_C24)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(!isNull findDisplay 24)then
_24controlsA = allControls findDisplay 24;
_24controlscntA = count _24controlsA;
_24controlscntO = 2;
if(_24controlscntA isEqualTo _24controlscntO)then
if!(_24controlsA isEqualTo _24controlsO)then
_badcontrol = str _x;
if!(_badcontrol in _24controlsO)then
_log = format['BadControl on D24: %1',_badcontrol];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
(findDisplay 24) closeDisplay 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;
_badcontrols24 = true;
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
} forEach _24controlsA;
_log = format['BadControls count on D24: %1 should be %2',_24controlscntA,_24controlscntO];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
(findDisplay 24) closeDisplay 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;
_badcontrols24 = true;
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
uiSleep 2;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_C46)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(!isNull findDisplay 46)then
_46controlsA = allControls findDisplay 46;
_46controlscntA = count _46controlsA;
if(_46controlscntA isEqualTo _46controlscntO)then
if!(_46controlsA isEqualTo _46controlsO)then
_badcontrol = str _x;
if!(_badcontrol in _46controlsO)then
_log = format['BadControl on D46: %1',_badcontrol];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
(findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;
_badcontrols46 = true;
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
} forEach _46controlsA;
_log = format['BadControls count on D46: %1 should be %2',_46controlscntA,_46controlscntO];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";

_46controlsAstringified = [];
{_46controlsAstringified pushBack (str _x);} forEach _46controlsA;
_log = str _46controlsAstringified;
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";

(findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;
_badcontrols46 = true;
uiSleep 2;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_C70)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(!isNull findDisplay 70)then
_70controlsA = allControls findDisplay 70;
_70controlscntA = count _70controlsA;
if(_70controlscntA isEqualTo _70controlscntO)then
if!(_70controlsA isEqualTo _70controlsO)then
_badcontrol = str _x;
if!(_badcontrol in _70controlsO)then
_log = format['BadControl on D70: %1',_badcontrol];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
(findDisplay 70) closeDisplay 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;
_badcontrols70 = true;
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
} forEach _70controlsA;
_log = format['BadControls count on D70: %1 should be %2',_70controlscntA,_70controlscntO];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
(findDisplay 70) closeDisplay 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;
_badcontrols70 = true;
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
uiSleep 2;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"+_t8+" = time;
_log = 'Loop #9 ended!';
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_EHF || _CAP)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
[_name,_puid] spawn {
_name = _this select 0;
_puid = _this select 1;
uiSleep 10;
_acnt = -1;
_object = player;
_caughtFired = 0;
_randomIDcount = 0;
while {1 == 1} do
_tmpObj = player;
if((!isNull player) && (alive player))then
"; if(_EHF)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
player removeAllEventHandlers 'Fired';
_randomIDcount = round(random 3);
for '_i' from 1 to _randomIDcount do
player addEventHandler ['Fired',{}];
"; if(_MOD == 'AltisLife')then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
player addEventHandler ['Fired',{_this call LPG_fnc_onFired}];
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_MOD == 'Epoch')then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
player addEventHandler ['Fired',{_this call EPOCH_fnc_playerFired}];
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
player addEventHandler ['Fired',{if(inSafeZone)then {deleteVehicle (_this select 6)}}];
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
uiSleep 2;
if((!isNull player) && (alive player))then
if(player isEqualTo _tmpObj)then
"; if(_EHF)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
player addEventHandler ['Fired',{_this call "+_FiredCheck+"}];
_id = player addEventHandler ['Fired',{_this call "+str _customFiredEventhandler+"}];
_maxid = (3+_randomIDcount);
if(_id != _maxid)then
_caughtFired = _caughtFired + 1;
if(_caughtFired > 2)then
if(_id == _maxid+1)then
_log = format['EH_FIRED: %1 (KICKED TO LOBBY) might be EpochCode interfering',_id];
[_name,_puid,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
(findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0;
_log = format['EH_FIRED: %1',_id];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_CAP)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(player == _object)then [{_acnt = _acnt + 1},{_object = player;_acnt = 0}];
_id = player addAction ['', '', [], -5, false, true, '', 'false'];
player removeAction _id;
if(_id != _acnt)then
removeAllActions player;removeAllActions (vehicle player);
_log = format['Actions: %1/%2',_id,_acnt];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"+_t9+" = time;
_log = 'Loop #10 ended!';
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"+_AH_RunCheckARRAY+" pushBack 5;
if!(6 in "+_AH_RunCheckARRAY+")then
"; if(_UAT)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
[_name,_puid] spawn {
_name = _this select 0;
_puid = _this select 1;
"+_AHpos+" = [];
_mPos = "+str _mPos+";
_mPos = [_mPos select 0,_mPos select 1,0];
_tpc = 0;
_fnc_revertTp = {
_log = format['POTENTIAL-TP-REVERTED %1m from %2 to %3. TopSpeed of %4 is %5 speed was %6. Moved %7m in %8s. Player FPS: %9. speed (vehicle player): %10',round _distance,_lastpos,_curpos,_type,_topSpeed,_speed,_distancemovedsincelogin,time-_timewhenloggedin,diag_fps,speed (vehicle player)];
[_name,_puid,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
player SetVelocity [0,0,0];
(vehicle player) SetVelocity [0,0,0];
player setPosATL _lastpos;
(vehicle player) setPosATL _lastpos;
_fnc_setVars = {
_lastpos = getPosATL (vehicle player);
_lastHeightATL = _lastpos select 2;
_lastpos = [_lastpos select 0,_lastpos select 1,0];
_tmpplayer = player;
_lasttime = time;
call _fnc_setVars;
_distancemovedsincelogin = 0;
_timewhenloggedin = time;
waitUntil {
_difftime = time - _lasttime;
if(_difftime > 0.35) then
if(alive player)then
_curpos = getPosATL (vehicle player);
_curHeightATL = _curpos select 2;
_curpos = [_curpos select 0,_curpos select 1,0];
_distance = _lastpos distance _curpos;
_distancemovedsincelogin = _distancemovedsincelogin + _distance;
_speed = _distance / _difftime;
_type = typeOf (vehicle player);
_topSpeed = getNumber(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> _type >> 'maxSpeed');
if(_topSpeed < 10)then {_topSpeed = 10;};
if(_speed > _topSpeed)then
_antitp = call {
if(_lastpos distance _mPos <= 50)exitWith{false};
if(!(_tmpplayer isEqualTo player)&&(_curpos distance _mPos <= 50))exitWith{false};
if((str player == str(driver(vehicle player))) || (isNull (driver(vehicle player))))then
if(!isNil '"+_AHpos+"')then
if(typeName "+_AHpos+" != 'ARRAY')then
_log = format['Admin Teleport Variable highjacked! Type now: %1. Moved %2m in %3s',typeName "+_AHpos+",_distancemovedsincelogin,time-_timewhenloggedin];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if("+_AHpos+" isEqualTo [])then
if(_distance >= 25)then
if(visiblemap)then {_tpc = 9000+258;};
_tpc = _tpc + 1;
if(_tpc >= 2)then
_log = format['TP %1m from %2 to %3. TopSpeed of %4 is %5 speed was %6. Moved %7m in %8s. Player FPS: %9. speed (vehicle player): %10',round _distance,_lastpos,_curpos,_type,_topSpeed,_speed,_distancemovedsincelogin,time-_timewhenloggedin,diag_fps,speed (vehicle player)];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
call _fnc_revertTp;
call _fnc_revertTp;
_tmpAHpos = "+_AHpos+";
"+_AHpos+" = [];
_log = 'Teleported by Admin';
[_name,_puid,'TPLOG',toArray(_log),_tmpAHpos select 0,_tmpAHpos select 1,_lastpos,_curpos] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if(!isNull (driver(vehicle player)))then
if!(isPlayer (driver(vehicle player)))then
_log = format['TP with AI as driver.. %1m from %2 to %3. TopSpeed of %4 is %5 speed was %6',round _distance,_lastpos,_curpos,_type,_topSpeed,_speed];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if(vehicle player == player)then
_velZ = (velocity player) select 2;
if(((_curHeightATL - _lastHeightATL) > 30)&&(_velZ < -5)) then
call _fnc_revertTp;
call _fnc_setVars;
"+_t10+" = time;
1 != 1
_log = 'Loop #11 ended!';
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"+_AH_RunCheckARRAY+" pushBack 6;
if!(7 in "+_AH_RunCheckARRAY+")then
[_name,_puid] spawn {
_name = _this select 0;
_puid = _this select 1;
diag_log format['LOCALPLAYERINFO: %1(%2) | %3(%4) | %5',_name,_puid,str _name,str _puid,str (getPlayerUID player)];
PVAH_AdminReq = nil;
if(!isNil 'PVAH_AdminReq')then
_log = format['BadVar: PVAH_AdminReq - %1',PVAH_AdminReq];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
_FTG = "+str _FTG+";
"; if(_REF)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
while {1 == 1} do
_randomshit = round(random 9999);
PVAH_AdminReq = _randomshit;
if(str PVAH_AdminReq != str _randomshit)then
_log = 'BadVar: PVAH_AdminReq';
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; if(_REF)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(typeName "+_oneachframe+" != 'SCALAR')then
_log = format['onEachFrame injector detected - %1',typeName "+_oneachframe+"];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if(time - "+_oneachframe+" > 20)then
_log = format['onEachFrame injector detected - %1 (either lag spike on client or ESP Hack/Godmoe.. bad things..)',time - "+_oneachframe+"];
[_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
onEachFrame {
"; if(_MOD == 'EPOCH')then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
call EPOCH_onEachFrame;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if((str _rOEF != '{}')&&(typeName _rOEF == 'CODE'))then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
call "+str _rOEF+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_OAP)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
removeAllActions player;removeAllActions (vehicle player);
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_OMC)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
onMapSingleClick '';
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
setTerrainGrid _FTG;
"; if(_RAD)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
player allowDamage true;
(vehicle player) allowDamage true;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_URC)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(unitRecoilCoefficient player == -1)then {player setunitRecoilCoefficient 1;};
if(abs(unitRecoilCoefficient player) != 1)then {
_log = format['BadRecoil %1 | %2 %3 %4',unitRecoilCoefficient player,typeOf player,typeOf (vehicle player),currentWeapon player];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
uiSleep 0.1;
_uid = getPlayerUID player;
if((_uid != '') && {_puid != _uid} && {alive player})then {
_log = format['_puid != _uid (%1/%2)',_puid,_uid];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; if(_CLM)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(!isNil'"+_MC+"')then {"+_MC+"=nil;};
'"+_MC+"' addPublicVariableEventHandler
_array = _this select 1;
_a = ['_USER_DEFINED','[',']'];
if("+str _UMW+")then {_a = _a + "+str _aLocalM+";};
_foundbad = [];
_m = _x;
_lowm = toLower _m;
if(_m != '')then
if(_lowm find 'swag' != -1)then
_foundbad pushBack _m;
_mtext = markerText _m;
if(_mtext != '')then {_foundbad pushBack _mtext;};
if!(_m in _array)then
_do = true;
{if(_lowm find (toLower _x) > -1)exitWith {_do = false;};} forEach _a;
_foundbad pushBack _m;
_mtext = markerText _m;
if(_mtext != '')then {_foundbad pushBack _mtext;};
} forEach allMapMarkers;
if(str _foundbad != '[]')then
_log = format['LocalMarker: %1',_foundbad];
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"+_t11+" = time;
_log = 'Loop #12 ended!';
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"+_AH_RunCheckARRAY+" pushBack 7;
if!(8 in "+_AH_RunCheckARRAY+")then
"; if((_VON) || (_CMC))then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
[_name,_puid] spawn {
_name = _this select 0;
_puid = _this select 1;
_voicecount = 0;
_find1 = toLower('#USER');
_find2 = toLower('BIS_');
while {1 == 1} do
"; if(_VON)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if((!isNull findDisplay 63) && {!isNull findDisplay 55} && {(ctrlText (findDisplay 63 displayCtrl 101)) in [localize 'str_channel_global',localize 'str_channel_side']})then
_msg = '<infiSTAR.de> NO VOICE ON SIDE/GLOBAL!';
hint _msg;
1 cutText [format ['%1',_msg],'WHITE IN'];
systemChat _msg;
uiSleep 0.1;
_voicecount = _voicecount + 1;
if(_voicecount > 1)then {
player setHitPointDamage ['HitLegs',1];
if(_voicecount > 3)then {
_voicecount = 0;
{player setHitPointDamage [_x,1];} forEach ['HitBody','HitHead'];
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_CMC)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_commandingMenu = commandingMenu;
if(((toLower _commandingMenu) find _find2) > -1)then
_searchIn = toLower(str bis_menu_groupcommunication);
if(_searchIn find 'lystic' > -1)then
_log = format['BIS_Menu_GroupCommunication: %1',str bis_menu_groupcommunication];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
showCommandingMenu '';
_commandingMenu = commandingMenu;
if((_commandingMenu != '') && {!(_commandingMenu in "+str _cMenu+")})then
if(((toLower _commandingMenu) find _find1) > -1)then
_log = format['BadCommandingMenu: %1',_commandingMenu];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
uiSleep 0.75;
"+_t12+" = time;
_log = 'Loop #13 ended!';
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"+_AH_RunCheckARRAY+" pushBack 8;
if!(9 in "+_AH_RunCheckARRAY+")then
"+_ninetwothread+" = [_name,_puid] spawn {
_name = _this select 0;
_puid = _this select 1;
_mytime = time + 45;
waitUntil {((!isNil '"+_ninetwo+"') || (time > _mytime))};
if(isNil '"+_ninetwo+"')then
_log = 'Secondary checks not running.. kicked after waiting 45 seconds for a 2 seconds timer..';
[_name,_puid,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
[_name,_puid,_admins] spawn {
_name = _this select 0;
_puid = _this select 1;
_admins = _this select 2;
_ForbiddenItems = "+str _ForbiddenItems+";
"; if(_MOD == 'EPOCH')then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_ForbiddenOnEpochOnly = "+str _ForbiddenOnEpochOnly+";
_ForbiddenItems = _ForbiddenItems + _ForbiddenOnEpochOnly;
if(isNil 'EPOCH_target')then {EPOCH_target = objNull;};
if(isNil 'EPOCH_currentVehicle')then {EPOCH_currentVehicle = vehicle player;};
if(isNil 'EPOCH_playerEnergy')then {EPOCH_playerEnergy = 0;};
if(isNil 'EPOCH_playerHunger')then {EPOCH_playerHunger = 5000;};
if(isNil 'EPOCH_playerThirst')then {EPOCH_playerThirst = 2500;};
if(isNil 'EPOCH_playerStamina')then {EPOCH_playerStamina = 100;};
if(isNil 'EPOCH_playerCrypto')then {EPOCH_playerCrypto = 0;} else {if(EPOCH_playerCrypto < 0)then {EPOCH_playerCrypto = 0;};};
if(isNil 'EPOCH_clientInit')then {EPOCH_clientInit = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\setup\EPOCH_clientInit.sqf';};
if(isNil 'EPOCH_onEachFrame')then {EPOCH_onEachFrame = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\EPOCH_onEachFrame.sqf';};
if(isNil 'EPOCH_client_rejectPlayer')then {EPOCH_client_rejectPlayer = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\setup\EPOCH_client_rejectPlayer.sqf';};
if(isNil 'EPOCH_clientRespawn')then {EPOCH_clientRespawn = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\setup\EPOCH_clientRespawn.sqf';};
if(isNil 'EPOCH_fnc_playerDeath')then {EPOCH_fnc_playerDeath = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\functions\EPOCH_fnc_playerDeath.sqf';};
if(isNil 'EPOCH_KeyDown')then {EPOCH_KeyDown = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\interface_event_handlers\EPOCH_KeyDown.sqf';};
if(isNil 'EPOCH_pushCustomVar')then {EPOCH_pushCustomVar = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\functions\EPOCH_pushCustomVar.sqf';};
if(isNil 'EPOCH_handleGetOut')then {EPOCH_handleGetOut = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\EPOCH_antiWall.sqf';};
if(isNil 'EPOCH_fnc_playerFired')then {EPOCH_fnc_playerFired = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\functions\EPOCH_fnc_playerFired.sqf';};
_EPOCH_clientInit = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\setup\EPOCH_clientInit.sqf';
_EPOCH_onEachFrame = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\EPOCH_onEachFrame.sqf';
_EPOCH_client_rejectPlayer = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\setup\EPOCH_client_rejectPlayer.sqf';
_EPOCH_clientRespawn = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\setup\EPOCH_clientRespawn.sqf';
_EPOCH_fnc_playerDeath = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\functions\EPOCH_fnc_playerDeath.sqf';
_EPOCH_KeyDown = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\interface_event_handlers\EPOCH_KeyDown.sqf';
_EPOCH_pushCustomVar = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\functions\EPOCH_pushCustomVar.sqf';
_EPOCH_handleGetOut = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\EPOCH_antiWall.sqf';
_EPOCH_fnc_playerFired = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\functions\EPOCH_fnc_playerFired.sqf';
_rnd1 = round(random 99999);life_cash = _rnd1;
_rnd2 = round(random 99999);life_adminlevel = _rnd2;
_rnd3 = round(random 99999);life_coplevel = _rnd3;
_rnd4 = round(random 99999);LPG_fnc_MPexec = _rnd4;
_rnd5 = round(random 99999);life_atmcash = _rnd5;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_caeM1 = 0;
_caeM2 = 0;
_vehptype = typeOf (vehicle player);
_lvlcheck = time;
_rnd6 = round(random 99999);"+_checkidicheckcheck+" = _rnd6;
if(isNil'inSafeZone')then {inSafeZone=false;};
"; if(_MOH)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_idMouseMoving1251 = 0;
_caughtMouseMoving = 0;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_fnc_hasTV = {
if('optic_tws' in _primWeapItems)exitWith{false};
if('optic_tws_mg' in _primWeapItems)exitWith{false};
if('optic_mas_term' in _primWeapItems)exitWith{false};
if('Laserdesignator' in _primWeapItems)exitWith{false};
if('acc_mas_pointer_IR' in _primWeapItems)exitWith{false};
if('acc_pointer_IR' in _primWeapItems)exitWith{false};
_fnc_hasNV = {
if('optic_Nightstalker' in _primWeapItems)exitWith{false};
if('optic_NVS' in _primWeapItems)exitWith{false};
while {1 == 1} do
"; if(_MOH)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_lastidMouseMoving1251 = _idMouseMoving1251+1;
_idMouseMoving1251 = ((findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 51) ctrlAddEventHandler ['MouseMoving',''];
if(_lastidMouseMoving1251 != _idMouseMoving1251) then
if(_caughtMouseMoving > 0) then
_log = format['MouseMoving EventHandler added: %1 should be %2',_lastidMouseMoving1251,_idMouseMoving1251];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
_caughtMouseMoving = _caughtMouseMoving + 1;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(isNil 'inSafeZone')then
_log = 'inSafeZone is Nil';
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if(typeName inSafeZone != 'BOOL')then
_log = format['inSafeZone type changed: %1',typeName inSafeZone];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if(isNil '"+_checkidicheckcheck+"')then
_log = 'AntiAntiHack #2';
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if!(_rnd6 isEqualTo "+_checkidicheckcheck+")then
_log = 'AntiAntiHack #3';
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; if(_UFI)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_inventory = [];
{_inventory pushBack _x;} forEach (assignedItems player);
{_inventory pushBack _x;} forEach (magazines player);
{_inventory pushBack _x;} forEach (weapons player);
{_inventory pushBack _x;} forEach (primaryWeaponItems player);
{_inventory pushBack _x;} forEach (secondaryWeaponItems player);
_inventory pushBack (primaryWeapon player);
_inventory pushBack (secondaryWeapon player);
_inventory pushBack (uniform player);
_inventory pushBack (vest player);
_inventory pushBack (backpack player);
_inventory pushBack (headgear player);
_inventory pushBack (goggles player);
if!(_inventory isEqualTo [])then
if(_x != '')then
if((!("+str _UIW+") && (_x in _ForbiddenItems)) || (("+str _UIW+") && !(_x in "+str _ItemWhiteList+")))then
player removeItem _x;
player removeWeapon _x;
player removeMagazine _x;
if((uniform player) == _x)then {removeUniform player;};
if((vest player) == _x)then {removeVest player;};
if((backpack player) == _x)then {removeBackpack player;};
if((headgear player) == _x)then {removeHeadgear player;};
if((goggles player) == _x)then {removeGoggles player;};
player removePrimaryWeaponItem _x;
player removeSecondaryWeaponItem _x;
player unlinkItem _x;
_log = format['BadItem: %1',_x];
[_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
} forEach _inventory;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(!isNull player)then
"; if(_CVM)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(player == vehicle player)then
_curwep=currentWeapon player;
_pvision=currentVisionMode player;
_primWeapItems=primaryWeaponItems player;
if((_pvision > 1)&&(call _fnc_hasTV))then
_log = format['BadVisionMode: Thermal (%1) current weapon: %2 | weaponsItems player: %3',_pvision,_curwep,weaponsItems player];
[_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
(findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0;
"; if(_MOD == 'EPOCH')then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if((_pvision == 1)&&(str EPOCH_playerEnergy == '0')&&(call _fnc_hasNV))then
player action['nvGogglesOff',player];
uiSleep 0.5;
_pvision=currentVisionMode player;
if((_pvision == 1)&&(str EPOCH_playerEnergy == '0'))exitWith
_log = format['BadVisionMode: Nightvision (%1) current weapon: %2 | weaponsItems player: %3 | EPOCH_playerEnergy: %4',_pvision,_curwep,weaponsItems player,EPOCH_playerEnergy];
[_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
(findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_LVC)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_veh = vehicle player;
if(!(player isEqualTo _veh) && !(_vehptype isEqualTo (typeOf _veh)))then
_vehptype = typeOf _veh;
if((toLower _vehptype) find 'chute' == -1)then
if(_lvlcheck < time)then
_lvlcheck = time + 30;
[_name,_puid,'LVC',player,_vehptype,getPos player] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_MIC)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_twelvewasactive = false;
if(!isNull (findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51))then
_twelvewasactive = true;
_caeM1 = (findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51) ctrlAddEventHandler ['Draw',''];
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
uiSleep 2;
"; if(_MIC)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if((_twelvewasactive) && (!isNull (findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51)))then
_caeM2 = (findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51) ctrlAddEventHandler ['Draw',''];
if(_caeM2 - _caeM1 > 1)then
if((("+str _MOD+" == 'AltisLife')&&(side player != west))||("+str _MOD+" != 'AltisLife'))then
_log = format['MapIcons (%1/%2)',_caeM1,_caeM2];
[_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_CVD)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(viewDistance > 1600)then {
_log = format['viewDistance %1/1600',viewDistance];
[_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(!isNull player)then
if(alive player)then
"; if(_CCO)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_con = vehicle cameraOn;
_veh = vehicle player;
if(!(_con isEqualTo _veh) && !(str _con isEqualTo '<NULL-object>') && (player isEqualTo driver (_veh)))then
uiSleep 1;
_con = vehicle cameraOn;
_veh = vehicle player;
if(alive player)then
if((_con != _veh) && !(str _con isEqualTo '<NULL-object>') && (player isEqualTo driver (_veh)) && {_con distance _veh > 150} && {(("+str _MOD+" != 'KOTH') || (str(typeOf _con) find 'UAV' == -1))})then
_log = format['cameraOn: %1 [%2] should be %3 [%4]',typeOf _con,_con,typeOf _veh,_veh];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(!isNull _x)then
(vehicle player) enableCollisionWith _x;player enableCollisionWith _x;
if("+str _OAO+")then{removeAllActions _x;};
_type = typeOf _x;
if(_type == 'Box_IND_AmmoVeh_F')then
_var = _x getVariable['"+_adminbox+"',''];
if(!isNil '_var')then
if(_var == '')then {player setPosATL (player modelToWorld [0,-8,0]);};
"; if(_MOD == 'EPOCH')then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_getCrypto = _x getVariable['Crypto',0];
if(typeName _getCrypto == 'SCALAR')then
if(_type == 'Land_MPS_EPOCH')then
if(_getCrypto > 25000 || _getCrypto < 0)then
_log = format['BadCrypto on %1 - %2',_type,_getCrypto];
[_name,_puid,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
deleteVehicle _x;
if(_getCrypto != 0)then
_log = format['BadCrypto on %1 - %2',_type,_getCrypto];
[_name,_puid,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
deleteVehicle _x;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
} forEach (player nearObjects 15);
"; if(_KFR)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_veh = vehicle player;
if(_veh != player)then
_veh enableRopeAttach false;
_ropes = ropes _veh;
if!(_ropes isEqualTo [])then
_log = format['RopeHack?: %1',_ropes];
[_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
{ropeDestroy _x;} forEach _ropes;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_RPR)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_veh = vehicle player;
if(_veh != player)then
_cargoArray = ropeAttachedObjects _veh;
if(str _cargoArray != '[]')then
if!(crew _x isEqualTo [])then
{ropeDestroy _x} forEach (ropes _veh);
} forEach _cargoArray;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_closeveh = [vehicle player] + ((vehicle player) nearEntities ['AllVehicles',250]);
_xobj = _x;
if(!isNull _xobj)then
_attcheXdobjects = attachedObjects _x;
if(count _attcheXdobjects > 0) then
_cntQd = {(toLower (typeOf _x)) find 'quad' != -1} count _attcheXdobjects;
if(_cntQd > 5) then
detach _xobj;
{detach _x;} forEach _attcheXdobjects;
if(_xobj == vehicle player) then
_log = format['AttachTo Hack @%1 %2',position _xobj,mapGridPosition _xobj];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
_log = format['Attached Objects found @%1 %2 Hack?!',position _xobj,mapGridPosition _xobj];
[_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
"; if(_CAO)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if((vehicle player) in _attcheXdobjects)then
_log = format['AttachTo Hack: %1 @%2 %3',name _x,position player,mapGridPosition player];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_RVR)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_firstx = _x;{ropeDestroy _x;} forEach (ropes _firstx);
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(isPlayer _x)then {if!(getPlayerUID _x in _admins)then {_x hideObject false;};};
} forEach _closeveh;
if!(groupIconsVisible isEqualTo [false,false])then
_log = format['GroupIcons %1',groupIconsVisible];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; if(_MOD == 'EPOCH')then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(isNil _x)then
_log = format['BadDefinition: %1 is Nil',_x];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
_var = missionNamespace getVariable _x;
if(typeName _var != 'SCALAR')then
_log = format['BadDefinition: %1 is not Scalar',_x];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
} forEach [
if(str(_x select 0) != str(_x select 1))then
_log = format['%1: %2',(_x select 2),(_x select 0)];
[_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
} forEach [
if!(_rnd1 isEqualTo life_cash)then
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(format['Altis Life Money Hack: %1',life_cash])] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if!(_rnd2 isEqualTo life_adminlevel)then
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(format['Altis Life Adminlevel Hack: %1',life_adminlevel])] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if!(_rnd3 isEqualTo life_coplevel)then
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(format['Altis Life Coplevel Hack: %1',life_coplevel])] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if!(_rnd4 isEqualTo LPG_fnc_MPexec)then
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray('Altis Life Hack: LPG_fnc_MPexec')] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if!(_rnd5 isEqualTo life_atmcash)then
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray('Altis Life Hack: life_atmcash')] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if(!isNil 'EPOCH_currentVehicle')then
if(typeName EPOCH_currentVehicle != 'OBJECT')then
_log = 'BadDefinition: EPOCH_currentVehicle is not an Object';
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
}else{EPOCH_currentVehicle=vehicle player;};
if(!isNil 'EPOCH_target')then
if(typeName EPOCH_target != 'OBJECT')then
_log = 'BadDefinition: EPOCH_target is not an Object';
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if(!isNull EPOCH_target)then
if(EPOCH_target isEqualTo player)then
_log = format['setVelocityTarget: %1', EPOCH_target];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if(EPOCH_playerEnergy > 2500 || EPOCH_playerEnergy < 0)then
_log = format['Energy: %1',EPOCH_playerEnergy];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if(EPOCH_playerHunger > 5000 || EPOCH_playerHunger < 0)then
_log = format['Hunger: %1',EPOCH_playerHunger];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if(EPOCH_playerThirst > 2500 || EPOCH_playerThirst < 0)then
_log = format['Thirst: %1',EPOCH_playerThirst];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if(EPOCH_playerStamina > 2500 || EPOCH_playerStamina < 0)then
_log = format['Stamina: %1',EPOCH_playerStamina];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if(EPOCH_playerCrypto > 25000)then
_log = format['Crypto: %1',EPOCH_playerCrypto];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if(EPOCH_playerCrypto < 0)then
_log = format['Crypto: %1 (reverted to 0)',EPOCH_playerCrypto];
[_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
EPOCH_playerCrypto = 0;
true call EPOCH_pushCustomVar;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"+_ninetwo+" = true;
if(!isNil '"+_ninetwothread+"')then {terminate "+_ninetwothread+";"+_ninetwothread+" = nil;};
"+_t13+" = time;
_log = 'Loop #14 ended!';
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"+_AH_RunCheckARRAY+" pushBack 9;
}else{"+_AH_RunCheckARRAY+"="+_AH_RunCheckARRAY+" + [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];};
_globaltime = serverTime;if(_globaltime > 18000)then {_globaltime = time;};_hours = floor(_globaltime/60/60);_minutes = (round(_globaltime/60)-(_hours*60));if(_minutes < 10)then {_minutes = format['0%1',_minutes];};_seconds = '251';
_devLog = format['<infiSTAR.de> VERSION: 26-04-2015 infiSTAR.de AHAT (v0151) - server running: %1:%2:%3',_hours,_minutes,_seconds];diag_log _devLog;
systemChat '<infiSTAR.de> Successfully Loaded In.';
if(_puid in "+str _devs+")then {diag_log str _admins;};
"+_AH_RunCheckENDVAR+" = 'k';
_arrayAH_MAIN_BLOCK = toArray(str _AH_MAIN_BLOCK);
"+_sumAH_MAIN_BLOCK+" = 0;
_val = call {
if(_x <= 10)exitWith {_x};
if(_x > 70)exitWith {_x/69};
if(_x > 65)exitWith {_x/62};
if(_x > 60)exitWith {_x/53};
if(_x > 50)exitWith {_x/49};
if(_x > 40)exitWith {_x/37};
if(_x > 30)exitWith {_x/26};
if(_x > 25)exitWith {_x/24};
if(_x > 20)exitWith {_x/18};
if(_x > 15)exitWith {_x/14};
if(_x > 10)exitWith {_x/9};
"+_sumAH_MAIN_BLOCK+" = "+_sumAH_MAIN_BLOCK+" + _val;
} forEach _arrayAH_MAIN_BLOCK;
publicVariable '"+_AH_MAIN_BLOCK+"';

_RunOnClients = {
if((isNil '_puid') || (isNil '_name'))then {
_log = 'No UID || NAME';
[name player,getPlayerUID player,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if((_puid == '_SP_PLAYER_')||(_puid == ''))then {
_log = 'Error starting AH on Client';
[_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
_admins = "+str _admins+";
if(_puid in _admins)then
if(isNil '"+_AH_HackLogArrayRND+"')then {"+_AH_HackLogArrayRND+" = [];};
if(isNil 'AH_HackLogArray')then {AH_HackLogArray = "+_AH_HackLogArrayRND+";};
'"+_AH_HackLogArrayRND+"' addPublicVariableEventHandler
_array = _this select 1;
AH_HackLogArray = _array;
if(str _array != '[]')then {
_log = _array select ((count _array)-1);
if(isNil 'AdminAnnounceDisabled')then
cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN'];
hint _log;
diag_log _log;
if(isNil '"+_AH_SurvLogArrayRND+"')then {"+_AH_SurvLogArrayRND+" = [];};
if(isNil 'AH_SurvLogArray')then {AH_SurvLogArray = "+_AH_SurvLogArrayRND+";};
'"+_AH_SurvLogArrayRND+"' addPublicVariableEventHandler
_array = _this select 1;
AH_SurvLogArray = _array;
if(str _array != '[]')then {
_log = _array select ((count _array)-1);
diag_log _log;
if(isNil '"+_AH_AdmiLogArrayRND+"')then {"+_AH_AdmiLogArrayRND+" = [];};
if(isNil 'AH_AdmiLogArray')then {AH_AdmiLogArray = "+_AH_AdmiLogArrayRND+";};
'"+_AH_AdmiLogArrayRND+"' addPublicVariableEventHandler
_array = _this select 1;
AH_AdmiLogArray = _array;
if(str _array != '[]')then {
_log = _array select ((count _array)-1);
diag_log _log;
if(isNil '"+_TMPBAN+"')then {"+_TMPBAN+" = [];} else {if(typeName "+_TMPBAN+" != 'ARRAY')then {"+_TMPBAN+" = [];};};
'"+_TMPBAN+"' addPublicVariableEventHandler
if(isNil '"+_adminsA+"')then
_log = 'Temp Admin Array - ARRAY is Nil';
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if(typeName "+_adminsA+" != 'ARRAY')then
_log = 'Temp Admin Array - TYPE CHANGED';
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if(_puid in "+_adminsA+")then
if!(_puid in _admins)exitWith
_log = 'Attempted to Use the AdminMenu';
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
infiSTAR_MOD = "+str _MOD+";
infiSTAR_ADMINS = "+_adminsA+";
infiSTAR_DEVS = "+str _devs+";
if(isNil '"+_AdminLoaded+"')then
"+_AdminLoaded+" = true;
passwordAdmin = "+str _passwordAdmin+";
if(isNil'fnc_AdminReq')then {fnc_AdminReq = compileFinal 'if(isNil''"+_YourPlayerToken+"'')then{"+_YourPlayerToken+"='''';};PVAH_AdminReq = ["+_YourPlayerToken+",_this];publicVariableServer ''PVAH_AdminReq'';PVAH_AdminReq=nil;';};
[] spawn {
systemChat 'Requesting infiSTAR.de Admin code..!';
[1234,player,getPlayerUID player] call fnc_AdminReq;
_mytime = time;
waitUntil {if(time - _mytime > 20)exitWith {(findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0;};!isNil '"+_MAIN_CODE+"';};
call "+_MAIN_CODE+";
diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> OPEN_ADMIN_MENU_KEY: %1',OPEN_ADMIN_MENU_KEY];
_level = [];
_puid = getPlayerUID player;
switch (true) do {
case (_puid in "+str _devs+"):{_level = ("+str _adminLevel1+"+"+str _adminLevel2+"+"+str _adminLevel3+");};
case (_puid in "+str _adminLevel1_UIDs+"):{_level = "+str _adminLevel1+";};
case (_puid in "+str _adminLevel2_UIDs+"):{_level = "+str _adminLevel2+";};
case (_puid in "+str _adminLevel3_UIDs+"):{_level = "+str _adminLevel3+";};
default {hint ''not an admin'';};
admin_d0 = {[_this,0] call admin_d0_MASTER;};
admin_d0_server = {[_this,1] call admin_d0_MASTER;};
admin_d0_target = {[_this,2] call admin_d0_MASTER;};
admin_d0_MASTER = {
_do = _this select 0 select 0;
_opt = _this select 1;
if(typeName _do != 'STRING')exitWith {systemChat 'admin_d0 stopped - code needs to be a STRING!';};
_fnc_BPPVV =
_search = '$RE$';
_fulldo = count _do;
_replace = toLower _x;
for '_i' from 0 to _fulldo do
_found = toLower(_do) find _replace;
if(_found == -1)exitWith {_do};
if(_found > -1)then
_doNew = ((_do select [0,(_found+1)]) + _search + (_do select [(_found+1),(_fulldo-1)]));
_do = _doNew;
} forEach ['call','compile','spawn','exec','loadFile','preprocessFile','tostring','.sqf'];
switch _opt do {
case 0:{
call _fnc_BPPVV;
[69,player,_opt,_do] call fnc_AdminReq;
case 1:{
call _fnc_BPPVV;
[69,player,_opt,_do] call fnc_AdminReq;
case 2:{
_playerObj = _this select 0 select 1;
if(isNil '_playerObj')exitWith {systemChat 'admin_d0 has no object';};
if(typeName _playerObj != 'OBJECT')exitWith {systemChat 'admin_d0 has no object';};
if(isNull _playerObj)exitWith {systemChat 'admin_d0 has no object';};
call _fnc_BPPVV;
[69,player,_opt,_do,_playerObj] call fnc_AdminReq;
"; if(_LogAdminActions)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(isNil 'fnc_adminLog')then {if(_puid in "+str _devs+")then {fnc_adminLog = compileFinal '';}else{fnc_adminLog = compileFinal '[profileName,getPlayerUID player,''ALOG'',toArray _this] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";';};};
"; }else{ _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(isNil 'fnc_adminLog')then {fnc_adminLog = compileFinal '';};
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"+_massMessage+"=nil;'"+_massMessage+"' addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext;"+_massMessage+"=nil;};
"+_massSysMessage+"=nil;'"+_massSysMessage+"' addPublicVariableEventHandler {systemChat (_this select 1);"+_massSysMessage+"=nil;};
"+_clientdo+"=nil;'"+_clientdo+"' addPublicVariableEventHandler {
_received = (_this select 1);
if(typeName _received == 'STRING')then {_received = compile _received;};
if(typeName _received != 'CODE')exitWith {};
call _received;
if(!isNil 'BPDCODE')then {call BPDCODE;BPDCODE=nil;};
_arrayRunOnClients = toArray(str _RunOnClients);
"+_sumRunOnClients+" = 0;
_val = call {
if(_x <= 10)exitWith {_x};
if(_x > 70)exitWith {_x/69};
if(_x > 65)exitWith {_x/62};
if(_x > 60)exitWith {_x/53};
if(_x > 50)exitWith {_x/49};
if(_x > 40)exitWith {_x/37};
if(_x > 30)exitWith {_x/26};
if(_x > 25)exitWith {_x/24};
if(_x > 20)exitWith {_x/18};
if(_x > 15)exitWith {_x/14};
if(_x > 10)exitWith {_x/9};
"+_sumRunOnClients+" = "+_sumRunOnClients+" + _val;
} forEach _arrayRunOnClients;
"+_RunOnClients+" = _RunOnClients;
publicVariable '"+_RunOnClients+"';

_FNC_PVAH_AdminReq = {
_playableUnits = "+str _admins+";

_array = _this select 1;
if(isNil '_array')exitWith {
_mytime = call fnc_getserverTime;
_log = _mytime + 'AdminReq is Nil';
if(typeName _array != 'ARRAY')exitWith {
_mytime = call fnc_getserverTime;
_log = _mytime + format['AdminReq wrong typeName: %1 %2',typeName _array,_array];

_option = _array select 0;
if(isNil '_option')exitWith {
_mytime = call fnc_getserverTime;
_log = _mytime + 'AdminReq option is Nil';
if(typeName _option != 'SCALAR')exitWith {
_mytime = call fnc_getserverTime;
_log = _mytime + format['AdminReq option wrong typeName: %1 %2',typeName _option,_option];

_playerObj = _array select 1;
if(isNil '_playerObj')exitWith {
_mytime = call fnc_getserverTime;
_log = _mytime + 'AdminReq playerObj is Nil';
if(typeName _playerObj != 'OBJECT')exitWith {
_mytime = call fnc_getserverTime;
_log = _mytime + format['AdminReq playerObj wrong typeName: %1 %2',typeName _playerObj,_playerObj];
if(isNull _playerObj)exitWith {
_mytime = call fnc_getserverTime;
_log = _mytime + 'AdminReq playerObj is Null';
if(!isPlayer _playerObj)exitWith {
_mytime = call fnc_getserverTime;
_log = _mytime + 'AdminReq playerObj is not a player';

_clientID = (owner _playerObj);
_clientUID = (getPlayerUID _playerObj);
_clientName = (name _playerObj);

_tokenreceived = _this select 0;
if(isNil '_tokenreceived')exitWith {
_mytime = call fnc_getserverTime;
_log = _mytime + 'AdminReq tokenreceived is Nil';
if(typeName _tokenreceived != 'STRING')exitWith {
_mytime = call fnc_getserverTime;
_log = _mytime + format['AdminReq tokenreceived wrong typeName: %1 %2',typeName _tokenreceived,_tokenreceived];

if(isNil '_clientUID')then {_clientUID == '';};
if(_clientUID isEqualTo '')then
if(isNil '"+_PoopTokenArray+"')then {"+_PoopTokenArray+" = [];};
_foundtokenid = "+_PoopTokenArray+" find _tokenreceived;
if(_foundtokenid > 0)then
_puidfound = "+_PoopTokenArray+" select (_foundtokenid - 1);
if(!isNil '_puidfound')then
_clientUID = _puidfound;
{if(getPlayerUID _x == _clientUID)exitWith {_clientName = name _x;};} forEach playableUnits;
_mytime = call fnc_getserverTime;
_log = _mytime + format['%1(%2) | AdminReq - SERVER RESOLVED UID!',_clientName,_clientUID];
_result = [_clientUID,_tokenreceived] call "+_server_checkTokenR+";
_mytime = call fnc_getserverTime;
_log = _mytime + format['%1(%2) | AdminReq - BadToken %3',_clientName,_clientUID,_tokenreceived];

_locDevs = "+str _devs+";
_fnc_NoUID = {
if(_clientUID in _locDevs)exitWith{};
_mytime = call fnc_getserverTime;
_log = _mytime + format['%1(%2) | AdminReq - !!!!!!ADMIN-LOGIN-ERROR!!!!!!',_clientName,_clientUID];
call {
if(typeName _clientUID != 'STRING')exitWith {call _fnc_NoUID;};
if(_clientUID == '')exitWith {call _fnc_NoUID;};
if(_clientUID == '0')exitWith {call _fnc_NoUID;};
if(_clientUID == ' ')exitWith {call _fnc_NoUID;};
if!(_clientUID in _playableUnits)exitWith
_mytime = call fnc_getserverTime;
_log = _mytime + format['%1(%2) | AdminReq - Attempted to Use the AdminMenu',_clientName,_clientUID];

if(_option == 1234)exitWith
_puid = _array select 2;
if(_puid == _clientUID)then
if!(_clientUID in _locDevs)then{
diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> ******ADMIN-LOGIN******: %1(%2)',_clientName,_clientUID];
"; if(_enableIngameLogs)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_clientID publicVariableClient '"+_AH_HackLogArrayRND+"';
_clientID publicVariableClient '"+_AH_SurvLogArrayRND+"';
_clientID publicVariableClient '"+_AH_AdmiLogArrayRND+"';
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(isNil '"+_TMPBAN+"')then {"+_TMPBAN+" = [];} else {if(typeName "+_TMPBAN+" != 'ARRAY')then {"+_TMPBAN+" = [];};};
_clientID publicVariableClient '"+_TMPBAN+"';
if(!isNil 'infiSTAR_ADMINS')then{_clientID publicVariableClient 'infiSTAR_ADMINS';};
if(!isNil '"+_MAIN_CODE+"')then{_clientID publicVariableClient '"+_MAIN_CODE+"';};
if(_option == 12345)exitWith
_clearLog = _array select 2;
_adminObjects = [];{if((getPlayerUID _x) in _playableUnits)then {_adminObjects pushBack _x;};} forEach playableUnits;
if(_clearLog == 0)then
if(!isNull _x)then
"+_AH_HackLogArrayRND+" = [];(owner _x) publicVariableClient '"+_AH_HackLogArrayRND+"';
"+_AH_SurvLogArrayRND+" = [];(owner _x) publicVariableClient '"+_AH_SurvLogArrayRND+"';
} forEach _adminObjects;
if(!isNull _x)then
"+_AH_AdmiLogArrayRND+" = [];(owner _x) publicVariableClient '"+_AH_AdmiLogArrayRND+"';
} forEach _adminObjects;
if(_option == 69)exitWith
if(_clientUID in _playableUnits)then
_do = (_array select 3);
if(isNil '_do')exitWith {};
if(_do == '')exitWith {};
_search = '$RE$';
_ccsearch = count _search;
_fulldo = count _do;
for '_i' from 0 to _fulldo do
_found = _do find _search;
if(_found == -1)exitWith {_do};
if(_found > -1)then
_doNew = ((_do select [0,(_found)]) + (_do select [(_found+_ccsearch),(_fulldo-1)]));
_do = _doNew;
switch (_array select 2) do {
case 0:{[_do] call fnc_doGlobal;};
case 1:{call compile _do;};
case 2:{"+_clientdo+" = _do;(owner (_array select 4)) publicVariableClient '"+_clientdo+"';};
if(_option == -667)exitWith
_puid = _array select 2;
if(isNil '"+_TMPBAN+"')then {"+_TMPBAN+" = [];} else {if(typeName "+_TMPBAN+" != 'ARRAY')then {"+_TMPBAN+" = [];};};
"+_TMPBAN+" = "+_TMPBAN+" - [_puid];
{if(getPlayerUID _x in _playableUnits)then {(owner _x) publicVariableClient '"+_TMPBAN+"';};} forEach playableUnits;
if(_option == -666)exitWith
_puid = _array select 2;
_name = _array select 3;
if(isNil '"+_TMPBAN+"')then {"+_TMPBAN+" = [];} else {if(typeName "+_TMPBAN+" != 'ARRAY')then {"+_TMPBAN+" = [];};};
if(!(_puid in "+_TMPBAN+") && !(_puid in _playableUnits))then
[_puid,_name] call FNC_A3_infiSTARBAN;
"+_TMPBAN+" pushBack _puid;
{if(getPlayerUID _x in _playableUnits)then {(owner _x) publicVariableClient '"+_TMPBAN+"';};} forEach playableUnits;
if(_puid in _playableUnits)then
_mytime = call fnc_getserverTime;
_log = _mytime + format['%1(%2) ADMIN - would have been banned now!',_name,_puid];
_log call FNC_A3_HACKLOG;
"+_AH_HackLogArrayRND+" pushBack _log;
_do = 'if(!isServer)then
if(getPlayerUID player == '+str _puid+')then
(findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0;
[_do] call fnc_doGlobal;
if(_option == -665)exitWith
_name = _array select 2;
_puid = _array select 3;
[_name,_puid] spawn fnc_infiServerKick;
if(_option == -664)exitWith
_puid = _array select 2;
_do = 'if(!isServer)then
if(getPlayerUID player == '+str _puid+')then
(findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0;
[_do] call fnc_doGlobal;
if(_option == -4)exitWith
_delete = _array select 2;
if(typeName _delete != 'ARRAY')then {_delete = [_delete];};
"; if(_MOD == 'EPOCH')then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_version = getText(configFile >> 'CfgServerVersion' >> 'client');
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_obj = (vehicle _x);
_callwith = _obj;
"; if(_MOD == 'EPOCH')then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_callwith = [_obj,'infiSTAR.de'];
if((_obj isKindOf 'LandVehicle') || (_obj isKindOf 'Air') || (_obj isKindOf 'Ship') || (_obj isKindOf 'Tank'))then
_callwith call EPOCH_server_save_killedVehicle;
if(typeOf _obj in ['LockBoxProxy_EPOCH'] || (_obj isKindOf 'Buildable_Storage'))then
_callwith call EPOCH_server_save_killedStorage;
_callwith call EPOCH_server_save_killedStorage;
_callwith call EPOCH_server_save_killedBuilding;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(!isNull _obj)then
_obj setPosATL (_obj modelToWorld [0,0,123]);
_obj setDamage 5;
deleteVehicle _obj;
} forEach _delete;
if(_option == -2)exitWith
_target = _array select 2;
_target setDamage 5;
if(_option == -1)exitWith
[_array select 2] spawn {
_pos = _this select 0;
_bolt = 'LightningBolt' createVehicle _pos;
_bolt setdamage 5;
_light = '#lightpoint' createVehicle _pos;
_light setposatl [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(_pos select 2) + 10];
_light setLightDayLight true;
_light setLightBrightness 300;
_light setLightAmbient [0.05, 0.05, 0.1];
_light setlightcolor [1, 1, 2];
uiSleep 0.1;
_light setLightBrightness 0;
uiSleep 0.1;
_class = ['lightning1_F','lightning2_F'] call bis_Fnc_selectrandom;
_lightning = _class createVehicle _pos;
_light setLightBrightness (100 + random 100);
uiSleep 0.1;
deleteVehicle _lightning;
deleteVehicle _light;
if(_option == 0)exitWith
private ['_position','_dir','_vehObj','_slot','_vehClass','_colors','_color','_config','_selections','_textures','_textureSelectionIndex','_count'];
_vehClass = _array select 2;
_position = _array select 3;
_dir = _array select 4;
_vehObj = _vehClass createVehicle _position;
_vehObj setdir _dir;
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehObj;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehObj;
clearBackpackCargoGlobal _vehObj;
clearItemCargoGlobal _vehObj;
_vehObj disableTIEquipment true;
"; if(_MOD == 'EPOCH')then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(_vehObj isKindOf 'Air' || _vehObj isKindOf 'Ship' || _vehObj isKindOf 'LandVehicle')then
_vehObj call EPOCH_server_setVToken;
EPOCH_VehicleSlotsLimit = EPOCH_VehicleSlotsLimit + 1;
EPOCH_VehicleSlots pushBack str(EPOCH_VehicleSlotsLimit);
_slot = EPOCH_VehicleSlots select 0;
_vehObj setVariable['VEHICLE_SLOT',_slot,true];
EPOCH_VehicleSlots = EPOCH_VehicleSlots - [_slot];
EPOCH_VehicleSlotCount = count EPOCH_VehicleSlots;
publicVariable 'EPOCH_VehicleSlotCount';
_config = (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> _vehClass >> 'availableColors');
_textureSelectionIndex = configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> _vehClass >> 'textureSelectionIndex';
_selections = if(isArray(_textureSelectionIndex))then {getArray(_textureSelectionIndex)} else { [0] };
_colors = getArray(_config);
_textures = _colors select 0;
_color = floor (random (count _textures));
_count = (count _colors)-1;
if(_count >= _forEachIndex)then
_textures = _colors select _forEachIndex;
_vehObj setObjectTextureGlobal [_x, (_textures select _color)];
} forEach _selections;
_vehObj setVariable['VEHICLE_TEXTURE',_color];
_vehObj call EPOCH_server_save_vehicle;
_vehObj call EPOCH_server_vehicleInit;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(_option == 1)exitWith
_unit = _array select 2;
_pos = _array select 3;
"+_AHpos+" = [_clientName,_clientUID,_pos];
if(_unit == vehicle _unit)then
(owner _unit) publicVariableClient '"+_AHpos+"';
_unit setPosATL _pos;
{if(!isNull _x)then {(owner _x) publicVariableClient '"+_AHpos+"';};} forEach (crew (vehicle _unit));
(vehicle _unit) setPosATL _pos;
if(_option == 2)exitWith
_state = _array select 2;
if(_state == 1)then
_playerObj hideObjectGlobal true;
_playerObj hideObjectGlobal false;
if(_option == 3)exitWith
_pos = _array select 2;
_click = _array select 3;
if(isClass (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> _click))exitWith {
_object = createVehicle [_click,_pos,[],3,'CAN_COLLIDE'];
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _object;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _object;
clearBackpackCargoGlobal _object;
clearItemCargoGlobal _object;
_object = objNull;
_WeaponHolders = nearestObjects[_pos,['GroundWeaponHolder','WeaponHolderSimulated','Land_MPS_EPOCH'],5];
if(str _WeaponHolders != '[]') then {_object = _WeaponHolders select 0;};
if(isNull _object)then {_object = createVehicle ['WeaponHolderSimulated',_pos,[],3,'CAN_COLLIDE'];};
_object addItemCargoGlobal [_click,1];
if(isClass (configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> _click))then
_magazines = getArray (configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> _click >> 'magazines');
if(str _magazines != '[]')then
{_object addItemCargoGlobal [_x,3];} forEach _magazines;
_object setPosATL [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(_pos select 2)+0.3];
if(_option == 4)exitWith
_target=_array select 2;
_unitClass = _array select 3;
"+_clientdo+" = ""
_unitClass = ""+str _unitClass+"";
[] execFSM """"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\System\Event_Air_Drop.fsm"""";
_unit = objNull;
_targetPos = getPosATL player;
_targetPos set [2,0];
_disableAI = {
{_this disableAI _x}forEach[""""TARGET"""",""""AUTOTARGET"""",""""FSM""""];
switch _unitClass do {
case """"Epoch_Cloak_F"""": {
_unit = createAgent[_unitClass, _targetPos, [], 256, """"FORM""""];
_unit call _disableAI;
[_unit] execFSM """"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\System\Cloak_Brain.fsm"""";
case """"GreatWhite_F"""": {
if (surfaceIsWater _targetPos) then{
if (((_targetPos vectorDiff getPosASL player) select 2) > 25) then{
_unit = createAgent[_unitClass, _targetPos, [], 120, """"FORM""""];
_unit call _disableAI;
[_unit] execFSM """"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\System\Shark_Brain.fsm"""";
case """"Epoch_Sapper_F"""": {
_unit = createAgent[_unitClass, _targetPos, [], 256, """"FORM""""];
_bomb = createVehicle [""""Sapper_Charge_Ammo"""", _targetPos, [], 0, """"CAN_COLLIDE""""];
_bomb attachTo [_unit, [0,0,0],""""Pelvis""""];
_unit call _disableAI;
sapperHndl = [_unit, _bomb] execFSM """"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\System\Sapper_Brain.fsm"""";
_unit addEventHandler [""""FiredNear"""", """"sapperHndl setFSMVariable [""""""""_sFiredNear"""""""",[_this select 1, _this select 2]];""""];
_unit addEventHandler [""""Hit"""", """"sapperHndl setFSMVariable [""""""""_sHit"""""""",[_this select 1, _this select 2]];""""];
case """"Epoch_SapperB_F"""": {
_unit = createAgent[_unitClass, _targetPos, [], 256, """"FORM""""];
_bomb = createVehicle[""""SapperB_Charge_Ammo"""", _targetPos, [], 0, """"CAN_COLLIDE""""];
_bomb attachTo[_unit, [0, 0, 0], """"Pelvis""""];
_unit call _disableAI;
sapperHndl = [_unit, _bomb] execFSM """"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\System\Sapper_Brain2.fsm"""";
_unit addEventHandler[""""FiredNear"""", """"sapperHndl setFSMVariable [""""""""_sFiredNear"""""""",[_this select 1, _this select 2]];""""];
_unit addEventHandler[""""Hit"""", """"sapperHndl setFSMVariable [""""""""_sHit"""""""",[_this select 1, _this select 2]];""""];
case """"I_UAV_01_F"""": {
_targetPos = getPosATL player;
_targetPos = [_targetPos, 600, 1200, 5, 0, 400, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
_targetPos set[2, 600];
_unit = createVehicle[""""I_UAV_01_F"""", _targetPos, [], 0, """"FLY""""];
_unit flyInHeight 600;
_grp = createGroup RESISTANCE;
_driver = _grp createUnit[""""I_UAV_AI"""", position _unit, [], 0, """"CAN_COLLIDE""""];
_driver moveInAny _unit;
[_unit, player] execFSM """"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\System\Copter_brain.fsm"""";
case """"PHANTOM"""": {
[] execFSM """"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\System\Phantom_Brain.fsm"""";
case """"B_Heli_Transport_01_F"""": {
[] execFSM """"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\System\Event_Air_Drop.fsm"""";
if !(isNull _unit) then {
publicVariableServer """"EPOCH_TEMPOBJ_PVS"""";
(owner _target) publicVariableClient '"+_clientdo+"';
if(_option == 5)exitWith
_target = _array select 2;
_offset = _array select 3;
_maxHeight = _array select 4;

_target attachTo [_playerObj,[0,_offset,_maxHeight]];
if(_option == 6)exitWith
_offset = _array select 2;

_date = date;
_date set [3,_offset];
EPOCH_StaticDateTime = _date;
setDate _date;
if(_option == 7)exitWith
_msg = _array select 2;
if(typeName _msg == 'ARRAY')then
_msg = toString _msg;
_msg call fnc_serverMassMessage;
if(_option == 8)exitWith

_plyr = _array select 2;
Epoch_canBeRevived = true;
(owner _plyr) publicVariableClient 'Epoch_canBeRevived';
_plyr setVariable['REVIVE',true,true];
_owner=owner _plyr;
if(!local _plyr)then{_plyrUID=getPlayerUID _plyr;
if(!isNil '_plyrUID' && !alive _plyr)then{
_class=typeOf _plyr;
if(_class in['Epoch_Male_F','Epoch_Female_F'])then{if(_plyr getVariable['REVIVE',true])then{diag_log format['DEBUG server_revivePlayer : %1',_this];
_location=getPosATL _plyr;
_dir=getDir _plyr;
_plyrGroup=_plyr getVariable['GROUP',''];
_goggles=goggles _plyr;
_headgear=headgear _plyr;
_vest=vest _plyr;
_backpack=backpack _plyr;
_uniform=uniform _plyr;
_items=assignedItems _plyr;
_magazinesAmmo=magazinesAmmo _plyr;
{{_droppedWeapons pushBack _x;
_type=getNumber(configfile >> 'cfgweapons' >>(_x select 0)>> 'type');
switch _type do{case 1:{_primaryWeapon=_x select 0};
case 4:{_secondaryWeapon=_x select 0};
}forEach(weaponsItemsCargo _x);
}forEach nearestObjects[_plyr,['WeaponHolderSimulated'],9];
_itemsplayer=[getItemCargo(uniformContainer _plyr),getItemCargo(vestContainer _plyr),getItemCargo(backpackContainer _plyr)];
_weaponsplayer=[getWeaponCargo(uniformContainer _plyr),getWeaponCargo(vestContainer _plyr),getWeaponCargo(backpackContainer _plyr)];
_weapons=[currentWeapon _plyr,((weaponsItems _plyr)+_droppedWeapons),[_primaryWeapon,_secondaryWeapon,handgunWeapon _plyr]];
hideObjectGlobal _plyr;
if(_plyrGroup !='')then{{if((_x getVariable['GROUP',''])==_plyrGroup)exitWith{_group=group _x;
}forEach playableUnits;
if(isNull _group)then{_group=createGroup west;
diag_log format['DEBUG Group Found: %1',_group];
}else{_group=createGroup west;
diag_log format['DEBUG Group Created: %1',_group];
_newPlyr=_group createUnit[_class,_location,[],0,'CAN_COLLIDE'];
_newPlyr allowDammage false;
{_newPlyr disableAI _x;
_newPlyr setVariable['SETUP',true];
_newPlyr setVariable['PUID',_plyrUID];
_newPlyr setVariable['GROUP',_plyrGroup];
_newPlyr setVariable['REVIVE',false];
_newPlyr setDir _dir;
_newPlyr setPosATL _location;
_newPlyr setFatigue 1;
_newPlyr setDamage 0.25;
if(_uniform !='')then{_newPlyr addUniform _uniform;
if(_backpack !='')then{_newPlyr addBackpack _backpack;
if(_goggles !='')then{_newPlyr addGoggles _goggles;
if(_headgear !='')then{_newPlyr addHeadgear _headgear;
if(_vest !='')then{_newPlyr addVest _vest;
if(count _weapons >=2)then{_equipped=_weapons select 2;
{_weapon=_x select 0;
_type=getNumber(configfile >> 'cfgweapons' >> _weapon >> 'type');
for '_a' from 1 to 3 do{_attachment=_x select _a;
if(_attachment !='')then{_attachments pushBack _attachment;
_wMags=(count _x)==5;
if(_weapon in _equipped)then{_equipped=_equipped-[_weapon];
if(_wMags)then{_newPlyr addMagazine(_x select 4);
if(_weapon !='')then{_newPlyr addWeapon _weapon;
switch _type do{case 1:{removeAllPrimaryWeaponItems _newPlyr;
{_newPlyr addPrimaryWeaponItem _x}forEach _attachments;
case 2:{removeAllHandgunItems _newPlyr;
{_newPlyr addHandgunItem _x}forEach _attachments;
case 4:{{_newPlyr addSecondaryWeaponItem _x}forEach _attachments;
}else{{_newPlyr addItem _x;
}forEach _attachments;
if(_wMags)then{_newPlyr addMagazine(_x select 4);
}forEach(_weapons select 1);
_currWeap=(_weapons select 0);
{if(_x in['Binocular','Rangefinder'])then{_newPlyr addWeapon _x;
}else{_newPlyr linkItem _x;
}forEach _items;
_itemqtys=_x select 1;
{for '_i' from 1 to(_itemqtys select _forEachIndex)do{switch _itemSlot do{case 0:{_newPlyr addItemToUniform _x};
case 1:{_newPlyr addItemToVest _x};
case 2:{_newPlyr addItemToBackpack _x};
}forEach(_x select 0);
}forEach _itemsplayer;
_itemqtys=_x select 1;
{for '_i' from 1 to(_itemqtys select _forEachIndex)do{switch _itemSlot do{case 0:{_newPlyr addItemToUniform _x};
case 1:{_newPlyr addItemToVest _x};
case 2:{_newPlyr addItemToBackpack _x};
}forEach(_x select 0);
}forEach _weaponsplayer;
{_newPlyr addMagazine _x;
}forEach _magazinesAmmo;
_token=_newPlyr call EPOCH_server_setPToken;
[['clientRevive',[_newPlyr,_token]],_owner]call EPOCH_sendPublicVariableClient;

Epoch_canBeRevived = true;
(owner _plyr) publicVariableClient 'Epoch_canBeRevived';
_plyr setVariable['REVIVE',true,true];
if(_option == 9)exitWith
_target = _array select 2;
_target setDamage 0;
_veh = vehicle _target;
_veh setDamage 0;
if(isPlayer _target) then
"+_clientdo+" = '
player setBleedingRemaining 0;
player setOxygenRemaining 1;
missionNamespace setVariable[format[''EPOCH_player%1'',_x],EPOCH_defaultVars select(EPOCH_customVars find _x)];
} forEach[''Temp'',''Hunger'',''Thirst'',''Toxicity'',''Stamina'',''HitPoints'',''BloodP''];
EPOCH_playerEnergy = EPOCH_playerEnergyMax;
(owner _target) publicVariableClient '"+_clientdo+"';
if((fuel _veh > 0)||((_veh isKindOf 'AllVehicles')&&!((_veh isKindOf 'Epoch_Male_F')||(_veh isKindOf 'Epoch_Female_F')||(_veh isKindOf 'Man')))) then
_veh setFuel 1;
_veh call EPOCH_server_save_vehicle;
if(_option == 10)exitWith
_target = _array select 2;
_value = _array select 3;
_target setVariable['LOCK_OWNER','-1'];
if(isNil 'EPOCH_vehicleLockTime')then {EPOCH_vehicleLockTime = 1800;};
_target setVariable['LOCKED_TILL',serverTime+EPOCH_vehicleLockTime];
_target lock _value;
if(_option == 11)exitWith
_target = _array select 2;
"+_clientdo+" = '
_inventoryP = [];
{_inventoryP pushBack _x;} forEach (assignedItems player);
{_inventoryP pushBack _x;} forEach (magazines player);
{_inventoryP pushBack _x;} forEach (weapons player);
{_inventoryP pushBack _x;} forEach (primaryWeaponItems player);
{_inventoryP pushBack _x;} forEach (secondaryWeaponItems player);
_inventoryP pushBack (primaryWeapon player);
_inventoryP pushBack (secondaryWeapon player);
_inventoryP pushBack (uniform player);
_inventoryP pushBack (vest player);
_inventoryP pushBack (backpack player);
_inventoryP pushBack (headgear player);
_inventoryP pushBack (goggles player);
player removeItem _x;
player removeWeapon _x;
player removeMagazine _x;
removeUniform player;
removeVest player;
removeBackpack player;
removeHeadgear player;
removeGoggles player;
player removePrimaryWeaponItem _x;
player removeSecondaryWeaponItem _x;
player unlinkItem _x;
} forEach _inventoryP;
(owner _target) publicVariableClient '"+_clientdo+"';
if(_option == 12)exitWith
_target = _array select 2;
_value = _array select 3;
if(!isNil 'EPOCH_defaultVars_SEPXVar')then
if(!isNull _target)then
_cIndex = EPOCH_customVars find 'Crypto';
_vars = _target getVariable['VARS', [] + EPOCH_defaultVars_SEPXVar];
_current_crypto = (((_vars select _cIndex) + _value) min 25000) max 0;
[['effectCrypto', _current_crypto], (owner _target)] call EPOCH_sendPublicVariableClient;
_vars set[_cIndex, _current_crypto];
_target setVariable['VARS', _vars];
if(_option == 13)exitWith
_target = _array select 2;
_value = _array select 3;
_targetUID = getPlayerUID _target;
if(_targetUID in _locDevs)exitWith{};
"+_clientdo+" = 'for ''_i'' from 0 to 3 do {disableUserInput '+str _value+';};';
(owner _target) publicVariableClient '"+_clientdo+"';
if(_option == 5000)exitWith
_select = _array select 2;
_pos = _array select 3;
if(_select == 0)exitWith {
_crate = 'Box_IND_AmmoVeh_F' createVehicle _pos;
_crate setVariable['"+_adminbox+"','-1',true];
_crate setPosATL _pos;
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _crate;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _crate;
clearBackpackCargoGlobal _crate;
clearItemCargoGlobal _crate;
_crate addItemCargoGlobal ['KitPlotPole',1];
_crate addItemCargoGlobal ['ItemLockbox',1];
_crate addItemCargoGlobal ['KitTiPi',1];
_crate addItemCargoGlobal ['KitShelf',1];
_crate addItemCargoGlobal ['Hatchet',1];
_crate addItemCargoGlobal ['hatchet_swing',2];
_crate addItemCargoGlobal ['KitFoundation',4];
_crate addItemCargoGlobal ['PartPlankPack',4];
_crate addItemCargoGlobal ['KitWoodFloor',20];
_crate addItemCargoGlobal ['KitStudWall',16];
_crate addItemCargoGlobal ['ItemCorrugated',16];
_crate addItemCargoGlobal ['KitCinderWall',5];
_crate addItemCargoGlobal ['CinderBlocks',10];
_crate addItemCargoGlobal ['MortarBucket',4];
_crate addItemCargoGlobal ['ItemCorrugatedLG',2];
_crate addItemCargoGlobal ['CircuitParts',3];
_crate addItemCargoGlobal ['EnergyPackLg',2];
if(_select > 0)exitWith {
_crate = 'Box_IND_AmmoVeh_F' createVehicle _pos;
_crate setVariable['"+_adminbox+"','-1',true];
_crate setPosATL _pos;
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _crate;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _crate;
clearBackpackCargoGlobal _crate;
clearItemCargoGlobal _crate;

_arrayforcrate = [];
switch _select do {
case 1:{_arrayforcrate = "+str _SupportBox1Content+"};
case 2:{_arrayforcrate = "+str _SupportBox2Content+"};
case 3:{_arrayforcrate = "+str _SupportBox3Content+"};
if(_arrayforcrate isEqualTo [])exitWith {};

if(typeName _x == 'ARRAY')then
_item = _x select 0;
_BackPack = getText (configfile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> _item >> 'vehicleClass') == 'BackPacks';
_crate addBackpackCargoGlobal [_item,_x select 1];
_crate addItemCargoGlobal [_item,_x select 1];
_item = _x;
_BackPack = getText (configfile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> _item >> 'vehicleClass') == 'BackPacks';
_crate addBackpackCargoGlobal [_item,1];
_crate addItemCargoGlobal [_item,1];
} forEach _arrayforcrate;
"+_FNC_PVAH_AdminReq+" = compileFinal ([_FNC_PVAH_AdminReq] call fnc_CompilableString);
_array = _this select 1;
_tokenreceived = _array select 0;
_arraysent = _array select 1;
_name = _arraysent select 0;
_puid = _arraysent select 1;
_belongstoname = '';
_puidfound = '';

diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH251_KICKLOGSPAWN> %1',_array];
if(isNil '_tokenreceived')exitWith {};
if(typeName _tokenreceived != 'STRING')exitWith {};

if(isNil '_puid')then {_puid = '';};
if(typeName _puid != 'STRING')then {_puid = '';};
if((_puid == '_SP_PLAYER_')||(_puid == ''))then
if(isNil '"+_PoopTokenArray+"')then {"+_PoopTokenArray+" = [];};
_foundtokenid = "+_PoopTokenArray+" find _tokenreceived;
if(_foundtokenid > 0)then
_puidfound = "+_PoopTokenArray+" select (_foundtokenid - 1);
if(!isNil '_puidfound')then
_puid = _puidfound;
_arraysent set[1,_puid];
_log = format['%1 - CLIENT NO UID - SERVER RESOLVED: %2(%3)',time,_name,_puid];
[_name,_puid,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_FNC_AH251_KICKLOG+";

_result = [_puid,_tokenreceived] call "+_server_checkTokenR+";
_log = format['BadToken (%1)',_tokenreceived];
if(isNil '_puidfound')then {_puidfound = '';};
if(_puidfound == '')then
if(isNil '"+_PoopTokenArray+"')then {"+_PoopTokenArray+" = [];};
_foundtokenid = "+_PoopTokenArray+" find _tokenreceived;
if(_foundtokenid > 0)then
_puidfound = "+_PoopTokenArray+" select (_foundtokenid - 1);
{if(getPlayerUID _x == _puidfound)then {_belongstoname = name _x;};} forEach playableUnits;
_log = format['BadToken (%1). Token belongs to: %2(%3) and not %4(%5)',_tokenreceived,_belongstoname,_puidfound,_name,_puid];
_puid = _puidfound;
_arraysent set[1,_puid];
[_name,_puid,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_FNC_AH251_KICKLOG+";
[_name,_puid] spawn fnc_infiServerKick;

_arraysent spawn "+_FNC_AH251_KICKLOG+";
"+_FNC_AH251_KICKLOGSPAWN+" = compileFinal ([_FNC_AH251_KICKLOGSPAWN] call fnc_CompilableString);
_fnc_serverMassMessage = {
"+_massMessage+" = [_this,0,0.7,10,0];
{(owner _x) publicVariableClient '"+_massMessage+"';} forEach playableUnits;
fnc_serverMassMessage = compileFinal ([_fnc_serverMassMessage] call fnc_CompilableString);
"; if(_MPF)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_fnc_mpPackets = {
_stringcode = str _this;
_foundBad = '';
_forward = true;
_bannable = false;
_input = _this select 1;

_lcode = toLower _stringcode;
{if((_lcode find (toLower _x)) != -1)exitWith {_forward = false;_foundBad = _x;};} forEach [
{if((_lcode find (toLower _x)) != -1)exitWith {_forward = true;};} forEach [
{if((_lcode find (toLower _x)) != -1)exitWith {_forward = true;};} forEach ['Sattellite_Key_Terminal'];

{if((_lcode find (toLower _x)) != -1)exitWith {_bannable = true;};} forEach [
if(!_bannable) then
{if((_lcode find _x) != -1)exitWith {_bannable = true;};} forEach "+str _verybadStrings+";

_name = '';_puid = '';
if(count _input >= 7)then
_name = format['%1',_input select 6];
_puid = format['%1',_input select 7];
if((isNil '_name') || (isNil '_name'))then
_forward = true;_bannable = false;
if((_name == '__SERVER__') && (_puid == '__SERVER__'))then
_forward = true;_bannable = false;

if((_this select 0) == 'BIS_fnc_MP_packet')then {_this call BIS_fnc_MPexec;} else {_this call LPG_fnc_MPexec;};
'ARMA_LOG' callExtension ('A3_BAD_MP_PACKET:'+_foundBad+' | '+_stringcode+' (v0151)');
diag_log ('<infiSTAR.de>BAD_MP_PACKET| '+_foundBad+' | '+_stringcode+' (v0151)');

_log = format['BAD_MP_packet: %1 (C_BAN)',_foundBad];
_test = '
if(isServer)exitWith {};
if(str('+str _input+') == str LPG_fnc_MP_packet)then
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,''BAN'',toArray('+str _log+')] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if(str('+str _input+') == str BIS_fnc_MP_packet)then
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,''BAN'',toArray('+str _log+')] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
[_test] call fnc_doGlobal;

_log = format['BAD_MP_packet: %1 (S)',_foundBad];
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_FNC_AH251_KICKLOG+";
[_name,_puid] spawn fnc_infiServerKick;
_log = format['BAD_MP_packet: %1 (C_LOG)',_foundBad];
_test = '
if(isServer)exitWith {};
if(str('+str _input+') == str LPG_fnc_MP_packet)then
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,''BAN'',toArray('+str _log+')] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if(str('+str _input+') == str BIS_fnc_MP_packet)then
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,''BAN'',toArray('+str _log+')] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
[_test] call fnc_doGlobal;
"+_fnc_mpPackets+" = compileFinal ([_fnc_mpPackets] call fnc_CompilableString);
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> %1 - Thread MAIN: none-threaded code compiled and/or sent!',time];
[] spawn {
diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> %1 - Thread #1: Server Loop #1 starting now!',time];
_time1 = time + 15;
_time2 = time + 180;
"; if(_UVC)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_fnc_deleteObject =
"; if(_MOD == 'EPOCH')then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_version = getText(configFile >> 'CfgServerVersion' >> 'client');
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_obj = (vehicle _obj);
_callwith = _obj;
"; if(_MOD == 'EPOCH')then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_callwith = [_obj,'infiSTAR.de'];
if((_obj isKindOf 'LandVehicle') || (_obj isKindOf 'Air') || (_obj isKindOf 'Ship') || (_obj isKindOf 'Tank'))then
_callwith call EPOCH_server_save_killedVehicle;
if(typeOf _obj in ['LockBoxProxy_EPOCH'] || (_obj isKindOf 'Buildable_Storage'))then
_callwith call EPOCH_server_save_killedStorage;
_callwith call EPOCH_server_save_killedStorage;
_callwith call EPOCH_server_save_killedBuilding;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(!isNull _obj)then
_obj setPosATL (_obj modelToWorld [0,0,123]);
_obj setDamage 5;
deleteVehicle _obj;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_callphpscript = {
_url = _this select 0;
waitUntil {if ('ARMA_LOAD' callExtension format['%1',_url] == 'OK') exitWith {true};false};
private '_res';
waitUntil {_res = 'ARMA_LOAD' callExtension 'OK';if (_res != 'WAIT') exitWith {true};false};
if (_res == 'ERROR') then {_error = 'ARMA_LOAD' callExtension 'ERROR';}else{diag_log _res;};
_from = if(isNil'UPDATEEMAIL') then {'ERROR'}else{UPDATEEMAIL};
_uchck = profileNamespace getVariable['UPDATECHECKED',_vers];
if(_vers != _uchck)then
profileNamespace setVariable['UPDATECHECKED',_vers];
_string = toString[104,116,116,112,58,47,47,118,46,105,110,102,105,83,84,65,82,46,100,101,47,105,110,100,101,120,46,112,104,112,63];
_url = format['%1f=%2&v=%3',_string,_from,_vers];
[_url] spawn _callphpscript;
"; if(_MOD == 'EPOCH')then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_CLG)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(isNil'"+_inCombatArray+"') then {"+_inCombatArray+" = [];};
fnc_infiSTAR_HandleDisconnect = compileFinal '
_plyr=_this select 0;
if(alive _plyr)then
_plyrUID=_this select 2;
_name = _this select 3;
_inCombat = 9001;
if!("+_inCombatArray+" isEqualTo []) then
_fid = "+_inCombatArray+" find _plyrUID;
if(_fid != -1) then
_inCombat = "+_inCombatArray+" select (_fid+1);
if(_inCombat == 1)then
_log = format[''%1(%2) - @%3%4'',_name,_plyrUID,mapGridPosition _plyr,getPos _plyr];
''ARMA_LOG'' callExtension format[''A3_COMBATLOG:%1 (v0151)'',_log];
diag_log (''<infiSTAR.de>CombatLog| ''+_log+'' (v0151)'');

_grid = mapGridPosition _plyr;
_xpos = _grid select [0,3];
_ypos = _grid select [3,5];
"+_massSysMessage+" = format[''%1 CombatLogged GPS X/Y: %2/%3 find the dead body!'',_name,_xpos,_ypos];
{(owner _x) publicVariableClient ''"+_massSysMessage+"'';} forEach playableUnits;

_vars=_plyr getVariable[''VARS'',[]];
_group=_plyr getVariable[''GROUP'',''''];
_medical=[getBleedingRemaining _plyr,0,getOxygenRemaining _plyr,1];
_appearance=[goggles _plyr,headgear _plyr,vest _plyr,backpack _plyr,uniform _plyr,typeOf _plyr];
_itemsplayer=[getItemCargo(uniformContainer _plyr),getItemCargo(vestContainer _plyr),getItemCargo(backpackContainer _plyr)];
_weaponsplayer=[getWeaponCargo(uniformContainer _plyr),getWeaponCargo(vestContainer _plyr),getWeaponCargo(backpackContainer _plyr)];
_weapons=[currentWeapon _plyr,weaponsItems _plyr,[primaryWeapon _plyr,secondaryWeapon _plyr,handgunWeapon _plyr]];
_plyr setDamage 1;
_return=[''Player'',_plyrUID,EPOCH_expiresPlayer,[[0,[],(call EPOCH_fn_InstanceID)],_medical,_appearance,[],_vars,_weapons,assignedItems _plyr,magazinesAmmo _plyr,_itemsplayer,_weaponsplayer,_group,false]]call EPOCH_server_hiveSETEX;
_this call EPOCH_server_onPlayerDisconnect
_this call EPOCH_server_onPlayerDisconnect
"; }else{ _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
fnc_infiSTAR_HandleDisconnect = EPOCH_server_onPlayerDisconnect;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> %1 - Thread #1: Server Loop #1 looping now!',time];
while {1 == 1} do
'PVAH_AdminReq' addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call "+_FNC_PVAH_AdminReq+";};
'"+_AH251_KICKLOG+"' addPublicVariableEventHandler {_this call "+_FNC_AH251_KICKLOGSPAWN+";};

"; if(_MPF)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
'LPG_fnc_MP_packet' addPublicVariableEventHandler {_this call "+_fnc_mpPackets+";};
'BIS_fnc_MP_packet' addPublicVariableEventHandler {_this call "+_fnc_mpPackets+";};
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "

"; if(_OPC)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
onPlayerConnected {
[_uid,_name] call fnc_infiSTAR_PlayerLog;
_log = format['+++Connected: %1(%2) - time: %3 - serverTime: %4',_name,_uid,time,serverTime];
_log call FNC_A3_CONNECTLOG;
call compile "+str _customOnPlayerConnected+";
"; if(_MOD == 'EPOCH')then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
['Connected',format['playerConnected:%1:%2',_uid,_name]]call EPOCH_server_hiveLog;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_KKC)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(_uid == '')exitWith {};
0 = [_name, _uid] spawn {
_name = _this select 0;
_uid = _this select 1;
_check = {
_cond = false;
_ban = false;
_what = _x select 1;
_state = _x select 1;
_cond = _what != '0' && _state != 'none';
if(_cond)then {
if(_what == 'DaysSinceLastBan')then
if(typeName _state == 'STRING')then {_state = parseNumber _state;};
if(_state >= 30)then {_ban = true;};
} count _this;
_log = format['Player %1(%2) has Steam bans: %3',_name,_uid,_this];
_log call FNC_A3_CONNECTLOG;
if(_ban)then {
_log = format['Steam bans: %1',_this];
[_name,_uid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_FNC_AH251_KICKLOG+";
'check_player' callExtension _uid;
_mytime = time + 12;
private '_bans';
waitUntil {
_bans = 'check_player' callExtension _uid;
_bans != 'WAIT' || {_bans = '[]'; time > _mytime}
if(_bans == '[]')then {
_log = format['Player check failed for %1(%2) - (player free to play but unchecked..)',_name,_uid];
_log call FNC_A3_CONNECTLOG;
if((call compile _bans) call _check == 0)then {
_log = format['Player %1(%2) - OK',_name,_uid];
diag_log _log;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_OPD)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_MOD == 'EPOCH')then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
removeAllMissionEventHandlers 'HandleDisconnect';
addMissionEventHandler['HandleDisconnect',{_this call fnc_infiSTAR_HandleDisconnect}];
onPlayerDisconnected {
['Disconnected',format['playerConnected:%1:%2',_uid,_name]]call EPOCH_server_hiveLog;
_uid call EPOCH_server_disconnect;
_log = format['---Disconnected: %1(%2) - time: %3 - serverTime: %4',_name,_uid,time,serverTime];
_log call FNC_A3_CONNECTLOG;
"; }else{ _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
onPlayerDisconnected {
_log = format['---Disconnected: %1(%2) - time: %3 - serverTime: %4',_name,_uid,time,serverTime];
_log call FNC_A3_CONNECTLOG;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_MOD == 'AltisLife')then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
removeAllMissionEventHandlers 'HandleDisconnect';
addMissionEventHandler ['HandleDisconnect',{_this call TON_fnc_clientDisconnect; false;}];
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(time > _time1)then
_time1 = time + 15;

_checkplayableUnits = false;
if(time > _time2)then
_time2 = time + 180;
_checkplayableUnits = true;

if(!isNull _x)then
if(alive _x)then
_uid = getPlayerUID _x;
if!(_uid isEqualTo '')then
_name = name _x;
[_uid,_name] call fnc_infiSTAR_PlayerLog;
if(isNil '"+_PoopTokenArray+"')then {"+_PoopTokenArray+" = [];};
_uidhastoken = false;
if(_uid in "+_PoopTokenArray+")then
_uidhastoken = true;
_token = "+_PoopTokenArray+" select (("+_PoopTokenArray+" find _uid)+1);
"+_YourPlayerToken+" = _token;
(owner _x) publicVariableClient '"+_YourPlayerToken+"';

_namePlayerObject = _x getVariable['realname','-1'];
if!(_namePlayerObject isEqualTo _name)then
_x setVariable['realname',_name,true];
_puidPlayerObject = _x getVariable['PUID','-1'];
if!(_puidPlayerObject isEqualTo _uid)then
_x setVariable['PUID',_uid];
if!(_x in playableUnits)then
[_name,_uid,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_FNC_AH251_KICKLOG+";
[_name,_uid] spawn fnc_infiServerKick;
"; if(_AHL)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_ctime = time;
_otime = _ctime;
_loadedchecktime = _x getVariable['"+_loadedchecktime+"',0];
if(str _loadedchecktime == '0')then
_x setVariable['"+_loadedchecktime+"',_ctime];
_otime = _x getVariable['"+_loadedchecktime+"',_ctime];

_timedif= _ctime - _otime;
_maxdif= ("+str _TDI+")+10;
if(_timedif> _maxdif)then
_loaded = _x getVariable['"+_loaded+"',[]];
for '_i' from 0 to 9 do
if!(_i in _loaded)exitWith
_log = format['AH NOT LOADED ON PLAYER (S) @%1%2, timedif: %3, loaded: %4',
getPos _x,
mapGridPosition _x,
[_name,_uid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_FNC_AH251_KICKLOG+";
[_name,_uid] spawn fnc_infiServerKick;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_UVC)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_obj = vehicle _x;
if!(_obj isEqualTo _x)then
_type = typeOf _obj;
if((!("+str _UVW+") && {_type in "+str _ForbiddenVehicles+"}) || (("+str _UVW+") && {!(_type in "+str _VehicleWhiteList+")}))then
_crew = crew _obj;
if!(_crew isEqualTo [])then
if(call{{if((getPlayerUID _x) in "+_adminsA+")exitWith {true};false} forEach _crew;})exitWith {};

_log = format['BadVehicle (S): %1',_type];
_name = name _x;
_puid = getPlayerUID _x;
[_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
} forEach _crew;
call _fnc_deleteObject;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
} forEach playableUnits;
uiSleep 5;
[] spawn {
diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> %1 - Thread #2: Server Loop #2 starting now!',time];
_fnc_zero_one = {
_curservertime = time;
"+_clientoncethree+" = _curservertime;
_zero = ""
if(!isNil '_x') then
if(typeName _x == 'SCALAR')then
_time = 60;
if(diag_fps < 30)then{_time=75;};
if(time - _x > _time)then
_log = format['T%1 did not update in %2s (KICKED)',_forEachIndex+1,time - _x];
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn _AHKickOFF;
_log = format['TypeName of typeName T%1 changed! (BANNED)',_forEachIndex+1];
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn _AHKickOFF;
} forEach ["+_t1+","+_t2+","+_t3+","+_t4+","+_t5+","+_t6+","+_t7+","+_t8+","+_t9+","+_t10+","+_t11+","+_t12+","+_t13+"];
if(!hasInterface && !isDedicated)exitWith{};
_AHKickOFF = compileFinal '
sleep 0.3;
[] spawn {_d = (findDisplay 0) createDisplay ''RscDisplayMission'';(findDisplay 0) closeDisplay 0;};
[] spawn {for ''_c'' from 0 to 101 do {findDisplay _c closeDisplay 0;};};
if(isNil'"+_AHKickOFF+"')then {"+_AHKickOFF+" = _AHKickOFF;};
if(str _AHKickOFF != str "+_AHKickOFF+")then
[] spawn _AHKickOFF;
_AH251KICKLOG = compileFinal '
"+_AH251_KICKLOG+" = ["+_YourPlayerToken+",_this];
publicVariableServer ''"+_AH251_KICKLOG+"'';
if(isNil'"+_AH251KICKLOG+"')then {"+_AH251KICKLOG+" = _AH251KICKLOG;};
if(str _AH251KICKLOG != str "+_AH251KICKLOG+")then
[] spawn _AHKickOFF;
if(!isNil '_x')then
if(typeName _x != 'ARRAY')then
[] spawn _AHKickOFF;
} forEach ["+_AH251_KICKLOG+","+_adminsA+","+_MC+"];
if(!isNil '_x')then
if(typeName _x == 'CODE')then
_log = format['AntiAntiHack #1: %1 - %2',_x,missionNamespace getVariable _x];
_log spawn {
waitUntil {!isNil '"+_YourPlayerToken+"'};
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_this)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
} forEach [
_check = ""+str "+str _TokenCheckN+"+"";
if(isNil '"+_TokenCheck+"')then
"+_TokenCheck+" = _check;
[] spawn {
waitUntil {!isNil '"+_YourPlayerToken+"'};
_tmpYourPlayerToken = "+_YourPlayerToken+";
waitUntil {if(isNil'"+_YourPlayerToken+"')then{"+_YourPlayerToken+"='';};str _tmpYourPlayerToken != str "+_YourPlayerToken+"};
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if(str("+_TokenCheck+") != str(_check))then
[] spawn _AHKickOFF;
_vc = missionNamespace getVariable _x;
if(!isNil '_vc')then
_log = format['BadVar in missionNamespace: %1 - %2',_x,_vc];
_log spawn {
waitUntil {!isNil '"+_YourPlayerToken+"'};
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_this)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
} forEach ['time','serverTime','myplayeruid','hhahaaaaar','CharlieSheenkeybinds','KickOFF','yolo','runonce','notakeybind','action1','Supa_Licenses','autokick','wallaisseikun',
"; if(_UMH)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_sArray = ["+str _rscDCl+","+str _rscDCl1+","+str _rscDCl2+","+str _rscDCu+","+str _init+","+str _init1+"];
_rscDCl = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayConfigure' >> 'onLoad'));
_rscDCu = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayConfigure' >> 'onUnload'));
_init = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'cfgFunctions' >> 'init'));
_a = _x select 0;
if!(_a in _sArray)then {
_log = format['Memoryhack %1 %2 changed: %3',_x select 1,_x select 2,toString _a];
_log spawn {
waitUntil {!isNil '"+_YourPlayerToken+"'};
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_this)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
} forEach [[_rscDCl,'RscDisplayConfigure','onLoad'],[_rscDCu,'RscDisplayConfigure','onUnload'],[_init,'cfgFunctions','init']];

_initL = (getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayMission' >> 'onLoad'));
_initUL = (getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayMission' >> 'onUnload'));
_markerL = (getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayInsertMarker' >> 'onLoad'));
_markerUL = (getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayInsertMarker' >> 'onUnload'));
_EB1 = (getText(configfile >> 'RscDisplayInventory' >> 'controls' >> 'EpochBTN1' >> 'onMouseButtonDown'));
_EB2 = (getText(configfile >> 'RscDisplayInventory' >> 'controls' >> 'EpochBTN2' >> 'onMouseButtonDown'));
_EB3 = (getText(configfile >> 'TapOut' >> 'controls' >> 'tapout' >> 'action'));
_EB4 = (getText(configfile >> 'TapOut' >> 'controls' >> 'tapout' >> 'onKeyDown'));
_array = [
[_EB1,'RscDisplayInventory >> EpochBTN1','onMouseButtonDown'],
[_EB2,'RscDisplayInventory >> EpochBTN2','onMouseButtonDown'],
_cur = _array select _forEachIndex;
_a = _cur select 0;
if!((toArray(_a)) isEqualTo _x)then {
_sb = toString _x;
_log = format['Memoryhack %1 %2 changed: %3, %4',_cur select 1,_cur select 2,_a,_sb];
_log spawn {
waitUntil {!isNil '"+_YourPlayerToken+"'};
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_this)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
} forEach ["+str _initL+","+str _initUL+","+str _markerL+","+str _markerUL+","+str _EB1+","+str _EB2+","+str _EB3+"];
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "

if(isNil '"+_clientoncethree+"')then
"+_clientoncethree+"=""+str _curservertime+"";
if(!isNil'LIFE_fnc_antiFreeeeze')then{yolo = compileFinal '';};LIFE_fnc_antiFreeeeze = compileFinal '[] spawn {while {true}do{disableUserInput true;sleep 0.5;};};';
[] spawn {
waitUntil {((player == player)&&(!isNil '"+_YourPlayerToken+"')&&(!isNull findDisplay 18)&&(!isNull findDisplay 46))};
waitUntil {_playerUID = getPlayerUID player;(_playerUID != '')};
waitUntil {_ownerVar = _playerUID;{getplayeruid _x == _ownerVar} count playableunits > 0};
_puid = _playerUID;
_name = profileName;

"; if(_MOD == 'EPOCH')then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_serverEpochVersion=""+str "+str _serverEpochVersion+"+"";
_clientEpochVersion=getText(configFile >> 'CfgMods' >> 'Epoch' >> 'version');
if(_serverEpochVersion != _clientEpochVersion) then
_log = format['Client Epoch Version: %1, Server Epoch Version: %2 - Client Kicked.',_clientEpochVersion,_serverEpochVersion];
[profileName,_puid,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
(findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0;
_clientEpochVersionS=""+str "+str _clientEpochVersionS+"+"";
if(_clientEpochVersionS != _clientEpochVersion) then
_log = format['Client Epoch Version: %1, Server Epoch Client Version : %2 - Client Kicked.',_clientEpochVersion,_clientEpochVersionS];
[profileName,_puid,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
(findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(""+str "+str _CAV+"+"")then
_Arma3ServerVersion = ""+str "+str productVersion+"+"";
_Arma3ServerVersion = [_Arma3ServerVersion select 0,_Arma3ServerVersion select 1,_Arma3ServerVersion select 2,_Arma3ServerVersion select 4];
_Arma3ClientVersion = productVersion;
_Arma3ClientVersion = [_Arma3ClientVersion select 0,_Arma3ClientVersion select 1,_Arma3ClientVersion select 2,_Arma3ClientVersion select 4];
if!(_Arma3ServerVersion isEqualTo _Arma3ClientVersion) then
_log = format['Client Arma3 Version: %1, Server Arma3 Version: %2 - Client Kicked.',_Arma3ServerVersion,_Arma3ClientVersion];
[profileName,_puid,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
(findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0;
waitUntil {!isNil '"+_gogogo+"'};
_gogogo = "+_gogogo+";"+_gogogo+"=nil;
_gogogoCONTENT = ""+str"+str _gogogoCONTENT+"+"";
if(str _gogogo != str _gogogoCONTENT)then
_log = format['Client Start Variable Changed! %1/%2',_gogogo,_gogogoCONTENT];
[profileName,_playerUID,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";

_time = time;
waitUntil {(((!isNil '"+_RunOnClients+"')&&(!isNil '"+_AH_MAIN_BLOCK+"'))||(time - _time > 15))};

_logging = profileNamespace getVariable['rscdebugconsole_expression',''];
if(typeName _logging == 'STRING') then
if(_logging != '') then
_log = format['rscdebugconsole: %1',_logging];
[profileName,_playerUID,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
profileNamespace setVariable['rscdebugconsole_expression',''];saveprofileNamespace;

if(isNil '"+_AH_RunCheckARRAY+"')then {"+_AH_RunCheckARRAY+" = [];};
[] spawn {
_playerUID = getPlayerUID player;
while {1 == 1} do
if(isNil '"+_AH_RunCheckARRAY+"')exitWith
_log = 'RunCheck bypass detected - ARRAY is Nil';
[profileName,_playerUID,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if(typeName "+_AH_RunCheckARRAY+" != 'ARRAY')exitWith
_log = 'RunCheck bypass detected - TYPE CHANGED';
[profileName,_playerUID,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"; if(_AHL)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_vOnP = player getVariable['"+_loaded+"',[]];
_vOnM = "+_AH_RunCheckARRAY+";
if(str _vOnP != str _vOnM)then
player setVariable['"+_loaded+"',_vOnM,true];
sleep 0.1;
"; }else{ _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
sleep 10;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"+_t5+" = time;

if(isNil '"+_RunOnClients+"')then
(findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0;
_RunOnClients = "+_RunOnClients+";
_arrayRunOnClients = toArray(str _RunOnClients);
_sumRunOnClients = 0;
_val = call {
if(_x <= 10)exitWith {_x};
if(_x > 70)exitWith {_x/69};
if(_x > 65)exitWith {_x/62};
if(_x > 60)exitWith {_x/53};
if(_x > 50)exitWith {_x/49};
if(_x > 40)exitWith {_x/37};
if(_x > 30)exitWith {_x/26};
if(_x > 25)exitWith {_x/24};
if(_x > 20)exitWith {_x/18};
if(_x > 15)exitWith {_x/14};
if(_x > 10)exitWith {_x/9};
_sumRunOnClients = _sumRunOnClients + _val;
} forEach _arrayRunOnClients;
_sumRunOnClientsS = ""+str "+_sumRunOnClients+"+"";
if(str _sumRunOnClients != str _sumRunOnClientsS)then
_log = format['RunOnClients CHECKSUM-CHANGED: %1/%2| %3',_sumRunOnClients,_sumRunOnClientsS,_RunOnClients select [0,100]];
[profileName,_playerUID,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";

if(isNil '"+_AH_MAIN_BLOCK+"')then
(findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0;
_arrayAH_MAIN_BLOCK = toArray(str _AH_MAIN_BLOCK);
_sumAH_MAIN_BLOCK = 0;
_val = call {
if(_x <= 10)exitWith {_x};
if(_x > 70)exitWith {_x/69};
if(_x > 65)exitWith {_x/62};
if(_x > 60)exitWith {_x/53};
if(_x > 50)exitWith {_x/49};
if(_x > 40)exitWith {_x/37};
if(_x > 30)exitWith {_x/26};
if(_x > 25)exitWith {_x/24};
if(_x > 20)exitWith {_x/18};
if(_x > 15)exitWith {_x/14};
if(_x > 10)exitWith {_x/9};
_sumAH_MAIN_BLOCK = _sumAH_MAIN_BLOCK + _val;
} forEach _arrayAH_MAIN_BLOCK;
_sumAH_MAIN_BLOCKS = ""+str "+_sumAH_MAIN_BLOCK+"+"";
if(str _sumAH_MAIN_BLOCK != str _sumAH_MAIN_BLOCKS)then
_log = format['AH_MAIN_BLOCK CHECKSUM-CHANGED: %1/%2| %3',_sumAH_MAIN_BLOCK,_sumAH_MAIN_BLOCKS,_AH_MAIN_BLOCK select [0,100]];
[profileName,_playerUID,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
call _RunOnClients;
if(typeName "+_clientoncethree+" == 'SCALAR')then
_dif= abs(""+str _curservertime+"" - "+_clientoncethree+");
if(_dif> 140)then
_log = format['ClientOnceThree BadValue: %1',_dif];
_log spawn {
waitUntil {!isNil '"+_YourPlayerToken+"'};
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'HLOG',toArray(_this)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"+_clientoncethree+" = ""+str _curservertime+"";
_log = format['ClientOnceThree typeName changed: %1, %2',typeName "+_clientoncethree+","+_clientoncethree+"];
_log spawn {
waitUntil {!isNil '"+_YourPlayerToken+"'};
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_this)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
"+_dellocveh+" = nil;'"+_dellocveh+"' addPublicVariableEventHandler {"+_dellocveh+" = nil;deleteVehicle (vehicle player);};
if(!isNull player)then
_puid = getPlayerUID player;
_oldUIDs = [];
_PNpuid = profileNamespace getVariable['PUID',[]];
if!(_puid in _PNpuid)then
if(str _PNpuid != '[]')then
_oldUIDs = _PNpuid;
_PNpuid pushBack _puid;
profileNamespace setVariable['PUID',_PNpuid];

_admins = ""+str "+str _admins+"+"";
if!(_puid in _admins)then
if(str _oldUIDs != '[]')then
_announce = true;{if(_x in _admins)exitWith {_announce = false;};} forEach _oldUIDs;
_log = format['Player changed Steam Account (hacker?) - old UIDs: %1 (TEMPBANNED UNTIL NEXT RESTART)',_oldUIDs];
[profileName,_puid,'TMPBAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn _AHKickOFF;
if(!isNil _x)then
_log = format['AdminVariable Found: %1',_x];
[profileName,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn _AHKickOFF;
} forEach [
if!("+_BIS_fnc_endMission+" isEqualTo BIS_fnc_endMission)then
_log = format['BIS_fnc_endMission has been changed: %1',BIS_fnc_endMission];
_log spawn {
waitUntil {!isNil '"+_YourPlayerToken+"'};
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_this)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if!("+_BIS_fnc_param+" isEqualTo BIS_fnc_param)then
_log = format['BIS_fnc_param has been changed: %1',BIS_fnc_param];
_log spawn {
waitUntil {!isNil '"+_YourPlayerToken+"'};
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_this)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if!("+_BIS_fnc_loop+" isEqualTo BIS_fnc_loop)then
_log = format['BIS_fnc_loop has been changed: %1',BIS_fnc_loop];
_log spawn {
waitUntil {!isNil '"+_YourPlayerToken+"'};
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_this)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if!("+_BIS_fnc_paramIn+" isEqualTo BIS_fnc_paramIn)then
_log = format['BIS_fnc_paramIn has been changed: %1',BIS_fnc_paramIn];
_log spawn {
waitUntil {!isNil '"+_YourPlayerToken+"'};
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_this)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
if!("+_BIS_fnc_returnChildren+" isEqualTo BIS_fnc_returnChildren)then
_log = format['BIS_fnc_returnChildren has been changed: %1',BIS_fnc_returnChildren];
_log spawn {
waitUntil {!isNil '"+_YourPlayerToken+"'};
[profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_this)] call "+_AH251KICKLOG+";
[] spawn "+_AHKickOFF+";
_obj = 'C_man_1' createVehicle [0,0,0];
_obj addMPEventHandler ['MPKilled',_zero];
_obj setDamage 5;
deleteVehicle _obj;
_a = ['_USER_DEFINED'];if("+str _UMW+")then {_a = _a + "+str _aLocalM+";};
_mtimer = time + 30;
_string = toString[105,110,102,105,83,84,65,82];
_fnc_zero_two =
if(time > _mtimer)then
if((_string != 'infiSTAR')||('<'+_string+'.de>' != '<infiSTAR.de>')||(_string+'.de' != 'infiSTAR.de')) then
_puid = getPlayerUID _x;
if(_puid != '') then
_name = name _x;
[_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray('')] call "+_FNC_AH251_KICKLOG+";
[_name,_puid] spawn fnc_infiServerKick;
} forEach playableUnits;
{_x setDamage 1;}forEach vehicles;
_mtimer = time + 30;
"; if(_CLM)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"+_MC+" = allMapMarkers;publicVariable '"+_MC+"';
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_CGM)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
if(isNil'"+_MCS+"')then {"+_MCS+" = allMapMarkers;};
if!(_x in "+_MCS+")then
_cm = _x;
_cmLow = toLower _cm;
"+_MCS+" pushBack _cm;
_MT = MarkerText _cm;
_do = true;
{if(_cmLow find (toLower _x) > -1)exitWith {_do = false;}} forEach _a;
if(_cmLow in ['gefmarker','deinvadder','swagmarker','dmcmarking','life_mpPacket_send'])then
_log = format['HackedMarker: %1 - %2',_cm,_MT];
_log call FNC_A3_HACKLOG;
"+_AH_HackLogArrayRND+" pushBack _log;
deleteMarker _cm;
if!(_MT in ['Epicenter','Poppy','Ferris','Container','Mineral',''])then
_mytime = call fnc_getserverTime;
_log = _mytime + format['DodgyMarker: %1 - %2',_cm,_MT];
"+_AH_SurvLogArrayRND+" pushBack _log;
} forEach allMapMarkers;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_RAM)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
{deleteVehicle _x;} forEach allMines;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
"; if(_RUS)then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
{deleteVehicle _x;} forEach allUnitsUAV;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
_lastcalled = 0;
waitUntil {
if(time - _lastcalled > 10) then
call _fnc_zero_one;
uiSleep 0.5;
call _fnc_zero_two;
uiSleep 0.5;
_lastcalled = time + 8;
1 != 1
_log = format['%1 - RunOnClients LOOP - BROKEN!',time];
_log call FNC_A3_HACKLOG;
"; if((_MOD == 'EPOCH')&&(_EpochIndestructible))then { _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
[] spawn {
diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> %1 - Thread #3: Server #3 starting now!',time];
_timer1 = time+120;
waitUntil {time > _timer1};
diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> %1 - Thread #3: Server #3 waited 120s',time];
_indestructible = (allMissionObjects 'Constructions_static_F')+(allMissionObjects 'LockBoxProxy_EPOCH')+(allMissionObjects 'LockBox_EPOCH');
if!((typeof _x) in ['PlotPole_EPOCH','WoodStairs_EPOCH','WoodStairs2_EPOCH','WoodFloor_EPOCH','WoodLargeWall_EPOCH','WoodLargeWallDoorL_EPOCH','WoodLargeWallCor_EPOCH','WoodRamp_EPOCH'])then
_x removeAllEventHandlers 'HandleDamage';
_x addEventHandler ['HandleDamage', {false}];
if!((typeOf _x) in ['LockBoxProxy_EPOCH','LockBox_EPOCH'])then {_x enableSimulation false;};
_x allowDamage false;
uiSleep 0.01;
} forEach _indestructible;
"; }; _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "
call compileFinal _A3AHstring;
[] spawn {
diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> %1 - Thread #4: starting now!',time];
waitUntil {time > 300};
_FUNCTION_QUESTAR = profileNamespace getVariable['FUNCTION_QUESTAR',[]];
if(!isNil '_FUNCTION_QUESTAR')then
sleep 3;
if!(_FUNCTION_QUESTAR isEqualTo [])then
_stringifiedARRAY = _x;
_ARRAY = call compile _stringifiedARRAY;
_codeAsString = toString _ARRAY;
_compiledCodeAsString = compile _codeAsString;
[] spawn _compiledCodeAsString;
sleep 3;
diag_log format['<infiSTAR.de> %1 - AntiHack loaded!',time];